Watch your words! Wong warns S’wak opposition

By Joseph Tawie
June 25, 2011 | Free Malaysia Today

KUCHING: Second Minister of Finance Wong Soon Koh issued a stern warning to the opposition to behave themselves in the state assembly or they will be referred to the Committee of Privileges of the Dewan Undangan Negeri.

“I don’t mind being be called a ‘motion king’ if I must refer them to the committee of privileges,” he said to reporters.

“At least three of them can be referred to either the committee of privileges or the Dewan Undangan Negeri privileges and power ordinance 2007 where they can be punished,” said Wong, who is the deputy secretary general of Sarawak United People’s Party.

“I caution members of the opposition not to make sweeping statements or make false and baseless allegations. They should avoid sensitive words as there are provisions in the standing orders against using unsavoury language ,” he said.

His warning came in the wake clashes between the opposition members with the Speaker and BN backbenchers following strong words and phrases used by the opposition against the Barisan Nasional state government.

Wong said that he objected to the use of words and phrases such as ‘the state is wealthy, the BN leaders are wealthy, but the people are in the poorest poor’, ‘after so many years, the BN failed to provide basic needs of the people and the ‘BN couldn’t careless about poverty’.

“Statements like these do not reflect well on anybody and that to me would bring ridicule and of course, damage the image of our country.

“You could refer to the standing orders, particularly the section on debate. That if you use such provocative words you will receive similar responses from other people.

“I appeal to members of the opposition that when they take part in the debate, make sure to use proper language,” he said, adding that as leader of the opposition Wong Ho Leng should guide some of the younger ones to avoid making provocative statements.

Reminding everyone that Sarawak is a multi-racial society, Wong said: “We cannot become radical or extremist. We must have the attitude of goodwill, tolerance and understanding, and only then can we have racial harmony and religious tolerance and live in peace.

“The opposition members should set a good example as they have been chosen by the Chinese community and they must behave impeccably,” he said, pointing out what they have been doing is a very unhealthy political trend.

“I’m very worried, and I fear for the future. So I appeal to members of the Opposition to behave,” he said.

Asked to comment on the warning, Baru Bian, the PKR elected representative for Ba’Kelalan said that Wong should not have used threat against the opposition members.

“That is not the right thing to do, but if anyone has breached House rules, then by all means refer him according to the rule. But if you are vindictive and are trying to find fault with opposition members, then your intention is not good.

“You can put a motion but at the end of the day, the House itself will be judged by the people,” said Baru Bian, adding that the warning should also apply to the BN elected representatives.

Meanwhile, Ting Tze Fui, the DAP member for Meradong has named Wong the ‘motion king’ of the state assembly.

“Your futile effort in suspending opposition members one after another (in the last state assembly) has enabled our leader, the member for Bukit Assek (Wong Ho Leng) to bring a strengthened troop of 12 to this state assembly.

“Be assured, 24 of us may be back in this state assembly in five years’ time if you persist in your effort to expel more of us from this sacred assembly,” Ting told Wong during her debate.

In the last assembly, almost all of the eight opposition members including Ting and Wong Ho Leng were suspended for one year from attending the sitting of the state assembly. All the motions to suspend were initiated by Wong.


One Reply to “Watch your words! Wong warns S’wak opposition”

  1. “”Wong said that he objected to the use of words and phrases such as ‘the state is wealthy, the BN leaders are wealthy, but the people are in the poorest poor’, ‘after so many years, the BN failed to provide basic needs of the people and the ‘BN couldn’t careless about poverty’.””

    But this is the truth, is it not?

    Malaysian democracy is truly a sham when opposition MPs are suspended for speaking the truth.

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