Kit Siang slams inaction over Ibrahim’s veiled threats

By Debra Chong | June 20, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 20 — Calling it the most “bloodcurdling and incendiary” statement made in public, DAP’s Lim Kit Siang questioned today Putrajaya’s silence against Perkasa’s warning to ethnic Chinese to “stay home” and “stock up on food” on July 9.

Perkasa president Datuk Ibrahim Ali, who founded the grassroots Malay nationalist group, had yesterday launched a counter-strike to the July 9 public rally organised by electoral reform group Bersih 2.0.

There, he declared “If the Bersih rally is not cancelled… I believe the Chinese community will have to stock up on food”.

“If an emergency declared, will the Agong be able to appoint a caretaker leader? Maybe they (the opposition) will take to the streets and demand that they take over the government,” the Independent Pasir Mas MP added.

Lim, who is Ipoh-Timur MP, said he was shocked by his parliamentary colleague’s provocative remarks, highlighting that the Bersih campaign is about free and fair elections and had nothing to do with race.

He demanded the federal government explain why no action has been taken against Ibrahim.

“The question is not about the tirade from Ibrahim Ali but why has he been given the immunity and impunity to make such provocation.

“Why is the home minister, the prime minister and the IGP closing their eyes to such provocation and strengthening the impression they are complicit or conspiring with such a threat?” the seasoned DAP politician asked.

He added that it was not only Ibrahim but Umno-owned newspaper, Utusan Malaysia, which was behind the move to “demonise the Bersih campaign in racial terms and to subvert the democratic process and topple a democratically-elected government, without basis”.

The opposition leader said the show of muscle reflected the desperation of the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition’s lynchpin, Umno.

“They know they’re in their last months of power because they have lost the public’s confidence,” Lim told The Malaysian Insider.

Klang MP Charles Santiago slammed Ibrahim for Perkasa’s provocative stand, labelling the latter an “unmitigated bigot”.

“By focusing on the Chinese, he is saying that the Chinese are weak politically, cowing them into subordination,” he said.

Santiago, who is also a DAP member, echoed Lim in saying the Bersih march was not about Chinese, Indian or Malays but fighting for a level playing field in Malaysia.

“This is a wakeup call. We don’t need bigots like Ibrahim Ali, he is a man looking for relevance,” he said.

Perkasa had kicked off its “Peace March” at the centre of Malay nationalism, the Kelab Sultan Sulaiman in Kampung Baru here yesterday by burning images of Bersih chairman Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan.

Its self-declared “war general”, Ibrahim, said Perkasa will also march on July 9 if Bersih does, but washed his hands off responsibility for any untoward incident that might happen on that day.

“Yes, anything can happen. And so I ask the police to act and use whatever powers are at their disposal,” he told some 500 supporters at the launch.


2 Replies to “Kit Siang slams inaction over Ibrahim’s veiled threats”

  1. When an animal is about to be sacrifice it always let out a one last time bloodcurdling scream.Umno and Abrahim Ali knows that if Abrahim Ali were to stand as an Umno candidate in this coming election he will definitely lose his deposit.So they decided in the best interest of Umno that the clown be the sacrificial lamb.That is the clown’s screams we are hearing.

    This Abrahim Ali is a paid mecenary.He will sell his pride and dignity for pennies.That’s how much he is worth.All the plundering of the nation’s wealth by his masters have caused the nations coffers to be empty.This has forced the government to withdraw subsidies for essential foodstuffs.This has caused the already stretched consumers further hardship.The majority of these consumers are his relatives,friends and fellow Malays.

    Abrahim Ali,the self proclaimed “champion of the Malays” fighting for Malay rights.Where was he when his fellow Malays needed him.His fellow Malays are suffering because of the high prices in essential foodstuffs.Mind him,this are neccesities not luxury goods.When he is needed by his people to scream he was nowhere to be seen or heard.That is the coward and pariah he is,hiding under his wife’s sarong.Where was he when his fellow Malays were demonstrating against Lynas.He wouldn’t dare show his toady face.If he would have showed up his master would have slapped him in front ot the crowd.

    This Abrahim Ali is a sissy.If not for his masters standing behind prodding him he would be quite as a “tikus”.He is just a barking trouble making animal,making all the noises because his cowardly masters dare not show their faces.He is just a tool to be discarded after their usefullness has expired.It is the hidden hands behind this clown that we have to be careful about.

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