Lawmaker sees red over his ‘pig head’

By Kuek Ser Kuang Keng
Jun 16, 11 | MalaysiaKini

A DAP assemblyperson in Selangor is seeing red after finding a photograph of him superimposed with a pig’s nose in a blog posting that also contained a fabricated ‘report’ that he had attempted sabotage his counterparts in PAS.

Sekinchan assemblyperson Ng Suee Lim submitted a printed copy of the doctored picture as well as a copy of the blog posting in his complaint filed at the Sekinchan police station yesterday.

The offending picture and posting were found on pro-Umno blog ‘Sungai Rapat Online’.

“I suspect the blog is owned by Perak exco member Hamidah Osman or her supporters, because 90 percent of the content is about her,” Ng told Malaysiakini when contacted.

Hamidah is the Umno assemblyperson for Sungai Rapat.

The doctored photograph was found in a posting dated June 14, titled “DAP menyambut baik pengguguran Hasan Ali daripada sebarang jawatan dalam PAS” (DAP welcomes decision to drop Hasan Ali from all posts in PAS).

Ng claimed that the report was fabricated as he has never been interviewed by the blog or said the things attributed to him in the report.

“The content of the blog report is baseless and a form of criminal defamation. Therefore, I demand that the police investigate,” he said.

The posting quoted him as saying that the decision to drop Hasan was a valuable gift to Selangor DAP as the former Selangor PAS commissioner was a hurdle to the unity of Pakatan Rakyat parties in the state.

According to the posting, Ng is also alleged to have said, “… we (DAP) don’t like (Hasan). But I heard he has disturbed DAP representatives.

Utusan Malaysia also in the act

“Hasan is also seen as different from other PAS state leaders because he is seen as being more keen to find faults with DAP representatives. We know how Hasan attacked (DAP state exco member) Ronnie Liu before.”

The blog posting is similar to a report published by Utusan Malaysia on Tuesday. The posting appears to have been copied and modified from the Utusan report, with the only difference being Ng’s quotes.

Ng in his police report also accused Utusan of fabricating the report because the daily had never interviewed him on the matter, and he had never made such statements anywhere.

A check by Malaysiakini at 5pm yesterday showed that the posting had been removed about two hours after Ng made his police report.

However, a thumbnail image of the doctored photograph of Ng and the title of the posting can still be seen on the front page of the blog.

Following the victory of the non-ulama team in the recent PAS party polls, Hasan, who is seen as aligned to the pro-ulama faction, was replaced by Meru assemblyperson Dr Abdul Rani Osman as the Selangor commissioner last Sunday.

Both Umno and Utusan have been slamming the Islamic party for marginalising the ulama faction, a clear sign that PAS has digressed from its Islamic struggle.


3 Replies to “Lawmaker sees red over his ‘pig head’”

  1. Actually I don’t get it why the assemblymen is offended. Its actually more defamation than offensive. Pigs are not offensive to a Chinese. Its unflattering maybe but not offensive. They offensive are to Muslims and hence the action is defamation of Ng to his Muslims constituents. I say sue for defamation – the damage to this reputation is at least in the millions..

  2. So this is it. The way umno cybertroopers counter allegedly false info (based strictly on umno’s perverted and biased perspective) in the internet.

    We expect the umno cybertrooper to explain umno’s policies etc. As government of the day, they have a duty to account, explain and pursuade the people. Not insult, ignore, threaten and now ridicule the people.

    By ridiculing instead of explaining, the supposedly false info would continue to drift in the net as false info. That means umno and its cybertroopers would have failed in their efforts to put right some wrongs, if there were indeed any.

    On the other hand, by choosing to ridicule instead of explaining, it could very well mean that the allegedly wrong info were indeed true and not wrong as umno made them out to be. That is to say, umno having no guts to face them, umno decided to take the desperate measure of ridiculing the people – behave as a big opposition party to the people.

    Habis umno. Habis. Nampaknya u dah lupa peranan u sebagai kerajaan.

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