‘Hisham would have jailed his grandpa’

By Patrick Lee and Tarani Palani
June 23, 2011 | Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: Taking Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein to task over his handling of the Bersih 2.0 rally issue, DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang ropes in the Umno leader’s late grandfather.

“I would like to ask Hishammuddin would his grandfather be allowed to hold gatherings in Malaya (during the pre-independence period)?” he asked.

In 1946, Hishamuddin’s grandfather Onn Jaafar, along with many Malay leaders at the time, had rallied against the colonial government’s Malayan Union concept.

“If Hishammuddin had been there, he would have put his grandfather in jail,” Lim told reporters in Parliament.

Bersih 2.0, which is to hold its “Walk for Democracy” on July 9 to push for electoral reforms, had been denied a police permit, with the home minister warning of stern action against those who flout the law.

Commenting on the SMS death threat received by Bersih 2.0 chairperson S Ambiga, Lim claimed that the government was not serious in handling recent extremist actions.

“Those in authority have been closing their eyes to such extremism.

“If they have taken proper steps to ensure that moderates can have their rightful place in the country, and clamp down on such extremism, the country will not be in the sorry state that it is today,” he said.

Lim was also disappointed with Hishammuddin for grouping Bersih with Malay supremacist group Perkasa.

He said that Perkasa, unlike Bersih or Umno Youth, who were marching for their own reasons on the same date, did not intend to hold a peaceful rally or gather to usher democratic changes.

Anwar calls it ‘deplorable’

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim also condemned the death threat made against Ambiga.

“It is deplorable to imagine in this civilised state and date, that this continues unabated. The same perpetrators of such extremist (and) racist (acts) are tolerated, and are in some ways condoned,” the PKR supremo told reporters in Parliament.

Anwar said the threat sent to Ambiga was similar to what his daughter, Nurul Izzah, received last month.

Nurul, who is PKR vice-president and Lembah Pantai MP, received a SMS from an anonymous individual threatening to kidnap her three-year-old daughter.

“We are clearly disgusted. But what is worse, is (…) the system seeks to condone, allow and publicise this,” Anwar said.

In the SMS, an unknown sender told Ambiga that “his people” would kill Bersih 2.0 organisers and the politicians who supported the election watchdog if its July 9 “Walk for Democracy” took place.

Despite the threat, Bersih leaders vowed to forge ahead with their plans.

Hishammuddin said he viewed the death threat seriously, and promised to take action against the perpetrators.

Pursuit of justice

PAS vice-president Salahuddin Ayub meanwhile told FMT that he hoped the police would conduct a thorough investigation into the matter.

Salahuddin revealed that even some PAS leaders received the threatening SMS.

“We have discussed the matter in our central committee meeting. Our top leaders and members will all be there at the rally – that includes our spiritual leader Nik Aziz Nik Mat and president Hadi Awang,” he said when contacted.

PAS had previously said that it will mobilise around 100,000 of its supporters for the rally. However in the latest development, party president Hadi was quoted by party mouthpiece Harakah Daily in ordering all its one million party members to join the rally.

Asked if the allegation made in the SMS regarding Ambiga trying to divide the Malay society, Salahuddin rubbished the claim by saying: “Bersih is more than race politics, it is about the pursuit of democracy and fairness.”

MCA Youth chief Wee Ka Siong also condemned the death threat, saying that it was not an appropriate means of action in a civilized society.

Wee, who has said that MCA will not join Umno Youth in its march come July 9, added that one should follow the law and order to voice their concerns instead of using such threats.

“We live n a civil society, whether or not we agree or disagree, we should express that in accordance to the law,” the Ayer Hitam MP told FMT.

PKR’s R Sivarasa who played an influential role during the first Bersih gathering on November 2007 called the threat “politically motivated”.

“Death threats are not new. But with the first Bersih we didn’t face any death threats but faced other similar threats like being put in jail and so on,” he said.


8 Replies to “‘Hisham would have jailed his grandpa’”

  1. A bloke who digraced his fore-parents and have no respect for the elders is considered a “Kurang ajar creep”
    Corruption and power bring arrogance and egoism…one finds many in those calling
    themselves, ketuanan melayu nincampoos!

  2. Those corrupted politicians are worry BERSIH clean fairer transparent election caused they will surely lose… maybe they won because of fault/corruption so clean mean lose

    After 13th Election, those corrupted politicians worry they may line up to JAILs as CRIMINALS.

  3. “Those in authority have been closing their eyes to such extremism.”

    Absolutely. It is because the BN Govt has chosen not to take actions against the likes of Ibrahim Ali after his blatantly extremist provocations for reasons best known to themselves that is encouraging all these death threats.

    And if anyone is expecting the PDRM to take action, forget it. Just take all the precautions yourselves.

  4. Hishamuddin Hussein has proved to Malaysians and the world that he has fail miserably to perform the duties he was sworn to when appointed to the position of Home Minister.When DS Najib took over as PM he appointed Hisham as HM. During Hisham’s tenure as HM many controversial incidents have taken place.

    The most prominent ones were the cow head, Christrian bible,Interlok,Christians vs Muslims,Abrahim Ali’s crusade or jihad,Utusan’s headlines about the Christians vs Muslim issue,Datuk T trio and the recent Abrahim Ali and his Perkasa calling for violence and bloodshed against the Bersih participants.

    All this scandalous incidents are being participated by members of his ruling party UMNO or NGO’s affiliated to it.His Home Ministry has no problem sending in the PDRM and MACC for alleged minor offences most suited for the traffic police against opposition party members.But all the racial and bigotry incidents stirred up by holigans and paid goons affiliated to or members of his party Umno were left unchecked.

    During the recent Christians vs Muslim incident,when Abrahim Ali called for a jihad and UM’s irresponsible publishing of this incident Hishamuddin was issue a challenge by a retired well decorated officer of our Royal Malaysian Armed Forces.I quote what Brigadier General (retired) Datuk Mohamad Arshad Raji said.”To the Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein, you have to act mean and fast,and do not let the instigators and those behind the reports be left scot free.The people knows who own UM and if you fear to act professionally, then you deserve to be called a COWARD”. What say you,Hisham.

  5. Aiyah,no need talk already la!Bersih,GO!GO!We want once and for all a true democratic nation where everyone can finally regards each other as hi..bros,uncles,aunties and so on.When can Malaysian see this coming leh….!!Ah yoo yoo!

  6. ‘Hisham would have jailed his grandpa’

    Cannt dis one lah, he wasn’t even born yet. However, he grandpa would had gladly flushed him into the toilet bowl the moment he was born if he (the grandpa) had known the disgrace that grandchild is going to bring to that noble family

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