Taib Mahmud should go on leave until MACC has cleared him of grave “grand corruption” allegations

Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has confirmed that it is currently investigating Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud over allegation of timber corruption.

Its chief commissioner, Abu Kassim Mohamed said two days ago that the commission was in the process of gathering more information regarding the matter.

Is “gathering more information” tantamount to a corruption investigation under the MACC Act 2009 or is it an activity which can be outsourced to any research organisation?

Although what Abu Kassim said is a great improvement to his stony silence just two months ago, Sarawakians and Malaysians are entitled to know clearly and definitively whether MACC has opened files to investigate into the “grand corruption” allegations against the Sarawak Chief Minister.

When did the MACC begin corruption investigations (as distinct from “gathering more information”) against Taib and why must MACC act only after international pressure emanating from the Swiss Federation President Micheline Calmy-Rey after she forwarded the information about Taib’s assets in Switzerland to its regulatory body Finma (the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority) for investigation?

In any event, shouldn’t Taib Mahmud go on leave until MACC has cleared him of grave “grand corruption” allegations as otherwise it would a shame to Sarawak and Malaysia to have a state Chief Minister actively under MACC investigations following international pressures.

Let Taib announce at the forthcoming State Assembly in 10 days time that he is going on leave as Sarawak Chief Minister until he is cleared of grave “grand corruption” allegations.

* Speech (2) at the opening of the DAP State Assembly Reps’ Workshop in Sibu


One Reply to “Taib Mahmud should go on leave until MACC has cleared him of grave “grand corruption” allegations”

  1. i think taib is always on leave or taking vacation, or busy in managing his business empire. that is why sarawak is not progressing much since rajah era. did he ever go from long house to long house in order to see the real life of the people? he hardly showed up in big towns like sibu, except when it is chinese new year, to collect his angpao. macc please make sure all these angpao are reported as income and the taxes have been paid.

    let’s not bad mouth taib. i think there is a conspiracy now in investigating him. this is umno way of trying to hijack sarawak by getting rid of taib. taib refused to step down immediately and it got the nerve of umno. or umno is even more jealous of the business empire that taib is managing. are we sure that umno politicians are not richer than taib and yet they are never investigated?

    taib has the support of the majority, so he can stay on. umno better keep quiet. if taib gets mad, he can move all his mps out of bn and let bn collapse. najib will be gone if without the support from taib.

    or above all, umno and macc could be just playing the usual game by fooling the people around. there is no real investigation behind the scene. since the release of information on the web, why it took so long until macc started to say that they are investigating taib?

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