Dr M blames press for worsening race relations

By Shannon Teoh | June 23, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 23 — Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad blamed press freedom today for poor race relations which, he claimed, had worsened since he stepped down as prime minister in 2003.

He said that this was because press freedom has allowed racial and religious tension to ferment in Malaysia.

“Those days we didn’t talk so much about race, showing disrespect to others. Today we talk about race and religion, putting a wedge between the different races.

“Race relations today are not as good as when ‘a dictator of 22 years’ was leading the country,” the former prime minister told a forum of chief executives today.

Dr Mahathir said that although he is made out to be a “Malay ultra and the Chinese are afraid of me,” he only managed to maintain Barisan Nasional’s (BN) two-thirds of Parliament in 1999 due to Chinese support.

“Chinese support gave me two-thirds majority despite the displeasure of Malays due to the black eye,” he said, referring to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s injury suffered in jail after he was sacked as deputy prime minister in 1998.

The 1999 election was Dr Mahathir’s last as prime minister before being succeeded by Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Despite leading BN to its best-ever showing in 2004, Abdullah was forced to resign in 2009 after BN ceded its customary two-thirds majority and five states in Election 2008.

The emergence of online media was credited as a main factor in the swing against the ruling coalition, especially in urban centres such as the Klang Valley and Penang, which saw Pakatan Rakyat (PR) win even in seats considered to be BN strongholds.


10 Replies to “Dr M blames press for worsening race relations”

  1. Another art of creating tension with Home Minister declaring it very serious threat…asking police to investigate.
    Yet open threats sopke our by Ibrahim Ali…all OK.
    Non stop to test Malaysians fear for trouble..and so…vote UMNO B in again.
    Wait for another bright idea of these crooks.

  2. //… Dr Mahathir said that although he is made out to be a “Malay ultra and the Chinese are afraid of me,” he only managed to maintain Barisan Nasional’s (BN) two-thirds of Parliament in 1999 due to Chinese support. …//

    If he intended the above to be hailed as a master-stroke of wit, he signally failed, for nobody was amused.

    But of course, we admit that though the Chinese had been wise enough to shut and lock a door against the racist and bigot, we at the same time seem to have been foolish enough to put a reprobate quisling (in the person of the then MCA president) in possession of the key.

    And for that, MCA must pay!

  3. They don’t call him fork-tongue for nothing and indeed he is living to full expectations. Always ready for self-praise and quick to finger point. That’s the old mamak alright, the father of racism who single-handedly sunk this lovely country into the racist hell hole that we find ourselves in today.

  4. /// Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad blamed press freedom today for poor race relations which, he claimed, had worsened since he stepped down as prime minister in 2003. ///

    You are damned right it is due to press freedom – particularly the freedom given to Utusan to print all kinds of seditious stuff.

  5. Hi senile old man, your memory is poor. During your time as Premier, NO ONE CAN TALK. ONLY YOU CAN TALK. You only like to hear your own voice and those of your puppets.
    So do not blame the press. It was all your poor governance that brings us to where we are today. Basically, you are responsible for all these bad racial problems. We are as divided as ever, because of you and your policies.
    Why don’t you just shut up. Better still, just disappear. You have done enough harm already. At least give Najib a chance to right your wrongs.

    We need to change the tenant at Putrajaya.

  6. Mahathir is trying to portray himself as a good PM. But he fails to realise that during his time there were no evil leaders who would condone what PERKASA is doing now. If only Mahathir is sincere in his word, he could have helped the present leadership in bringing harmony among the races. No, it was not to be. He even patrnoised PERKASA which is rattling away seditious remarks with impunity. Did Mahathir ask himself why PERKAS is so bold, if not for his support?

  7. Tdm, racial tension was created by you. There was no racial tension because you have surpressed it by controlling the printed media. It was there only covered up. So dont claim that there was no racial tension during your dictatorship.
    Don’t blame everyone else except yourself. Be a man and admit your mistakes. Or else shut up!

  8. TDM, racial tension was escalated by you when you made overt display of support for the extremist racist and religious rantings of Ibrahim Ali.

    If it is not Malay ultraism that is putting the two of you in the same bed, I don’t know what is. It cannot be politics because at the height of Semangat ’46, when IA was in Ku Nan’s camp, he was bad mouthing you and predicting and bragging that you and you cronies will end up in Pudu jail. Yet today you are bosom buddies and the only commonality I can find are your Malay ultra views and sentiments.

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