BN on last legs of power, says Kit Siang

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
June 08, 201 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 8 — Lim Kit Siang claims Barisan Nasional (BN) is on the verge of electoral defeat, and that proof of this was an Umno minister’s acceptance of the possibility that the country’s next prime minister could come from Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

The DAP parliamentary leader said this in reference to minister in the prime minister’s department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz’s recent claim that Hadi was aiming to replace Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as PR’s prime minister-designate.

In his analysis of the just-concluded PAS polls, the Umno supreme council member had said a glaring trend had emerged in the usually conservative Islamist party — a newfound lust for power.

“(This) strikes discerning Malaysians as the latest example of the debilitating loss of confidence enveloping Umno and BN leaderships that they are on the last legs of power until the 13th General Election.

“Now a senior Minister of the Najib Cabinet is seriously canvassing the scenario of UMNO and BN losing federal power in Putrajaya and, for the first time in the nation’s history since Merdeka in 1955, a Prime Minister not from Umno after the next 13th general election,” said Lim in a statement today.

Hadi has already stated that he does not want to be prime minister even if Pakatan Rakyat (PR) were to win in the upcoming general election, and explained that PAS’s current goal is to implement a welfare state concept.

Lim said that as far as PR was concerned, all were in agreement that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will be the country’s next prime minister should the federal opposition take over Putrajaya.


6 Replies to “BN on last legs of power, says Kit Siang”

  1. Yes subconsciously….and indirectly…Nazri is admitting defeat for the coming 13th GE.
    As Anwar has always been the thorn to prick their conscience and win over vast majority Muslims trusts and faith…Nazri wishes to see that Anwar does not fullfill his dream to be the PM…when UMNO B falls.
    He wants Anwar to fail to achieve his dreams.
    But Nazri forgets…vast majority Malaysians want Anwar to be the next PM…one way or another.
    Elsewhere….Karpal is advising Mahathir to repent and shut up.

  2. It’s as though DAP is awake but still dreaming,,, they’ve been living in a fantasy world for the entire life….it reminds me of the popular TV series in the 70s and 80s…Fantasy Island… Mr. Roarke and a mysterious island where people from all walks of life could come and live out their fantasies,..

  3. At last cintanegara speaks again!
    Lim Kit Siang was exposing Nazri’s fantasy and dreams …and cintanegara is still living in his own dream world..talking nonsense.
    I hope he read it again and again..the post and advance to higher learning skills with a better brain…for PR will govern very soon and he maybe out of a job…carrying balls…and not producing results.
    You can bet..”Big Dog” will be first to be sacked from the Govt. Dept. too.

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