Twitter Power – Tambatuon dam controversy – Why MP Kota Belud never visited kampong? (5)

Twitter sequel Part 5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

dredwinbosi Jun 07, 12:33am
@mpkotabelud @limkitsiang Food security should not be an issue if we don’t have a surge in pop of legalised illegal immigrants.

dredwinbosi Jun 07, 9:00am
@mpkotabelud @limkitsiang@junzwong Tambatuon is already a natural tourism attraction, no need a man-made lake.

dredwinbosi Jun 07, 9:03am
@mpkotabelud@limkitsiang@junzwong Promote hill padi, less water and fertilizer requirement.

dredwinbosi Jun 07, 9:05am
@mpkotabelud@limkitsiang@junzwong Give titled land to indigenous people and assist them to grow padi.

dredwinbosi Jun 07, 9:07am
@mpkotabelud@limkitsiang@junzwong Hope MPKB will attend dialogue with Tambatuon folks.

dredwinbosi Jun 07, 9:10am
@mpkotabelud@limkitsiang@junzwong Govt heeds Shafie Apdal call to grow tapioca. Cold war depriving rural develp.?

mpkotabelud Jun 07, 10:40am
@dredwinbosi U r missing the bigger questions. Answer them instead. Food crisis? Eradication of poverty? Stop being a politician 4 a moment.

dredwinbosi Jun 07, 11:17am
@mpkotabelud Be patient YB I will address the issue of food security in my forum.

mpkotabelud Jun 07, 11:28am
Good. I shall wait. I also want to hear options RT @dredwinbosi: Be patient YB I will address the issue of food security in my forum.

dredwinbosi Jun 07, 12:06pm
@mpkotabelud Focus on the massive water network in Tampasuk plain. Forget about the dam.

Iskandarbak Jun 07, 7:56pm
@mpkotabelud can u help me get existing padi acreage in hectares split bet PM, Sabah n Srwk? Trust Bernas shud hv it handy. Tks.

Iskandarbak Jun 08, 1:17am
@mpkotabelud can u help me get existing padi acreage in hectares split bet PM, Sabah n Srwk? Trust Bernas shud hv it handy. Tks.

limkitsiang Jun 08, 9:17pm
RT @mpkotabelud: Hah3… I think my article spooks u badly huh? Coz u r still ranting abt secondary issue. Focus big issues abang oi! RT @limkitsiang

limkitsiang Jun 08, 9:25pm
YB @mpkotabelud U cannot b more wrong. Though cannot follow tweet in China, u have been wriggling from @dredwinbosi @Iskandarbak @StanleyWTW

kaikiok Jun 08, 9:26pm
@mpkotabelud Sad, dam again, irrigation essential but not dam ask Sri Dusun and Sri Bajau, hw much rice unsaleable to SAZARICE it;s 1 issue

limkitsiang Jun 08, 9:27pm
@mpkotabelud Have YB visited KgTambatuon? Or r u 1st MP in history who dare not visit his own constituency cos u have gone agnst yr voters?

Iskandarbak Jun 08, 9:37pm
@limkitsiang @mpkotabelud @dredwinbosi @stanleywtw Ur yield rebuttal does not hold up at all. Prvd me acreage b/down as req n I’ll explain

JunzWonG Jun 08, 9:43pm
RT @mpkotabelud: Hah3… I think my article spooks u badly huh? Coz u r still ranting abt secondary issue. Focus big issues abang oi! RT @limkitsiang

mpkotabelud Jun 08, 11:27pm
I will unfollow u if u address my PM as “Najis” when u send ur tweet directly to me. C’mon, try it one more time.

mpkotabelud Jun 08, 11:33pm
Your SabahDAP boy said in the paper, YB Dahlan tak pernah lawat kg tambatuon. Lol! my name is Rahman lah! Fakta semua salah! RT @limkitsiang

limkitsiang Jun 09, 6:18am
@mpkotabelud Don’t be an ingrate YB. >95% of KgTambatuon voters voted 4 u . Now u refused 2visit/dialogue w them on T dam? R KgT ppl liars?

mpkotabelud Jun 09, 7:28am
@limkitsiang Ppl say the older one gets, the more he behaves like a child… I am inclined to believe.

mpkotabelud Jun 09, 7:30am
@limkitsiang They say once one gets to be 70, he will be more like a 7 year old. Rants incessantly &occasionally crying to get attention.

mpkotabelud Jun 09, 7:36am
@limkitsiang At 70 or 7, a person refuses to listen to reason, always think he is the centre of the universe & the world owes him a living.

mpkotabelud Jun 09, 7:40am
@limkitsiang And worse, at 70 or 7, a person likes to throw tantrum, display bravado but sometimes accidently pee in their pants. Gross!

hishamrahim Jun 09, 7:42am
I bet this what u try to tell Dr M RT @mpkotabelud: @limkitsiang At 70 or 7, a person refuses to listen to reason, …

mpkotabelud Jun 09, 7:42am
@limkitsiang But then again, thats what ppl say lah. What do u think YB?

mpkotabelud Jun 09, 7:50am
I am off to Kg Tambulion, Kaamatan DO. RT @azmahdahari: wah x sempat jumpa d parl dah debat n bahas d twitterjaya. Happy working ya.

limkitsiang Jun 09, 8:36am
@mpkotabelud who 2believe:U or KgTambatuon ppl who say u nvr visited KgT even once despite 2yr roiling Tdam controversy?Answer in Parliament

mpkotabelud Jun 09, 8:44am
Done deal! I will debate u in Parl based on facts not rhetoric! RT @limkitsiang: who 2believe:U or KgTambatuon ppl.. Answer in Parliament

limkitsiang Jun 09, 8:56am
@mpkotabelud U continue 2run from issue – Y u failed 2visit KgT/dialogue on T dam. Dare u visit KgT/dialogue b4 Parliament meets Monday?

limkitsiang Jun 09, 9:04am
@mpkotabelud YB stop equivocating. Just answer 1 simple Q: KgT say you never visited them even once. True? Can u give dates of your visits?

mpkotabelud Jun 09, 9:35am
@limkitsiang Told u already but u refuse 2accept. I let u know whn I did it if u tell me how many times &where u visited IpohTimur since 08?

mpkotabelud Jun 09, 9:45am
@imokman, @junzwong’s article is full of unverified facts. Plucking stats frm the air. No references. He even called me Dahlan. Amateur!

mpkotabelud Jun 09, 9:46am
@imokman have u read my blog re:dam?

mpkotabelud Jun 09, 10:03am
@imokman MADA, KADA all have dams. But I dont mind listening to alternatives if feasible.

ngehkooham Jun 09, 10:16am
@mpkotabelud @limkitsiang . Kit Siang visits Ipoh Timor regularly. So many times I lost count

JunzWonG Jun 09, 10:27am
@mpkotabelud it’s all from d folks themselves :) who could know it better than they themselves via the paddy farmers rite? @imokman

izaan14 Jun 09, 10:27am
RT @limkitsiang: @mpkotabelud U continue 2run from issue – Y u failed 2visit KgT/dialogue on T dam. Dare u visit KgT/dialogue b4 Parliament meets Monday?

mpkotabelud Jun 09, 10:57am
Still amateurish. RT @junzwong: @mpkotabelud it’s all from d folks themselves… the paddy farmers rite? @imokman

limkitsiang Jun 09, 3:31pm
Not surprised u prevaricate. I believe KgTambatuon ppl u nvr once visited KgT despite 2yr T dam issue. Onus on u 2overturn RT @mpkotabelud

tiamyong Jun 09, 3:38pm
@limkitsiang @mpkotabelud isn’t a MP suppose to be cocern about the welfare of his constituent? if not who would?

mpkotabelud Jun 09, 3:40pm
Yawnn…. RT @limkitsiang: Not surprised u prevaricate. I believe KgT ppl u nvr once visited KgT despite 2yr T dam issue. Onus on u 2ovrturn

BEN2dG Jun 09, 3:52pm
yawning is this politician’s rebuttal. classy RT @mpkotabelud: Yawnn…. RT @limkitsiang: Not surprised u prevaricate. I believe KgT ppl u nvr once visited KgT despite 2yr T dam issue. Onus on u 2ovrturn

limkitsiang Jun 09, 3:57pm
YB demonstrated air n arrogance acquired by BN MPs even b4 1term – cocky “So What?” attitude! Y KgT ppl want UBAH RT @mpkotabelud Yawnn….

limkitsiang Jun 09, 4:04pm
Tkz this is not our style. We want truth 2prevail @mpkotabelud shd make double apology 2KgT ppl RT @imFawziaariff Bro Kit, taruh sama dia!

limkitsiang Jun 09, 4:12pm
Tkz let us give @mpkotabelud chance 2show he understands whats d “Double Apology” needed from him RT @imFawziaariff – ..get him to admit..

dredwinbosi Jun 09, 4:14pm
@mpkotabelud @limkitsiang Minister Hajiji has given us idea how bad the poverty is in Sabah. 46000 hardcore poor is tip of iceberg

mpkotabelud Jun 09, 4:14pm
I don’t think u r darn ignorant not 2notice my responses 2him in the last 2weeks. RT @BEN2dG: yawning is this politician’s rebuttal. classy

mpkotabelud Jun 09, 4:17pm
@limkitsiang Me arrogant? Ask ur good friend SAPP in Sabah. They hv been saying how arrogant and bigheaded u r.

mpkotabelud Jun 09, 4:20pm
@limkitsiang I hv answered u many times. Wrote blogs to counter ur points. U refuse to accept or rebutt. That’s not my problem!

tiamyong Jun 09, 4:25pm
Sheer arrogance that we’re seeing so often.That’s the consequence when rakyat don’t hold these MPs responsible@limkitsiang @mpkotabelud

JunzWonG Jun 09, 4:31pm
MP running out of excuses? “@mpkotabelud: Yawnn….RT @limkitsiang: Not surprised u prevaricate. I believe KgT ppl u nvr once visited KgT

NormanLiew Jun 09, 4:55pm
Wow!!! I’m really speechless! That’s what a MP will reply? RT@mpkotabelud: Yawnn…. RT @limkitsiang: Not surprised u prevaricate….

mpkotabelud Jun 09, 5:00pm
Double yawnn… RT @junzwong: MP running out of excuses? “@mpkotabelud: Yawnn….RT @limkitsiang

skeatx Jun 09, 5:05pm
@mpkotabelud @junzwong @limkitsiang how Msia can progress if MP also keep on yawning aje?

mpkotabelud Jun 09, 5:14pm
Hah3.. Ketawa boleh? RT @skeatx: @mpkotabelud @junzwong @limkitsiang how Msia can progress if MP also keep on yawning aje?

JunzWonG Jun 09, 5:32pm
@mpkotabelud u hav sense of humour YB :) @skeatx @limkitsiang

dredwinbosi Jun 09, 8:15pm
@PhilipGolingai @mpkotabelud@limkitsiang@junzwong Rice millers said incr padi to rm2\kg will get farmers out of poverty,

JunzWonG Jun 09, 8:50pm
Is @mpkotabelud paying his constituency a visit at last? We thank u YB. Ur voters long to meet u @dredwinbosi @limkitsiang

limkitsiang Jun 09, 8:51pm
Outrageous YB does not take seriously “life-n-death” concerns KgT ppl re T dam. U owe 2apologies RT @mpkotabelud Double yawnn… @junzwong

limkitsiang Jun 09, 8:53pm
@mpkotabelud 2apologies YB owe KgT ppl (1) never visited Kg T even once (2) betrayed Kg T ppl in going against their stand/demand over T dam

JoeGomez001 Jun 09, 8:57pm
YB @limkitsiang Doesnt “irresponsible” better describe @mpkotabelud in this context? @junzwong

khalidkarim Jun 09, 8:59pm
@limkitsiang @mpkotabelud @junzwong yeah . .like Shanks said. .its not life n death. .its more important than that

limkitsiang Jun 09, 8:59pm
Is YB prepared 2make the 2 apologies 2KgT ppl n promise not 2go against the wishes of KgT ppl over T dam whthr in Parlmnt/out? @mpkotabelud

limkitsiang Jun 09, 9:03pm
If no visit 2KgT n no 2apologies, YB not fit 2attend Parliament Monday onwards as committed grave parl dereliction of duties @mpkotabelud

kaikiok Jun 09, 9:25pm
@limkitsiang @mpkotabelud so he is in Kg Tambulion instead, what abeauty and sparticular ha, if Tambatuan dam pecah the beauty will be gone

kaikiok Jun 09, 9:29pm
@limkitsiang @mpkotabelud OK ok nak dam juga, small dam with mini hydro supply eletricity will be ideal, not a bloody dam 30m height

kaikiok Jun 09, 9:31pm
@limkitsiang @mpkotabelud Visit the Tambatuan, ppl need your ears, listen and work. not dah buat baru menyesal, U r not forever needed ha

philipgolingai Jun 09, 9:32pm
Is padi still the poor man’s crop? @dredwinbosi @mpkotabelud @limkitsiang @junzwong

kaikiok Jun 09, 9:32pm
@limkitsiang @mpkotabelud YB sazarice does not buy local beras wangi, apa macam

abuhamka Jun 09, 10:52pm
@mpkotabelud YB why are u behaving like delinquent kid? U shld take the issue raised like a gentleman. Jgn bg malu org Sabah bah.

dredwinbosi Jun 09, 11:05pm
@kaikiok @limkitsiang @mpkotabelud BN Sabah Secretary can do something if he wants but..

dredwinbosi Jun 09, 11:12pm
@junzwong @mpkotabelud @limkitsiang Is he taking cover from UMNO best ally PBS leaders?

dredwinbosi Jun 09, 11:24pm
@mpkotabelud @limkitsiang Where do MP Rahman heading to? Looks like he is already 7.

limkitsiang Jun 09, 11:28pm
RT @kaikiok: @limkitsiang @mpkotabelud Visit the Tambatuan, ppl need your ears, listen and work. not dah buat baru menyesal, U r not forever needed ha

limkitsiang Jun 09, 11:37pm
@mpkotabelud @kaikiok @dredwinbosi YB KgT ppl can guarantee yr safety. Have confidence in KgT ppl. Don’t b afraid until u dare not visit KgT

limkitsiang Jun 09, 11:45pm
@mpkotabelud Twitter Power! My info- u r finally 2visit KgT tmr. Classic case: power of “social media” 2force changes even recalcitrant MPs

limkitsiang Jun 09, 11:49pm
@mpkotabelud Hurrah if u finally visit KgT tmr. Dialogue T dam issue w KgT ppl n b their voice in Parliament not the opposite – voice 4T dam

JoeGomez001 Jun 09, 11:57pm
@limkitsiang socialmedia did not help wth the notorious,recalcitrant @chedet_cc tho.But Godwilling @mpkotabelud will c the error of his ways

Mitchelltai Jun 09, 11:59pm
@mpkotabelud I applaud u for visiting KgT YB. At last the ppl can dliver their frustrtion for u to answer..

dredwinbosi Jun 10, 12:00am
@limkitsiang @mpkotabelud HS Pairin will lead the visit according to source. Dusuns unhappy.

limkitsiang Jun 10, 12:00am
@mpkotabelud apart from 2apologies 2KgT ppl yb shd personally apologise 2all Msians 4bluffing them. Dont b afraid. Truth must prevail.

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 12:14am
Had a fruitful meeting with Kg Rampaian folks. More development is on the horizon.

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 12:15am
@limkitsiang U amuse me lah YB. Anyway the visit is part of project timeline. Sorry, nothing to do with old geysers @dredwinbosi

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 12:18am
@dredwinbosi Your fact is wrong. Not Pairin, it’s Yahya Hussin, Minister in charge of the project. @limkitsiang

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 12:30am
@limkitsiang Penang got its water from beris dam. Why u dont mind dam 4 Penang but not 4 KBelud? Double standards? Politics? @dredwinbosi

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 12:33am
@limkitsiang What’s so special abt ur son’s state tht u don’t mind water from Beris dam? Penangites more special? Apasal diam? @dredwinbosi

Iskandarbak Jun 10, 12:34am
@mpkotabelud @limkitsiang @dredwinbosi Yb, the point is you dont need a dam to meet ur objective. It can be done with Yield imprvment.

BahaKuale Jun 10, 12:37am
@limkitsiang congratulation 4 forcing recalcitrant MP

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 12:42am
Yeah we just flood the heck of ppl kampung for fun. RT @Iskandarbak: @limkitsiang @dredwinbosi Yb, the point is you dont need a dam.

Iskandarbak Jun 10, 12:43am
@mpkotabelud @limkitsiang @dredwinbosi Since u r a director at Bernas, just tell me ur approx view of the split of the acreage bet PM n EM.

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 12:43am
Sebut pasal Beris dam utk Penang, semua diam! apasal? tak boleh jawab? Hypocrites!

Iskandarbak Jun 10, 12:44am
@mpkotabelud @limkitsiang @dredwinbosi I will explain wit clarity y u dont need a dam. Once u get my my explaination, u too will seek d same

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 12:47am
@limkitsiang Read this Why u dont mind dam for Penang water needs for its agriculture and drinking but condemn KBelud?

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 12:49am
@limkitsiang @dredwinbosi @junzwong Here is another link for prove your hypocrisy ANswer me lah. Why quite now?

LeonLeeBMG Jun 10, 12:54am
@mpkotabelud I cn offer 2answer bt u might choose selective amnesia jst lk the Sabah stats I gv earlier @limkitsiang @dredwinbosi @junzwong

Iskandarbak Jun 10, 12:55am
@mpkotabelud @limkitsiang @dredwinbosi Not for fun la. For justified reason only. You said, if there is an option, u r willing to listen.

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 12:57am
@limkitsiang New dam in Penang. Read R u gonna lie on the ground and block this. Dont be hypocrite. @dredwinbosi

Iskandarbak Jun 10, 1:01am
@mpkotabelud @limkitsiang @dredwinbosi U gave ur rebuttal is ur blog on yield consideratn n i wish to explain a serious flaw in it.

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 1:02am
See, I waited for this moment to reveal all these hoping u 2 could hv some sense. Now u two look like fools. @limkitsiang @dredwinbosi

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 1:03am
@limkitsiang If you wish to remain silent now, I understand but come parliament next week, u better dont hide!

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 1:06am
Check mate! Game over! RT @mkabmr: @mpkotabelud @limkitsiang @dredwinbosi Can I say game set match?

YiiSing Jun 10, 1:12am
RT @limkitsiang: @mpkotabelud Twitter Power! My info- u r finally 2visit KgT tmr. Classic case: power of “social media” 2force changes even recalcitrant MPs

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 1:13am
Apparently so RT @mkabmr: @limkitsiang @dredwinbosi does this suggests that uncle Lim presumes tht Sabahans r more gullible thn Penangites?

izaan14 Jun 10, 1:13am
RT @limkitsiang: @mpkotabelud Twitter Power! My info- u r finally 2visit KgT tmr. Classic case: power of “social media” 2force changes even recalcitrant MPs

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 1:13am
Memang pekak RT @dhanyaraam: Great way to ‘check’! YB LKS buat pekak! @mkabmr @mpkotabelud @limkitsiang @dredwinbosi

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 1:14am
RT @azmahdahari: @mpkotabelud tergigit lidah kot or jari patah nak jawab tweet u yb

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 1:14am
RT @azmahdahari: @limkitsiang @dredwinbosi satu jari pd org 4 lg pada kita jadi jgn asyik salahkan org lain penang pun byk sangkut hal

JunzWonG Jun 10, 1:16am
@mpkotabelud YB bcos it’s late now :) tomolo I m sure @limkitsiang @dredwinbosi wil clear ur doubts. U hav a great nite.

Iskandarbak Jun 10, 1:16am
@mpkotabelud If yield solutn can solve t rice securty, r u still pursuing dam bcoz of t othr reasons u stated? If yes, its a diff ball game.

JunzWonG Jun 10, 1:17am
@LeonLeeBMG let’s do it bro. Let’s see how @mpkotabelud wil react to ur answer this time around :) @limkitsiang @dredwinbosi

LeonLeeBMG Jun 10, 1:19am
@junzwong I spent so much time tryin2 enlighten yb @mpkotabelud with published stats and reports, he just ignore @limkitsiang @dredwinbosi

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 1:20am
Since you also spoke abt this issue to press, care to answer on behalf of ur bosses? RT @junzwong:

LeonLeeBMG Jun 10, 1:26am
@mpkotabelud each time we answered u with facts & figures, u ran away.. Mcm mana ni yb? Kita tak kelentong & lari la. @junzwong

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 1:39am
@LeonLeeBMG Check your timeline. Dont be lazy. I answered the first time you tweeted that. @johnnywongsgt @junzwong

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 1:42am
Good nite peeps. Couldnt wait any longer for that old man’s response.

HaziqAbdAziz Jun 10, 1:43am
@mpkotabelud gudnite YB!

JunzWonG Jun 10, 2:22am
@LeonLeeBMG try it again. Maybe this time around @mpkotabelud wil listen to ur explanations :) rite? Jus shoot it @limkitsiang @dredwinbosi

JunzWonG Jun 10, 2:25am
@mpkotabelud firstly I hav not read ur link secondly u would deal with an amatuer? If yes, it’s my honour n I wil read it immediately ;)

dredwinbosi Jun 10, 7:01am
@mpkotabelud More promises?

dredwinbosi Jun 10, 7:02am
@mpkotabelud U miss the pertinent point – villagers not in favor of dam

dredwinbosi Jun 10, 7:03am
@mpkotabelud When U meet Tambnatuon folks see who looks like a fool. Why take cover in Pairin skirt.

limkitsiang Jun 10, 7:15am
Sorry YB I slept n unable 2chk/save u from most embarrassing bout of hysteria which is now permanent record on twitterverse @mpkotabelud

JunzWonG Jun 10, 7:18am
RT @limkitsiang: Sorry YB I slept n unable 2chk/save u from most embarrassing bout of hysteria which is now permanent record on twitterverse @mpkotabelud

limkitsiang Jun 10, 7:22am
What was yr state of mind? YB missed entire pt. When did I declare (1) I am anti-dam (2) agnst idea of dam in KB/ Sabah? (sigh) @mpkotabelud

limkitsiang Jun 10, 7:25am
1st issue is Y u forgot u r MP KB n rode roughshod over opinion/interests of KgT ppl, championing RM450million T dam project? @mpkotabelud

limkitsiang Jun 10, 7:29am
KgT ppl 100% opposed T dam project which will flood/destroy KgT. U 100% support T dam project 2flood/destroy KgT. R u their MP? @mpkotabelud

limkitsiang Jun 10, 7:32am
If u really think RM450m T dam project good 4KgT n future generations, then ur duty is 2present case n win support of KgT ppl @mpkotabelud

limkitsiang Jun 10, 7:35am
But YB was arrogant n utter contempt 4KgT ppl who told me u never visited KgT even once whether b4 or after election as MPKB. @mpkotabelud

limkitsiang Jun 10, 7:37am
YB prevaricated squirmed in twitterjaya refused 2b honest humble 2admit u had never visited KgT despite 2yr T dam controversy @mpkotabelud

limkitsiang Jun 10, 7:40am
W highlypaid Umno cybertroopers, YB threw up smokescreen 2distract primary issue – Y u never consulted KgT ppl on T dam issue @mpkotabelud

limkitsiang Jun 10, 7:43am
All these prevarication smokescreen don’t work as truth must finally prevail. U r now forced by “twitter power” 2visit KgT 2day @mpkotabelud

mshaza Jun 10, 7:44am
Ala visit je yb, apa ada hal RT @limkitsiang: All these prevarication smokescreen don’t work as truth must finally prevail. U r now forced by “twitter power” 2visit KgT 2day @mpkotabelud

limkitsiang Jun 10, 7:46am
Make amends YB not only 4 failing 2visit KgT even once but 4going agnst KgT interests on T dam. Make 2apologies n 1 commitment @mpkotabelud

limkitsiang Jun 10, 7:50am
YB must promise 2b voice of KgT ppl in Parliament x speak agnst KgT ppl. Yr mandate is from KgT ppl x T dam interests/cronies @mpkotabelud

limkitsiang Jun 10, 7:54am
Last thing YB must do is 2sign/support memorandum launched by KgT ppl protesting T dam project which will flood/destroy KgT @mpkotabelud

limkitsiang Jun 10, 7:57am
Do all these as I suggested making yr 1st visit 2KgT memorable I will forgive u n greet u as a brother in Parliament on Mon @mpkotabelud

manofkkm Jun 10, 7:57am
@limkitsiang @mpkotabelud congrats uncle kit, uncle kit 1 – MPKB 0

manofkkm Jun 10, 7:59am
@mpkotabelud @limkitsiang , i think MPKB don’t understand the issue well

limkitsiang Jun 10, 8:04am
U r fantastic 2uncover scam. Dubious reading link until came 2Najib RT @Iskandarbak @Khairykj @mpkotabelud @Najib_Razak

ChrisanneChin Jun 10, 8:09am
@limkitsiang TRUE!!! @mpkotabelud This cud b your last term going by the anger of Sabahans n KgT agst dam. KNOW WHO YOU SERVE-buck up fast.

Yagu4PM Jun 10, 8:24am
@limkitsiang and if @mpkotabelud doesn’t? :-)

jonlee75 Jun 10, 9:24am
@mpkotabelud did YB LKS reply and what’s your response? Who’s court is the ball on right now?

Swakheadhunter Jun 10, 10:06am
Is that all you can do? You don’t deserve to be a YB @mpkotabelud Yawnn…. RT @limkitsiang …

LeonLeeBMG Jun 10, 10:12am
@mpkotabelud last answer I gt fr u is poverty & per cap is different. Then u forward u stats & articles, X replies @johnnywongsgt @junzwong

dredwinbosi Jun 10, 10:17am
@LeonLeeBMG @junzwong @mpkotabelud @limkitsiang Keep on trying. A consistent drop of water on same spot can break a boulder.

LeonLeeBMG Jun 10, 10:26am
@dredwinbosi @junzwong will do. Let me work on it @mpkotabelud @limkitsiang

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 11:35am
@limkitsiang (1) Irresponsible. Willing to condemn thousands of poor kadazans, bajaus, irranuns rice farmers in KB to perpetual poverty.

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 11:36am
@limkitsiang (2) Hypocrite. Supported construction of dam in Penang but objected in KB.

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 11:39am
@limkitsiang (3) no qualms of seeing Msia forever dependent on foreign import of rice. He cares not if tmrow msians don’t hv rice to eat.

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 11:49am
@limkitsiang (4) vehemently objected 2Kudat’s Milau dam. Now Kudat wont hv water prob in the next 20 yrs. Dap Kudat? Silent as a mouse now.

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 11:52am
@limkitsiang (5) previously objected Penang bridge. Now enjoying it and dare to ask for one more! Hypocrite lagi!

dredwinbosi Jun 10, 11:53am
@mpkotabelud @limkitsiang Don’t use such tactic. Heed Shafie Apdal call to plant tapioca. U may not like him but his idea gd.

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 11:54am
@limkitsiang (6) Objected to dam but when asked for alternative, mulut ternganga! Fail!

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 11:59am
@limkitsiang (7) Forgets that I am also wakil rakyat to tens of thousands ppl of KBelud not just Tambatuon ppl.

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 12:02pm
@limkitsiang (8) Doesn’t know or care that pp of KgT could earn much more income when they co-share the RM13m profits of mini hydro.

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 12:05pm
@dredwinbosi @limkitsiang (9) Ask Msians to eat tapioca when there is no rice. Those of u who like that raise ur hands!

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 12:09pm
@limkitsiang (10) anti-dam, anti-development, anti-poverty eradication. Why? So he can whack the govt for not doing anything. Politics 24/7!

pmnicol Jun 10, 12:14pm
@mpkotabelud not kitsiang alone but most m’sian r anti the way u guys carry out this project!

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 12:17pm
@limkitsiang Those r the 10 points &my rebuttal at which u need 2respond2. O/wise wait 4me 2debate u in parl. Deal?

dredwinbosi Jun 10, 12:17pm
@mpkotabelud @limkitsiang U sh go to rural area and ask them. I c u haven’t travel much.

JunzWonG Jun 10, 12:23pm
“@SabahKini: TO DAM OR TO BE DAMNED?” @limkitsiang @dredwinbosi @LeonLeeBMG

mpkotabelud Jun 10, 12:24pm
@dredwinbosi Y u object Kudat dam? Evn whn govt said it’s needed 4 critical treated water supply? U sanggup tengok org kg minum air perigi?

dredwinbosi Jun 10, 12:24pm
@mpkotabelud @limkitsiang I hope Shafie Apdal is following this twit.

dredwinbosi Jun 10, 12:25pm
@mpkotabelud U have not exhausted ur study on alternatives, u go for somethg drastic and make pple unhappy.

limkitsiang Jun 10, 12:26pm
R U alrite YB? After all d hysteria last nite making a fool of yrself, thot u wld sober up. Clearly not @mpkotabelud Those r the 10 pts..

limkitsiang Jun 10, 12:49pm
Pathos. Jackpot! Precise word describe feeling of pity 4u. What sad end 4foremost Umno cyberwarrior @mpkotabelud @dredwinbosi … Pathetic.


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