Ibrahim Ali as guilty as hell

I have seen the video recording of the speech by the Perkasa President Ibrahim Ali at the launch of the Bersih 2.0 counter-protest in Kampung Baru in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday and there can be no doubt that he is as guilty as hell in his incendiary, inciteful and treasonous “Chinese should stock up food” tirade.

If the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussin and the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sir Ismail Ismail Omar have not seen the video recording, I can send them a copy of the video.

The question is why the paralysis of the Home Minister and the Inspector-General of Police in the past three days when confronted by Ibrahim Ali’s open contempt for the law and the authorities?

Is this because the face of Ibrahim Ali is increasingly coming to represent the real power in Umno politics – replacing that of Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Ibrahim is a certified clown and utterly irrelevant – what is pertinent is the real power in UMNO that he is fronting for, to the extent that the Prime Minister, Home Minister and the Inspector-General of Police feel utterly impotent!

There have been mounting calls for Ibrahim Ali to be detained under the Internal Security Act to protect law and order in Malaysia.

I do not agree with the use of ISA, which should be repealed altogether.

Ibrahim should not be detained under the ISA but should be arrested and charged in court as a lowly criminal in inciting unrest and bloodshed in multi-racial Malaysia, hoping for another May 13 after 42 years.

Hishammuddin should resign as Home Minister and Ismail relinquish his post as IGP if they cannot discharge such an elementary duty and handle a criminal nuisance posed by Ibrahim Ali.


19 Replies to “Ibrahim Ali as guilty as hell”

  1. ‘Ibrahim is a certified clown and utterly irrelevant…..’.

    This man is no clown and is fully aware of what he is doing and saying. He speaks what is in his heart and he just speaks out blindly, not caring for the consequences of his words and deeds. He is but a plain bully who must have his way through brute force if necessary.

    His antics indicate he is very insecure, volatile and unpredictable and is clearly a danger to the public. Even the powers there be have been intimidated and cowed by him.

    Ibrahim Ali rules.

  2. “If the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussin and the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sir Ismail Ismail Omar have not seen the video recording, I can send them a copy of the video.” kit

    All of know that the SB would have recorded the whole proceedings on tape and video with a load of photographs.

    The entire event was sponsored by UMNO and PDRM. We know and you kno Perkasa acts on behalf of UMNO.
    That was why a permit was given 24 hours before the photo burning event.
    Muhyiddin (the puppet master) wants to show the world that Najib is weak PM.

  3. Since Najib is doing nothing at all, it is of interest to all the Rakyat of Malaysia that the Cabinet should invoke the section 43(4) of the Federal Constitution Act for removing the PM.

  4. it doesnt matter what you are rallying for…environment…help us get better oxygen, this ibrahim ali can easily turn it into a racial issue…if u rally for human rights, this moron can also turn it into a racial issue…even if you rally for the poor, help them uplift our economy, ask for better transportation and public facilities, fight drugs,fight crime..this guy CAN also make it into a racial issue…this is all in his tiny brain…nothing else…but a bird brain with guts…tat’s deadly…(imagine a cartoon character with small head and big body trying to take over the world, which in this case, Malaysia).at the international view, he is just a moron, with 0.00000001% media exposure…he will never be able to justify his action…he can only start a fire, but never really know why he lit up the fire in the first place.

  5. ///Ibrahim should not be detained under the ISA but should be arrested and charged in court as a lowly criminal in inciting unrest and bloodshed in multi-racial Malaysia, hoping for another May 13 after 42 years.///

    The ISA & Sedition Act are not the only legislations if one is against the principle of deploying them. Our Penal Code (S 505) makes a criminal offence for anyone to make statement with intent to incite or which is likely to incite any class or community of persons to commit any offence against any other class or community.

    To however show he incited one group to commit violence is not that easy.
    For Ibrahim apparently has done some homework – though skirting at the thin ice between what is lawful and that which is not. His line of argument is principally that he was merely giving a warning that others (mischievous) (not himself or his group) might capitalise on the situation (of Bersih’s march) to cause violence. So he’s doing public a service by giving the warning.

  6. What IA could not so readily explain is why his statements specifically targetted the Chinese (and not others) to stay home/stock food against the backdrop of a clear reference to May 13 and choosing to kick off his Bersih 2.0 counter-protest in Kampung Baru, where May 13 started.

    It is allegory and symbolism of what he did in combination with the statement that Chinese in particular should stay home – thats how he made his point (obliquely) – that might be construed as inciting than actually the exact words of what he said (as reported).

    The usefulness of using symbolism (by part actions & part words) is that together they make a point of delivering a veiled threat of violence when separately each part (whether action or words alone) when examined on a standalone/separate basis does not infer or conclusively establish the inciting element, thereby giving him the benefit of interpretation and doubt.

  7. ALL malaysian support BERSIH and can do it by wearing BERSIH hat/shirt/flat ,daily /on spacial day(9/7/11)at any place work or play,no need to do it on streets because police or others bad will person will take this oppunity to attack with media/ create dis order and blame BERSIH, so do it at big stadium/open space field and at all state must organise it at 9/7/11

  8. One clown replacing another…and guess who is doing it?
    Today Ibrahim Ali is performing. Najib’s clowning won’t work. Get a bigger clown.
    The government seems to be managing a bunch of clowns…for circus acts.
    This Ali..is the best…talk big ..calling for a fight..and then says he was misquoted.
    Millions watched the video….saw Ali openly insulting and instigating for a fight with oppositon supporters..yet Home Minister and Police say not offensive.
    What have we not seen and heard enough.
    When will the 13th GE date be announced and be done with all these nonsense?

  9. May I humbly correct your headings for this article. Najib and Mad-hat-tir, is guilty as hell. IA is a clown, the puppet. He does not know any better. Not that we are trying to excuse him.
    The real culprit is Najib for not stating clearly the government’s position. He is guilty as hell, by crime of omission, and Mad-hat-tir, he is the puppet master.
    Anyway, that is not so relevant anymore. We must march for a clean and fair election.

    Of course, we must change the tenant at Putrajaya.

  10. He broke the law allright but then there are a long line of people who have already done it and nothing was done including Utusan, Marah Ku, Bigdog blogger and Zakir Mohammad, Datuk T, and many long list of them..

    We just have Razaleigh said that the takeover of Perak is illegal, so Najib should be hauled up including all the judges who intentionally ruled wrongly..

    The list just goes on and on…

  11. it is interesting to note that in Ibrahim’s pathetic attempt to dodge accountability, he mentioned that chinese do not participate and he is targeting his wrath, or hyprocracy or whatever, at Malays who are attending the rally.

    now since when he turn against the very segment he vowed with a foammy mouth to defend to the rot of his worthless soul?

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