Umno anti-1 Malaysia, Kit Siang tells Soi Lek

By Clara Chooi | June 01, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 1 — DAP’s Lim Kit Siang told Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek today to observe Umno’s refusal to discard racial politics before defining 1 Malaysia as the government’s “Malaysian first, race second” vision.

Lim pointed out to the MCA president that Umno’s repeated attempts to lure PAS into forming a unity government with Barisan Nasional (BN) was in itself against the concept of 1 Malaysia.

“Why is it that Umno has to try to entice PAS for the sake of Malay unity? If you want to talk about 1 Malaysia, why not BN instead lure PR to form a unity government?” he said when contacted.

Since Election 2008, Umno has made numerous attempts to draw PAS into its fold, ostensibly using Malay unity to bargain with the Islamist party.

Lim reminded Dr Chua of his party’s constant criticism of DAP’s partnership with PAS in the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) pact and asked the former minister why MCA has yet to strongly condemn Umno for courting PAS.

Referring to a recent report in an online news portal, Lim noted that Umno had purportedly offered three federal ministerships and five mentri besar posts to PAS if the party were to agree to a unity government.

“What is MCA’s position on this? MCA has been attacking DAP for co-operating with PAS but Umno is trying to do the same. MCA should issue an ultimatum to Umno or immediately quit BN now,” he said.

Lim also questioned if Dr Chua, by his definition of 1 Malaysia, was predicting an end to race-based parties in BN.

“When will BN dissolve all communal-based parties and form one party that is open to all Malaysians?” he said.

Lim said most of BN’s Cabinet ministers have failed to accept the “Malaysian first, race second” concept, despite Dr Chua’s definition of 1 Malaysia today.

“It has taken Dr Chua two years and two months to realise that we should be Malaysians first and our races, second. But in any case, he is yet to convince all MCA leaders to state the same.

“And what about our Cabinet ministers? Our own DPM (deputy prime minister) has already said he is Malay first and Malaysian second,” he said.

Lim added that Dr Chua’s statement was likely borne of the latter’s struggle to find his footing in the “maelstrom of Umno’s racial politics” and his attempt to save MCA from losing relevance.


4 Replies to “Umno anti-1 Malaysia, Kit Siang tells Soi Lek”

  1. I don’t understand how a deputy prime minister who is suppose to be serving the entire nation can openly declare that he favours serving a particular group at the expense of others. The fact that other racial groups should suffer such bias is enough reason for MCA to come to terms with itself and its future under its master, UMNO. In any case there really isn’t much future for this organisation if it continues to ignore the obvious and still thinks that the crumbs dropping off their masters table is enough to feed them. Come the next GE, they will be really wipe out.

  2. Given CSL’s cynicism, its impossible he does not know this fact. CSL primary reason of waking up every morning and doing what he does is simply because he believes that many if not most Malaysians, if they were in the same position, would do the same thing he does i.e., maximise his own self-interest and rather minimise his responsibility as much as possible for as long as possible. He believes most Malaysians are just self-centred as much as possible and not worth sacrificing his benefits for. Its not about the right thing to do, what is better for him first and foremost before any other consideration.

    Where his logic fails him is that, HE has the privillege of being in his position – that it comes with responsibility as a member of that community, not just what is written or stated but what is implied. Being a politician is not a profession but a vocation – you don’t just do it for what you get in return.

    His personal conduct already shows he is no person of great moral character. He has shown himself to be crude and not an intellectual. Hence its not likely he understand that what he does has larger implication than just a job and a career. Hence its useless to argue with him about principles of 1Malaysia because he is incapable of intellectually understanding beyond the superficial and use as a political tool..

  3. Of cos CSL dares not condemn UmnoB for dying 2 co-operate with PAS
    His main role is as a loving father: 2 ensure his 2nd son remains a deputy minister or even better upgraded 2 a minister
    Of cos his other role is a wife’s cheater n a skrew driver

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