DAP masterminding UMNO for more than four decades?

UMNO’s Utusan Malaysia has today concocted a new wild allegation – accusing DAP of masterminding PAS’ welfare state agenda as a cover for the DAP’s Malaysian Malaysia concept.

Based on Utusan’s latest wild accusation, I am wondering whether to confess that DAP had been masterminding UMNO for more than four decades.

Let me put it straight to Utusan Malaysia – do you want DAP to confess that we have been masterminding UMNO for more than four decades? If so, I am prepared to give Utusan the “scoop of the century” of how the DAP had been masterminding UMNO for more than four decades.

The allegation was made today by Utusan Assistant Chief Editor Datuk Zaini Hassan in his “Cuit” column: “Negara kebajikan, negara Islam dan ‘Malaysian Malaysia’”.

If Utusan’s Assistant Chief Editor is serious about his allegation that DAP has masterminded PAS’ welfare state adopted at the recent Muktamar PAS, he should have the political acumen to discern that the DAP had in fact been masterminding the UMNO for more than for decades.

With his very “creative” political antennae, there is no way the Utusan Asst Chief Editor could have missed the tell-tale signs of the DAP’s masterminding the UMNO leadership for more than four decades, viz:

– Public confession by Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin that the welfare state concept which he said was “now only being championed by PAS had for long been practiced by the BN government”’;

– Public confession by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak that “the concept of welfare state mooted by the Islamist party was not new and has always been the objective of the current administration”, stressing that the country has always been a welfare state.

May be the Utusan editors should consult their political bosses in Umno (although I am not sure who are Utusan’s real Umno political bosses as Najib seemed to have lost all control in the setting of editorial policy in Utusan) whether DAP should come out with such a confession that DAP had been masterminding UMNO for more than four decades.

I await for Utusan and UMNO’s reply.

* Media Conference Statement in Parliament


5 Replies to “DAP masterminding UMNO for more than four decades?”

  1. Oh Boy !! After all these years we learn are a ‘dalang’ manipulating UMNO and BN without their knowing so. No wonder they are in such a mess.

    How about manipulating Ibrahim Ali making him an obedient husband?

  2. Yes, agreed.
    This country always is a welfare state but the welfare is only for the Umnoputra!
    And the people(slaves?) have been contributing to their welfare for decades.
    No wonder so many of them are over obese!
    They’re bursting at the seams with the welfare fed by Malaysians.

  3. YB LKS, you are great! At least they have acknowledged that you owned the original idea! If the job of the political leaders is not to take care of the general welfare of the society, then what is their job? just to pocket the money as it is being practised today? they have been so comfortable with what they have done, now that PAS has also agreed that the idea should be spread across the nation, they are getting worried. The only weapon they had ben using against DAP was: it is a Chinese party! Now with internet, that idea could hardly sell anymore. so they want to belittle PAS. All these point out the real fact: they have gone bankrupt with any new idea. This we shouldn’t not be surprised as they never have any ideology except pocketing the cash from the Treasury all these years!

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