Najib: Good governance easier said than done

June 08, 201 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 8 — Datuk Seri Najib Razak told Muslim leaders today that achieving good governance was “easier said than done.”

The prime minister told the seventh World Islamic Economic Forum in his speech that this was due to political influence, inequality, strong family ties, greed, inadequate regulations and poor enforcement.

“Even the fear of God at times can do little to ensure… integrity,” he said in Ankara, Kazakhstan.

However, the Barisan Nasional (BN) chief said that his administration was committed to pursuing good governance to make Malaysia more competitive.

He listed the Whistleblower Protection Act, National Integrity Plan, the introduction of key performance indicators for the public sector and establishing the Malaysian Institute of Integrity as steps taken by his administration to promote good governance.

The prime minister also said said that openness, honesty and transparency was needed to convince the public that the government was working for them and not itself.

Najib (picture) said these guiding principles would show that leaders and politicians were working for the benefit of all and not just “lining their own pockets.”

“It is up to us to show the resolve, dedication, commitment and political will required to do what is right, to right what is wrong and to prevent corruption and secrecy from becoming a norm in our societies,” the Umno president said.

He added that governments should “walk the talk and practise what we preach” and not fear criticism from the public.

According to graft watchdog Transparency International, Malaysia’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI) has been falling since 2008 when it scored 5.1.

In last year’s report, Malaysia scored a 4.4, ranking it 56th out of 178 countries.

The score fell short of the 4.9 target the government had announced in January 2010 as one of its National Key Results Area (NKRA).


9 Replies to “Najib: Good governance easier said than done”

  1. Yes, even the fear of GOD may not deter some! Which ‘some’ of you in? Malaysians after all these years, I believe expect just honest leaders not even 0.2 level saint! if that is hard to achieve, then where do you rate yourself? Or where does BN rate itself? Or are you implying that Malasyians really expected saints to run this country of which you all nearly qualified? Just look at the mirror!!

  2. // Good governance easier said dan done //

    Kenyataan itu memang benar. Singapore tidak mempunyai hasil bumi seperti Malaysia yang ada biji timah, getah, minyak mentah dan sebagainya akan tetapi kian berkembang menjadi satu negara maju. Sebab-sebabnya jelas sekali, pemimpin-pemimpin LKY, GCT dan PM yang ada sekarang Lee Hsien Loong ” BERSIH Cekap dan AMANAH ” Senang kata, PM harus berlayak dan pandai untuk membangunkan negara. Kalau tak bersih, tak cekap tak beramanah serta tidak berotak, tentulah bukan senang kerana timbulnya pelbagai masalah.

  3. Mr PM, please “walk the talk and practise what you preach”, I don’t see any of “openness, honesty and transparency” in the current administration.. what we have are OSA, corruption, little napoleons, ISA … and we have NEM being washed out due to fear after receiving criticism from the perkasa. … therefore according to your “guiding principles” the current BN administration leaders and politicians were just “lining their own pockets” and not working for the benefit of all.

  4. Najib can ..twist and turn..flip flopping….make deals….bribes..create slogans…threathen….provoke…and all depend on his calculations…when.. how and where to perform his acts….to rope suckers and vote for him.
    Check it out…if all put out are not true.
    And why does he behave that way?
    Corruptions and Atlantuya ghost is following him…making this PM the worst of the lot.

  5. So he goes to Islamic economic conference in a country where corruption is as bad or even worst, and he gives a speech that gives excuses to them and himself? Talk about gutless, pointless and spinning his wheels.

    I thought there was merit that his daughter may have conincided her marriange with the trip but now I don’t now. Its a stupid worthless speech.

  6. He is trying. Wouldn’t it be good that when you want to do something wrong, Allah would just boom down from the sky saying “you must not do it” or your companion angel pulling on your conscience ? God does not work that way. That is why He creates a brain. However even with a brain it is not enough. Even with a conscience, it is not enough. Even with a heart it is not enough. We would bulldoze everything just so that we would have it our wrong way. I suppose we have to tell ourselves. I choose to do it the right way even though I will have to face negative consequences. It is a sinful world, dude. Just a b sinful world.

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