Court says Hee attacked Yew with pepper spray

The Malaysian Insider
June 14, 2011

IPOH, June 14 – Aulong assemblyman Yew Tian Hoe won today a court ruling against his state lawmaker colleague Datuk Hee Yit Foong for attacking him with a pepper spray in the infamous May 7, 2009 Perak legislative assembly.

He also won a restraining order preventing her from future assaults against him.

Jelapang assemblyman Hee gained infamy after she quit the DAP and pledged loyalty to the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition leading to the fall of the then ruling Pakatan Rakyat (PR) state government.

She had been recorded attacking Yew in the lawmaking hall.

In his ruling, judicial commissioner Tarmizi Ab Rahman said Yew had successfully proven his case in the Ipoh High Court and awarded him the injunction, Yew’s lawyer Leong Cheok Keng told The Malaysian Insider.

“With this injunction, if Hee attacks Yew, then Yew can initiate contempt [of court] proceedings against Hee, apart from criminal proceedings,” the lawyer explained.

Tarmizi also ordered Hee, a Perak assembly deputy speaker, to pay court costs but said there was not enough evidence for him to evaluate the claims for damages.

“I welcome the ruling. Benar punya benar. Dia tak boleh tipu lagi. [The truth will prevail. She can’t lie anymore],” said Yew who filed the suit against Hee in June 2009.

Despite the obvious evidence of a photo and video recordings, Hee denied she had sprayed Yew and insisted she was only holding up a pen drive that resembled the spray canister.

In his statement of claim, Yew said he suffered pain and injury, mental shock and trauma, loss of dignity, and consequently public shame, humiliation and mental distress as a result of the attack.

Both Hee and Yew suffer from polio.

The Malaysian Insider understands that Hee fled the court complex in Ipoh this morning when approached by reporters for comments.

Her counsel Nor Emilia Iszehan told the press that she would first speak to her client before discussing any further action.

When contacted, Taiping MP and former state executive councillor Nga Kor Ming said today’s decision was a historic matter that proved PR’s claims to be true.

“This is the first time there is such a case where a deputy speaker of a House is being barred from attacking a person,” Nga said.


9 Replies to “Court says Hee attacked Yew with pepper spray”

  1. Wouldn’t it be appropriate for the Perak Sultan to withdraw her ‘Datukship’?

    She has brought dishonour to the title, her position as State Assembly Speaker and to herself for lying that she used a pen-drive or room key?

    She should be put under probation to ensure good behaviour.

    ‘…Hee fled the court complex…’

    Hahaha. I can imagine her fleeing in shame.

  2. Hee, hee, hee…guess who is having the last laugh.

    Really, Madam hee, there is yet time to redeem yrself, if not your soul….bertaubatlah (Repent).

    One can suffer the indignity of a stray MP for a assembly term, but one cannot erase the indignity of being spurned as a running dog for a lifetime. It’s truly difficult to live with that ignominy.

    Suggestion: for the sake of posterity and one’s soul, Hee should resign from the state assembly even now. Never mind if it is just some months to next GE. never mind if there is not going to be a by-election. just bertaubatlah.

  3. “I felt breathless, my nose and throat clogged. I coughed briefly. I never experienced such a thing before. I could not stand up although I wanted to” – Tun Dr Mahathir testified in trial against Datuk Nik Sapeia Nik Yusof who had discharged pepper spray when TDM arrived at the Sultan Ismail Petra airport on July 28 2006.

    In Yew Tian Hoe’s he didn’t even wince! Either he had strong eyes or Hee Yit Foong’s canister had no more pepper spray!

    See video of “attack” here:

  4. So is it OK to then openly threaten someone with a pepper spray?

    Is it OK for say, a would be robber / thief to brandish say a parang at someone without using it?

    Did Yew feel threatened with harm even though he may have decided to stay safely away to avoid harm?

    Was Hee’s threatened in any way? By brandishing the pepper spray did she unnecessarily threaten Yee to stay away from her? Did she use it to threaten others?

    If Hee did use the pepper spray, how much of it must be used to be considered dangerous as to cause harm on the victim?

    Is pepper spray and its use legal in this country? Is it a weapon?

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