Cancel invites to Mugabe, Bashir, DAP tells Putrajaya

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
June 14, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 14 — The federal government should cancel invitations to Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe and Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir for an international economic forum here, the DAP has said.

The two presidents are scheduled to attend a forum to be held in Putrajaya from June 19-21.

Ipoh Barat MP M Kulasegaran said today that both leaders had an alleged track record in their respective countries of purported human rights violations, and charged that by inviting them, Malaysia would be seen as “indifferent” to the plight of the citizens of these countries.

Kulasegaran pointed out that since Malaysia was a member of the International Criminal Court (ICC), it needed to “take note of its responsibilities.”

ICC had issued a warrant of arrest in 2008 for Bashir over Khartoum’s genocidal campaign in Darfur.

“Malaysia should serve Bashir a warning that he is liable for arrest under the warrant issued by the ICC,” said Kulasegaran.

The DAP leader said that he had filed a notice to the Speaker’s office for an emergency motion on the matter.


8 Replies to “Cancel invites to Mugabe, Bashir, DAP tells Putrajaya”

  1. ///The federal government should cancel invitations to Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe and Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir for an international economic forum here, the DAP has said.///

    Don’t burn bridges. In time to come, it may be only Zimbabwe and Sudan which are are willing to invite Malaysian government to their countries.

  2. abang adik ma.

    Share share info ma. Update each other on latest corrupt practises. How to spend 100m in one day and things like dat. Exchange ideas on ways to prolong hold onto power corruptly. Torture methods. Advanced torture methods – those that will cause people under questioning to do strange things to themselves, including self strangulation and jumping off high places. The invited guests are keen to learn more about umno’s specialty. Creating sodomy charges. And producing sex videos. And also the best way to make the AG, the judiciary and macc work. Umno on the other hand wants to be arm itself with some awesome brutality methods. Maybe also talk about something more serious like setting up University Umno and the degree courses for the university and possibility of having branch campus in those countries. An important way to ensure continuity of the corrupt practises.

  3. Our Foreign Ministry should heed DAP’s advice at least as it pertains to Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir against whom the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued warrant of arrest for ongoing genocide.

    Malaysia has already signed the Rome Statute and is now a member of the ICC : how could we ignore the ICC’s membership rules to not arrest that chap? We will be reated an outcast or even expelled from ICC. For what? This Bashir will go anywhere from South Africa to Chad to defy ICC’s warrant of arrest.

    In spite of recent African Union resolution which directed Member States to not cooperate with the ICC over the arrest warrant South African deterred Bashir’s visit by telling him he would be arrested if he proceeded to South Africa.

  4. Somebody phoned me to suggest that Mugabe and al-Bashir are here to seek political asylum. Or was it mental asylum?

    Either case, we should keep them here so that they might be extradited to the ICC for trial for whatever crimes they have committed.

  5. /// Ipoh Barat MP M Kulasegaran said today that both leaders had an alleged track record in their respective countries of purported human rights violations, and charged that by inviting them, Malaysia would be seen as “indifferent” to the plight of the citizens of these countries. ///

    Why single out Mugabe and Bashir? They are in good company right here in Malaysia, aren’t they? Birds of a feather flock together.

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