Hisham: No action against Ibrahim Ali for ‘jihad’ call

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
June 13, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 13 — The government will not take any action against Datuk Ibrahim Ali for threatening Christians nationwide with a holy war against any move to usurp Islam with a Christian state.

“Action will only be taken if investigations find that the said act really contravened the country’s laws,” Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said in a written reply to Lim Lip Eng (Segambut-DAP) in the Dewan Rakyat today.

Lim had asked the Home Ministry to state whether it was a punishable offence for a person to declare “jihad” in the name of race and religion.

“I would advise that all parties be careful in making an accusation when its validity has yet to be verified,” said Hishammuddin.

The Perkasa president’s threat to Christians was based on Utusan Malaysia’s recent allegation that church leaders were in a plot with the DAP to turn Malaysia into a Christian state and install a Christian prime minister.

Christian leaders and DAP members have denied the reports which have sparked protests but the Home Ministry has only slapped Utusan Malaysia with a warning letter for publishing the unsubstantiated report.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was forced to meet with church leaders to clear the air but Umno vice president and Home Minister Hishammuddin later said that there was “some basis” to the reports.

The police in Penang have completed an investigation into Utusan Malaysia’s claims and have handed over the case to the Attorney-General’s Chambers.

Utusan Malaysia had published a report entitled “Kristian Agama Rasmi?” (Christianity the official religion?) where it was alleged that DAP leaders and Christian clergymen were conspiring to take over Putrajaya, abolish Islam as the religion of the federation and install a Christian prime minister.


11 Replies to “Hisham: No action against Ibrahim Ali for ‘jihad’ call”

  1. This big mouth have learn the art to twist ad turn better and better each day.
    No one proposed Malaysia to be a Christain state.
    It is an idea to drum up race and religion dirty politics by Ali…and this hypocritical minister knows that too well.
    Anyway…UMNO B always declare themselves as …champions for their race and religion..when not one Malaysian have ever challenged that.
    Under Najib….day in day out….dirty politics….a sign of a desperate man who must be PM by hook or by crook.

  2. Whilst others promote tourism in Malaysia, our Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein promotes terrorism. Now Perkasa is turning their threats on the Bersih march. The nation should hold Najib & Hisham personally responsible for any mishap.

  3. How can Umno silence its mouthpiece?

    I wonder if Hisham could be so generous and forgiving if the “jihad” call was from a Pakatan member. I believe he would have the Pakatan member ISA-ed in no time.

  4. Is it a “punishable offence for a person to declare “jihad” in the name of race and religion?” Lim Lip Eng (Segambut-DAP).

    As no action has been taken, we now know it is not. Also can’t blame Non Muslim Lim for not grasping why it is not (an offence).

    Jihad & holy war from Ibrahim here may not in context necessarily imply jihad bis seyf (jihad of the sword) – there are 4 other types in Islamic theological discourse : there is, for example, a jihad bil yad (jihad of the hand, which can apply to virtually any activity that strengthens Islam); jihad bil qalam (jihad of the pen, that is, apologetic work defending Islam); jihad bil lisan (jihad of the tongue, also apologetic work defending Islam, this time verbally); and jihad bin nafs, or jihad of the heart, the spiritual struggle within the believer’s soul for higher achievement/accomplishment– the type as elaborated by former premier Tun Ahmad Badawi.

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