Kit Siang demands action against Perkasa

By Joseph Sipalan
Jun 20, 11 | MalaysiaKini

Senior opposition parliamentarian Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Ipoh Timor) today demanded that the government take a clear position on Perkasa and its recent string of allegedly seditious statements against the upcoming Bersih 2.0 rally this July 9.

In trademark style, Lim (left) made clear his incredulity over Perkasa’s controversial behaviour as he hammered both the government and the right wing Malay rights NGO for the growing tension surrounding the planned mass gathering.

“Never in the history of Malaysia, since independence, have such threats been made so openly.

“Most recently the Perkasa president commented on stocking up food… this is a threat to the Chinese. To all the ministers, what’s your stance?” he asked when debating the supplementary supply bill in Parliament.

Yesterday, Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali said during the launch of their counter-protest against Bersih 2.0 that “anything can happen” if the rally goes ahead, adding that the Chinese would most likely have to “stock up” on food at home.

Lim said Ibrahim’s statement makes a mockery of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s 1Malaysia campaign, for the simple fact that the Perkasa president can openly issue allegedly racial and religiously-charged threats without fear of the law.

“The issue is not Ibrahim Ali. He is just a clown… the issue is why he can make such threats? Why have we come to this stage? What is 1Malaysia?

“There was jihad, all the treasonous allegations… why the impunity? Where is the rule of law?” he said, referring to Ibrahim’s holy war speech last month.

‘Perkasa speaks for Umno?’

Lim also attacked the government for its hard-line position against the rally while at the same time being allegedly non-committal when it comes to Perkasa, questioning the government’s motivations.

“Is it because he (Ibrahim) speaks for select Umno leaders? You can oppose, but why threaten the Chinese by saying they will have to stock up (on food)?

“Our electoral system is so flawed. We want a clean system. Why (counter-protest) on the same date? This is not expression, but provocation.

“This is a peaceful gathering… is the Bersih rally capable of toppling the government? What’s wrong with toppling the Umno/BN government?” he said.

Ibrahim later stood in defence of Perkasa’s opposition to the rally, throwing back the question of the gathering’s legality to Lim and Bersih 2.0 leaders S Ambiga and PAS deputy president Muhamad Sabu.

“I have said there was the possibility of a clash, but at the same time I said if they cancel (their rally), we will also cancel… when the police say it is illegal, and no permit will be issued, is it not wrong (to hold the rally) and a threat to national security?” he said when interjecting during Muhamad Aziz’s (BN-Sri Gading) (right) turn to debate.

Muhamad Aziz threw his support behind Ibrahim, saying that he sees “nothing seditious” about the Perkasa chief’s statements.

“This rally is a move to show unrest in the country, when there is no such thing. The Malays, Chinese and Indians live together in harmony.

“The majority of the rakyat love peace, so before seeking the cure, we should prevent. Before this (rally) happens, arrest this former Bar Council president and Mat Sabu,” he said.


15 Replies to “Kit Siang demands action against Perkasa”

  1. This Abrahim Ali of Perkasa can get away with anything as long as he doesn’t offend the patron of Perkasa.As long as his patron is standing tall and always standing behind him there is nothing Najib,Hishamuddin or the IGP can do.Every Umno warlord is as quiet as a mouse.Only loose cannon Minister Nasri the ex-sparring partner of Dr. Mahathir is the only one who dare smack this clown in public.

  2. The inaction against PERKASA leader implies that UMNO is with them…. PERKASA is a proxy of UMNO…….. after all the Home Minister is none other than the KERIS-wielding ex-UMNO youth chief -Hishamuddin, who had sang a similar tune not too long ago..

    PERKASA and UTUSAN MALAYSIA appeared to have enjoyed some sort of immunity from prosecution – whenever the break the country’s law…

  3. = UMNO-BN needs to instill fear of Opposition and being anti-Government in the people.

    = UMNO-BN can no longer be the ones issuing the threats, this has proven to be unsuccessful.

    = Therefore, PERKASA is their solution.

    We can cry and shout all we like about the seditious remarks made by Ibrahim Ali and PERKASA (which we should, to highlight and remind everybody how wrong it is) but honestly, do not expect any action to be taken against him at all by the government nor the police.

    At least not until the police and other authorities are free of the suppression laid down by UMNO-BN, which can only happen if BN are voted out of government at next GE.


  4. Old Abraham Ali and his wife were married for many years…, even though they hated each other. Whenever there was a confrontation, yelling could be heard deep into the night. Old Abraham would shout, ‘When I die, I will dig my way up and out of the grave and come back and haunt you for the rest of your life!’

    To everyone’s relief, he died of a heart attack. After the funeral, his wife went straight to the local bar and began to party, dacing the poco-poco as if there was no tomorrow.

    Her neighbors, concerned for her safety, asked, ‘Aren’t you afraid that he may indeed be able to dig his way out of the grave and haunt you for the rest of your life?’

    Mrs Abraham put down her drink and said, ‘Let him dig. I had him buried upside down. He would dig his way out the other side of Earth. And you know men won’t ask for directions.’

  5. Firstly,why bring in racial issue and chinese for coming rally.Totally irrelevant of this guy and is obvious to common sense for action must be taken by charging him to seditious act.
    Secondly,if PM really have will to see Malaysia heading towards a vision as aspire by his 1Malaysia and transformation goal he should or rather making a recommendation asking Ambiga S be assigned a key post in SPR to improve a better system for Malaysia instead.
    Sometimes, we fail to move forward because of ignorance to see from another way by denial of truth that Malaysia really need change!
    Again I thank Khairy for his very independent mature comment about Perkasa’s racial intent for which will damage our nation if overlook by authority. That’s a very positive vision by example for future of malaysian youth with understanding and tolerance. This is not really too political incline!

  6. Hear! Hear! The issue is lawlessness, basic break down of written rules of society. Ibrahim Ali is a law-breaker and nothing is done about it. He is not dangerous, he is not a threat. The danger and threat is a BN govt that does not enforce the law, that does not do its basic job. Its a govt paid by the rakyat, the politicians richly rewarded crookedly, but yet the BN govt think it don’t EVEN have to do its job

  7. YB Lim, your demand will simply fall on deaf ears! This mad dog is the creation of the Indian man from Kerala and he will be well shielded and above the laws of the land. KJ said, “Malays are honorable people…” surely, he was not including the the “Black Malay”

  8. Katak king is again croaking brazenly and impudently. Perhaps he is lonely and looking for an obedient queen katak or perhaps he is getting a bit senile. If the Government still do not take appropriate action after his recent spate of seditious utterances, we will just assume that he is acting on behalf of some powerful guys within UMNO and hence can be above the law. In this respect, I think Khairy deserves our support for voicing out against this irresponsible person. If he is not reined in immediately, who knows this crazy person may one day try to outdo Abdul Aziz by leaping onto the roof of the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall and demand for the citizenship of the Chinese to be revoked if they don’t vote for the BN.

  9. Firstly,why bring in racial issue and chinese for coming rally.Totally irrelevant of this guy and is obvious to common sense for action must be taken by charging him to seditious act.
    Secondly,if PM really have will to see Malaysia heading towards a vision as aspire by his 1Malaysia and transformation goal he should or rather making a recommendation asking Ambiga S be assigned a key post in SPR to improve a better system for Malaysia instead.

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