DAP and Dayak Think Tank

By: Dr. John Brian Anthony
16 June 2011 | Dayakbaru.com

The idea of Dayak Think Tank is not new but the “will and positive” action by DAP to want to make it happen is new. No Dayak Based party in BN would want to form a Dayak Think Tank for fear of because accused of a narrow agenda for Dayak, basically they do not want be branded as Dayak Racialist party. Other then that, the BN component Dayak based parties shouted on top of their voice that they are championing Dayak interest. But the evidence of their effort to cahmpion Dayak interest is not there.

A Dayak Think Tank is therefor very important. Tan Sri William Mawan talked about such initiative in private. But without the proper ground work and finance and leadership effort how will that happen. it is left at empty talk and nothing more. Educated and society active Dayak took their journey to promote change. without proper platform they adopted PKR and hopefully they choose DAP too in time to come. Continue reading “DAP and Dayak Think Tank”

Kit Siang adds voice to Sarbaini RCI call

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
June 15, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 15 — Lim Kit Siang wants the government to override the decision by the police and Attorney-General to hold an inquest for the late Ahmad Sarbaini Mohamed, and instead convene a royal commission to investigate the death.

Lim said that the Cabinet should heed the call made by the late Custom officer’s son, Shahril Ahmad, that the family preferred a royal commission of inquiry (RCI).

Shahril earlier said it would be harder to determine the cause of Sarbaini’s death through an inquest and that this would delay the pursuance of justice.

“Sarbaini’s son has called for an RCI, which is what we (DAP) have been advocating from the very beginning. Continue reading “Kit Siang adds voice to Sarbaini RCI call”

At least 41 websites hacked, no data compromised

Jun 16, 11 | MalaysiaKini

At least 41 government websites were hacked into overnight but no personal or financial data were compromised, officials said today, as the Malaysia becomes the latest target of a cyber-war waged by the activists.

In the attacks, 51 websites were hit and at least 41 of these sites were disrupted, industry regulator Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission said.

The attacks, which began shortly before midnight yesterday, follow a warning by Internet vigilante group Anonymous, which said it would attack the government’s official portal to punish it for censoring WikiLeaks, the website that aims to expose governments and corporations by leaking secret documents.

hacked parliament”Our monitoring of the situation showed that there was a reduced level of attacks by 4am this morning and upon further evaluation, so far, we gauge that there has been little impact on Malaysian users as a result,” the communications commission said in a statement.
Continue reading “At least 41 websites hacked, no data compromised”

Economic Development Reverses Brain Drain

By M. Bakri Musa

A recent World Bank Report concludes that Malaysia risks jeopardizing its economic development if it does not ameliorate its “brain drain” problem. The Bank singles out the country’s affirmative action program as a major contributor to the problem.

Brain drain, as the Bank rightly acknowledges, is a universal problem. For the Bank to conclude as it did, it must present comparative international data showing that Malaysia’s problem is worse off than those without similar affirmative action programs. Alas, this is precisely the glaring deficiency of the report, its lack of comparative data.

The Report nonetheless contains a wealth of valuable data. However, as the information sage Edward Tufte observed, nature’s laws are causal; they reveal themselves by comparison and difference. This absence of comparisons makes the report’s conclusion not credible.
Continue reading “Economic Development Reverses Brain Drain”

Yen Yen claims Facebook pages free, contradicts reply in Parliament

By Shannon Teoh
June 15, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, June 15 — With Barisan Nasional (BN) and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) both demanding an explanation for the tourism ministry’s RM1.8 million Facebook campaign, Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen denied any wrongdoing today and accused DAP of twisting the truth.

“The opposition just goes around saying it’s for Facebook. They are twisting the issue.

“The Facebook pages do not cost a single sen. This is a social media advertising, promotions and branding campaign and also data collection,” the MCA vice president told reporters today.

However, her contention that the Facebook pages were free appeared to contradict her ministry’s detailed account of the cost for each page. Continue reading “Yen Yen claims Facebook pages free, contradicts reply in Parliament”

Mat Sabu tells cops to shield Bersih protestors

By Boo Su-Lyn
June 16, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KLANG, June 16 — PAS deputy president Mohamad Sabu has urged the police to protect protestors at the Bersih 2.0 rally next month instead of working to prevent them from gathering.

Mohamad pointed out that in the West authorities usually ensured the safety of protestors, unlike the recent revolts in the Middle East where demonstrators were killed by government forces.

“The police here should not imitate the police in the Middle East,” he said at a ceramah here last night.

“We acknowledge the strength of the police. They can arrest us under the ISA (Internal Security Act), launch tear gas, and kick us. [But what] do you profit by doing that to the rakyat?” asked Mohamad, more popularly known as Mat Sabu. Continue reading “Mat Sabu tells cops to shield Bersih protestors”

And they think we are stupid

By Othman Wahab
June 16, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

JUNE 16 — Ibrahim Ali thinks he is a brilliant strategist and Umno is confident that it is onto something and Khalid Abu Bakar, the deputy inspector-general of police for Umno, performed just like a politician did.

Of course, I am referring to the moves to stop civic-minded Malaysians from gathering on July 9 and protesting about election shortcomings. The Bersih 2 rally is now not likely to happen, with police threatening tough action (they can’t nab criminals but they can bully tax payers. That is what happens when an institution becomes politicised).

As pointed out by Raja Petra Kamarudin, blogger extraordinaire, the government is worried at the prospect of huge turnout, concerned that momentum could build towards coming polls. They are also worried about the impact of Arab uprising here, despite protestations by the government that Malaysia is not like Egypt. Continue reading “And they think we are stupid”

Utusan comic strip insulted Islam, say Muslim scholars

By Syed Mu’az Syed Putra and Debra Chong
June 15, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 15 — Persatuan Ulama Malaysia (PUM) has accused Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia of insulting Islam with a comic strip published today, which the society said was based on an incorrect reading of the religion’s laws.

The 4,000-strong Muslim scholars’ society demanded the authorities charge the cartoonist and the publisher for insulting Islam, saying the publication of the misleading cartoon had portrayed in a negative light the religion of the majority in multicultural Malaysia at a time when Muslims were seen to lack religious knowledge.

PUM was referring to a two-panel comic strip on page 15 of the Malay daily today titled “Kekeliruan kes rogol” [“Confusion in rape cases”] depicting a tudung-clad woman seeking advice after being raped. Continue reading “Utusan comic strip insulted Islam, say Muslim scholars”

Government portal down, 27 others defaced

By Shannon Teoh
June 16, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 16 — Operation Malaysia launched by the international hacker group known as Anonymous has succeeded in not just bringing down the official website of the Malaysian government, but also spawned attacks on at least 27 other websites.

These include at least five other government sites such as the webpages of the information ministry, the fire and emergency services department and the land public transport commission.

As of 8.30am, malaysia.gov.my remained inaccessible, while other hackers appear to have taken it upon themselves to target sites like Sabah’s tourism website (sabahtourism.com) and the Tour Malaysia travel guide (tourmalaysia.com.my).

On the Sabah Tourism webpage, hackers claimed to have extracted the details of more than 3,400 of the site’s users and posted the particulars of 392 accounts. Continue reading “Government portal down, 27 others defaced”

Lawmaker sees red over his ‘pig head’

By Kuek Ser Kuang Keng
Jun 16, 11 | MalaysiaKini

A DAP assemblyperson in Selangor is seeing red after finding a photograph of him superimposed with a pig’s nose in a blog posting that also contained a fabricated ‘report’ that he had attempted sabotage his counterparts in PAS.

Sekinchan assemblyperson Ng Suee Lim submitted a printed copy of the doctored picture as well as a copy of the blog posting in his complaint filed at the Sekinchan police station yesterday.

The offending picture and posting were found on pro-Umno blog ‘Sungai Rapat Online’.

“I suspect the blog is owned by Perak exco member Hamidah Osman or her supporters, because 90 percent of the content is about her,” Ng told Malaysiakini when contacted. Continue reading “Lawmaker sees red over his ‘pig head’”

‘Selfish’ Dayak politicians stifling community’s growth

Joseph Tawie | June 15, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

A blogger has warned Dayaks that BN’s money politics will “devour the community” and eventually make them non-existent.

KUCHING: A well known native activist has slammed Dayak politicians in Sarawak, describing them as ‘shallow and selfish’ leaders who were willing to compromise the community’s culture and intergrity.

Blogger John Brian, who is also an academician, alleged that Dayak politicians were more interested in enriching themselves than looking out for the brethrens.

“Many Dayaks prefer to be BN candidates so that they not only can win easily, but can also enrich themselves faster.

“Helping the people who have elected them is not their agenda, as they are more concerned of enriching themselves. Continue reading “‘Selfish’ Dayak politicians stifling community’s growth”