Kit Siang adds voice to Sarbaini RCI call

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
June 15, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 15 — Lim Kit Siang wants the government to override the decision by the police and Attorney-General to hold an inquest for the late Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamed, and instead convene a royal commission to investigate the death.

Lim said that the Cabinet should heed the call made by the late Custom officer’s son, Shahril Ahmad, that the family preferred a royal commission of inquiry (RCI).

Shahril earlier said it would be harder to determine the cause of Sarbaini’s death through an inquest and that this would delay the pursuance of justice.

“Sarbaini’s son has called for an RCI, which is what we (DAP) have been advocating from the very beginning.

“The Cabinet should override the police and the A-G’s decision for an inquest… an RCI is needed in the case of public interest and to restore confidence in the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC),” he told reporters today.

The inquest, to be presided over by Coroner Aizatul Akmal Maharani, was set for July 4 to 15 at the magistrate’s court.

In the inquest of political aide Teoh Beng Hock, who also died while under the supervision of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), the coroner ruled out both suicide and homicide, and returned an open verdict.

Sarbaini, 56, was found dead on the badminton court of the MACC building at Jalan Cochrane around 10.20am on April 6, barely two hours after walking in.

His death occurred when Teoh’s RCI was still ongoing and delivered a huge blow to the anti-graft body’s already-battered credibility.

Prior to this, Sarbaini’s family had also called on the police to explore the latest allegations made by blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin before calling for an inquest.

Raja Petra, in a post on his Malaysia Today website on Monday, claimed the police had conducted a thorough check on Sarbaini’s assets and found no unusual or extraordinary wealth.

Raja Petra also accused MACC of trying to tarnish Sarbaini’s name following his death.

In Parliament yesterday, a motion by the opposition calling for Sarbaini’s death to be debated in the House was rejected by Deputy Speaker Datuk Ronald Kiandee, who ruled that the matter was not “urgent”.


2 Replies to “Kit Siang adds voice to Sarbaini RCI call”

  1. The issue concerning the death of this customs Officer should be viewed wholely from whether he had died without a fair trial. It should not be related if that Department has been playing an effective role as a revenue collector. After all these years and the fact that you have ‘ a tribal perception of things’ over there; the basic conclusion is clear. As to why the Gomen has allowed such ‘tribal mind-set ‘ to be inculcated over the last 30 years, we all know the architect’s design. Let the main supporting community have its fun and ‘leave me alone’ to do what I like! After a while, it becomes ‘ my territory’ and ‘your territory’ mind-set. Slowly but surely the nation’s resources are being carved out among the ‘tribes’. You can’t possibly change then overnight without causing some upheavals. Many would know the way holders of Car APs had been allowed to bring cars into the PCAs [ principal Customs Areas] without taxes as high as 300% being paid. Don’t tell the world that those officers have no memory of what and who they are? We have created a monster no, many monsters in the society, all looking for Easy cash! So we have to live with it….. i.e. until ALL Malasyians decides otherwise…….

  2. Tak tahu otak mereka semua dah pegi ke mana. Jangan2 terkeluar dari belakang lalu masuk terus ke WC. Habis tu. Habis kita. Nasib ada GE13.

    Sodomy I by umno. A massive bungle-up. Now sodomy II, again by umno. Another massive massive bungle-up round 2. Oh boy. Sex tape I produced by datuk T for umno (involving someone i believe to be tamby and an indon pros). Backfired bigtime into umno’s rear. Now sex tape II (allegedly involved someone in pas). A second backfire is launched upon themselves. Again. But his second tape will also backfire for sure and this time it will tear umno’s rear apart. Phaaark! dont they ever learn? Beng hock’s self-strangulation. Mess still not cleared yet. Now Sarbaini. Further mess heaped upon the yet to be cleared beng hock’s mess. Yo. Dah jadi bukit tu, bro. And you think that is all? Nah. Nude squat I by umno’s police officers. Info on this nude squat I has gone on record in wikipedia, people. How embarrassing. And guess what? Nude squat II. We are doomed. We have monkeys in umno. No. Less than monkeys. Monkeys do learn. At least when “monkey see, monkey do”.

    Kick umno out in GE13.

    Meanwhile let’s celebrate the July 9th street party in kuala lumpur.

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