Can we trust you, Najib?

by Walter Chan
The Malaysian Insider
Jun 10, 2011

JUNE 10 — So it looks like election season is in the offing, judging by politicians making statements here and there.

I am especially interested in statements attributed to Prime Minister Najib Razak as reported in The Malaysian Insider. Apparently he was speaking to some residents in Datuk Keramat when he said that people and not slogans decide who wins Putrajaya.

Coming from the man who has relied on “People First, Performance Now” and 1 Malaysia rather than any substantive change, that is a bit odd. But we should not nitpick.

But what really got my blood boiling was his question on whether voters can trust Pakatan Rakyat. The follies and shortcomings of the opposition are amplified and documented well in the mainstream media but there is only fawning coverage of Barisan Nasional in the same pages.

So maybe Najib does not appreciate some of the misgivings about BN. In fact, some of my friends have already written off BN and Najib.

He talks about BN’s track record. Perhaps he means:

* the abysmal race relations in the country and social injustice, which has resulted in more than one million qualified Malaysians emigrating. Incidentally, I believe that the situation today is worse than before, with the free rein enjoyed by Ibrahim Ali and Perkasa and Utusan Malaysia.

* the widespread and endemic corruption. The Khir Toyo corruption trial is just the tip of the iceberg, a hint of a malaise that has affected every level of Umno and BN.

Only in Malaysia can there be allegations of the involvement of the current Attorney-General in cover-ups involving millions of ringgit and fabrication of evidence and silence from the government. Only in Malaysia can there be such strong evidence against the Sarawak chief minister and he is still calling the shots. Oh yes, and isn’t the chairman of Felda the same chap found guilty of corruption by his own party?

* the misuse of oil resources. Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah was the man who was involved in the setting up of Petronas. It was clear that the intention from the start was to only deploy Petronas funds for development expenditure and not operating expenditure.

But the irresponsible spending and bloated privatisation contracts has meant that billions of ringgit are now being used to pay government salaries and reduce the budget deficit.

* the sub-par education system where most graduates are unemployable because their command of English is poor.

* the wanton display of wealth and luxury by politicians. I am still trying to figure out how ministers and former ministers and even former prime ministers can live in such obscene luxury when electricity is a luxury in Sabah and Sarawak.

* the one-sided privatisation contracts and patronage which have benefitted cronies, family members and friends.

Therein lies the problem of thumping one’s chest and talking about track record.

From my side, it is not so rosy.


14 Replies to “Can we trust you, Najib?”

  1. Is the question correct? I thought that the first question should be, Is Najib in charge?
    If he is indeed in charge ( and there are reasons to suggest that he may not be ), can we trust Najib?
    The answer to that rhetorical question is obvious.

    We must change the tenant at Putrajaya

  2. Najib statements since PAS election can only be described as flailing. He literally is falling apart before our eyes. Its all absolutely meaningless, sub par in performance, and he is literally losing control of his organisations AND himself. He is plodding along, ignoring the panic and helter-skelter around him, insisting that its still OK or will turn around and sticking to a script that everyone has long lost interest in.

    Truth is the only reason he is not removed yet is because those that are most concern have even LESS clue what to do. If he is forced out, it will harm the party and the damage could be irreparable.

    It appears UMNO and its leaders do not know what the damage is, whether its enough to warrant risking removing him. Issue is how long they will put up with no knowing with so much and so many at risk if UMNO/BN topples?

  3. Can we trust a man who comes from a party relying on SLOGANS? What 1 Malaysia, People First, Performance Now, Malaysia Boleh and all that jazz! What has actually materialized from all these? Even the RUKUNEGARA was a SLOGAN only!!!!! Read the words in the preamble, especially “…..membina masyarakat yang adil……”!!!!!!

  4. Najib has only one weapon in his armoury…
    “Lu tolong gua, gua tolong lu” and there are sufficient parasite worms to support him! Sad, sad for Malaysia, when will these deranged low beings willing to join forces with the rakyat… for change?

  5. Umno’s real support base consist of

    (1) elderly kampung folks,
    (2) illiterates,
    (3) ignorant natives,
    (4) some wavering indians,
    (5) new bumiputras under projek IC dr mamak, and
    (6) umnoputras.

    Categories (1), (2) & (3) are shrinking in number and there is nothing umno could do.

    Category (4) is not dependable for support because of their wavering nature, and their unclear and therefore unpredictable political leaning.

    Categoy (6) is made up of a minute number of umno members. They are really the inner inner circle of umno – a group of super elite, the fastcar owners with horse riding kids and jet setting wives who having ran out of ideas decided to form the obedient wives club for added pleasures in life. These people control the power and wealth of the country (and abuse them as well). They are not willing to see any swelling in their numbers, for obvious reasons.

    So realistically umno can only bank on category (5); on those new bumiputras under projek ic dr mamak. But really, loyalty of these people is unpredictable. They may vote umno once or twice. Come the third (their third) GE, they too are likely to decide base on issues and policies. Under umno all issues and policies are unfavourable to the people. So this is dire for umno.

    This being the case we can expect umno to gerrymander like crazy, abuse the election process and secure utmost co-operation of the EC to its maximum advantage. That is why umno is so opposed to bersih’s proposed rally this july.

    Umno’s attempt to augment its support base via perkasa and utusan is not working well at all. They were viewed with ridicule and disbelief.

    So umno, the direction ahead for you really is downhill and sunset.

    Good luck!

    Kick umno out people.

  6. Just on the onset of Ops Lallang. I was warming up for a game of squash in Old Klang Road but nobody else turned up. I found out the reason later that night. The then Umno Youth leader was in his element. Voice chocked with emotion, jowls quivering and pink lips frothing, he wanted to bathe his kris in chinese blood. He’s now our PM. ‘Nuff said.

  7. what about the secret deal(until exposed), to allow Aussie company Lynas to mine rare earth and store its radio-active wastes on Malaysian soil in Gebeng, in his very own home state of Pahang!
    “Can we trust this ‘Father of All Rhetorics’ ?

    Jangan, he tried tho, in Kazakhstan recently to preach to the Muslim world about transparency, good governance, and fighting corruption? Hahaha, good try Najib – so alike feigning pig to eat tiger!

    Transparency, good governance and fighting corruption eh? –
    Then there was another secret deal with Hong Kong’s – CVM Minerals Ltd to mine rare earth in Ipoh Perak that was unearthed and exposed by civil society and the Opposition?

    To this hypocritical pathological liar, economic gains must be ensured above all else, at the expense of citizens’ health!

    TelI me, should we dump him and the lot of them? YES!!

  8. oops.. resend:

    “Can we trust this ‘Father of All Rhetorics’ ?

    Jangan, he tried tho, in Kazakhstan recently to preach to the Muslim world about transparency, good governance, and fighting corruption? Hahaha, good try Najib – so alike feigning pig to eat tiger!

    Transparency, good governance and fighting corruption eh? –
    Then there was another secret deal with Hong Kong’s – CVM Minerals Ltd to mine rare earth in Ipoh Perak that was unearthed and exposed by civil society and the Opposition?

    To this hypocritical pathological liar, economic gains must be ensured above all else, at the expense of citizens’ health!

    TelI me, should we dump him and the lot of them? YES!!


    Will I be detained for three nights in a lock-up for not wearing tying my shoelace?

    Will I be detained for three nights in a lock-up for not combing my hair?

    Will I be detained for three nights in a lock-up for not wearing wearing a tie?

    Please answer the above questions, oh botox guy who was in Kazakhstan recently to preach to the world about transparency, good governance, and fighting corruption (but not using c4 to blow up mongols)?

  10. Lawyers have tongue that look like this “V”. Sharp and piercing.

    But jib has tongue that looks like this “W”. Split, twisted and dangerous.

    So can he who has tower-power and a “W”-shaped tongue be trusted?

    No. Not even when he hides his “W”-shaped tongue behind those botoxed pink lips.

    Vote umno out in GE13.

  11. Nearly ALL in BN are not trustworthy

    All are LIARS

    Treat us all MALAYSIAN like a idiot fool

    After elected them, they look at you as foolish person believing what they tell you – lie

    How many years more you want us BN telling you lie

    Stupid fool we have been robbed the country billions


  12. Ha, ha, ha ……. What a funny Q: Can we trust U, NR?
    Big FLOM can’t, Ful of sai can’t, AR Baginda can’t, Altantuya Shaariibuu can’t ………..
    N NR certainly does not trust Jack Byrnes n his polygraph (remember ‘Meet the Parents’)

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