RM450m Tambatuon dam controversy – Why MP Kota Belud never visited kampong? (2)

This is twitter sequel to “RM450m Tambatuon dam controversy – Why MP Kota Belud never visited kampong?”:

29th May – 1 June 2011

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Baru landing di KK. Buka phone, timeline dan DM saya flooded wt tweets abt @limkitsiang’s visit to my beloved Kota Belud. Ish..
29 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Saya dah bermesyuarat &trima memo JK Bertindak Empangan Tambatuon dua bulan lalu. Kluar dlm paper. @limkitsiang playing spin doctor lagi ke?
29 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Tak payah main politik dgn I. U all pun sama. RT @kaikiok:
29 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Saya dah jumpa JK Bertindak Kg Tambatuon dua bulan yg lepas. RT @shook1974: Apa takut nk tag @mpkotabelud apek? Tanya direct la
29 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
No worries. I am aware. He pretended not to know I met the kg folks already RT @giamsk: @mpkotabelud LKS invading your constituency
29 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
saya dah jawab. RT @Iskandarbak:
29 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
I met them two months ago. RT @drhairul
29 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
I have been to Tambatuon. Infact gave projects there. Err.. How many times u visited Ipoh timur again? RT @limkitsiang
29 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
@limkitsiang Why didn’t u sleep overnight in Kg Tambatuon as planned. U left hurriedly and the 35 ppl u met were hugely dissappointed.
29 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Truth is u don’t care abt the dam and the purpose. U just care abt ur politics! U jadi PM, semua org mati tak makan! RT @limkitsiang
29 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
I don’t mind if dinasour politicians visit my constituency. I really dont. But to use village ppl for divisive politics, I will fight u!
29 May

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
C yr informant did’nt tell u everything. I wan 2twt u: Y nvr visited KgTbtn? @mpkotabelud Y didn’t u sleep overnite KgTambatuon as planned.
30 May

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
Yes u received memo, but nvr visited KgT RT @mpkotabelud: Saya dah bermesyuarat &trima memo JK Bertindak Empangan Tambatuon dua bulan lalu
30 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
U want Msia 2forever depend on foreigners re:rice imports. Dare u 2state PR’s rice policy. Or u just half past 6 politician? RT@limkitsiang
30 May

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
YB @mpkotabelud said hv visited T, but hv u visited KgT? Or are u say’g KgT ppl telling lies? Din u say watever happens, T dam must b built?
30 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
W/out a dam, no water 4the jelapang padi 2feed ur granchildren in the future. But u dont gv a damn abt the future isn’t YB? RT @limkitsiang
29 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
U and ur Dear Mentor Leader! RT @billtay25: Good 4 some1 pocket? RT”@limkitsiang
29 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
The honours go to him. RT @StanleyWTW: @mpkotabelud @limkitsiang Haha…! One of you must be a useless liar!
29 May

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
Tambatuon Saga: A Village fights for its life | By Dr Edwin Bosi http://bit.ly/l32vSb
30 May

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
YB KB don’t hide run away from T dam issue @chean_nasution Y afraid?Tell truth @mpkotabelud LKS made blatant speech HarvestFestival dinner
30 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Bring it up in parliament this 13th June. We debate it there. RT @limkitsiang: YB KB don’t hide run away from T dam issue @chean_nasution
30 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
@limkitsiang As a political junkie u just wnt ur political fix. Thts it! U don’t gv a damn if Msia hv anothr rice crisis like 2008! Shame!
30 May

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
Evasion T dam issue. Downright irresponsible. R u MP 4Kg Tambatuon 2represent ppl or MP 4 T dam interests agnst ppl wishes? @mpkotabelud
30 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Don’t worry YB, tak ada yg perlu nak di counter. Tak ada kesan. RT @ybz99: Tadi masuk kg Awadnir. Bila @mpkotabelud nak pi counter?
30 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
I am talking abt national rice self sufficiency policy. We import 30% of our rice needs. Not rights to import. RT @YouTiup
30 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
I am sticking to my debate on the dam for the time being. RT @YouTiup: @mpkotabelud dare we talk abt land reform?
30 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
You shadow boxing again YB? RT @limkitsiang: Every1 can c thru u run hide from T dam issue. @dredwinbosi
31 May

Limitsiang Lim Kit Siang
Is RM250m 4tunnel in T dam project additional 2RM450m dam cost, cost of T dam is staggering RM700m! @mpkotabelud shd declare interests
31 May

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
YB KgT ppl x shadow-boxing but “life-n- death” battle 2defend way of life. U shld b their champion x agnst them.@mpkotabelud @dredwinbosi
31 May

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
YB seems 1 of 3 or 4 ppl who know any/every thing abt RM450 mil (or RM700m?) T dam project. RM6mil Q is Y @mpkotabelud x sharing w KgT ppl!
31 May

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
Thus raises Q whthr YB MP 4Kota Belud (inc KgT) or MP 4 RM450 million T dam interest agnst KgT/KB. KgT ppl have right 2know @mpkotabelud
31 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
RT @Zuhri: @mpkotabelud toothless lion.continue wht u r doing in KB. The divisive &extreme views of the toothless one hv no place there
31 May

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
@Iskandarbak I will post my explanations in my blog. I will let u know once it’s up. Nak jawab kat twitter susah.
22 hours ago

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
YB x qualified 2debate in Parl on T dam if no mandate from KgTambatuon voters RT @mpkotabelud I am sticking 2my debate on dam 4time being.
15 hours ago

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
In what capacity will YB b speaking in Parliament on T dam? 2represent voice of KgT/KB voters or betray their rights/interests? @mpkotabelud
14 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Hold ur horses YB. I can’t explain agriculture policy in 140 chctrs. I am writing my blog now 2call ur bluff. So b patient. RT@limkitsiang
13 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Betrayal is your middle name. Not mine. RT @limkitsiang: In what capacity will YB b speaking in Parliament on T … http://tmi.me/aU9f2
13 hours ago

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
4days already but YB unable 2rebut facts: 1 YB never visited KgT 2 KgT ppl never consulted on RM450m dam 3 KgT ppl oppose Tdam @mpkotabelud

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
R u running away meh YB? Lol! RT @limkitsiang: YB x qualified 2debate in Parl on T dam if no mandate from KgTambatuon voters
13 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Aiya, I was thinking 2propose a motion to make u oppo leader to replace tht useless fella. Change my mind. Sama saja. Lol. RT @limkitsiang
13 hours ago

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
No excuse MP cannot visit/dialogue KgT 4two yrs re T dam. I can arrange meeting 4YB in KgT b4 Parl meets.Game? @mpkotabelud @dredwinbosi
4 hours ago

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
@mpkotabelud This is 1June – another 12 days 2Parl. Don’t tell me u cannot spare 1 – 2 hrs 2dialogue w yr voters in KgTambatuon on T deam?
4 hours ago

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
@mpkotabelud Will x embarrass u so I will x b present. Will just arrange T dam dialogue in KgTambatuon as u have no contact w yr KgT voters
3 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
@mpkotabelud If this is too embarrassing @dredwinbosi can arrange dialogue/meeting in KgT on T dam 4 u. Edwin’s article http://bit.ly/lShWa0

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
“See How They Run” latestproduction in Sabah/Msian politics casting @mpkotabelud -running away from KgTambatuon 2Parliament re T dam issue
1 hour ago Favorite Reply Delete


One Reply to “RM450m Tambatuon dam controversy – Why MP Kota Belud never visited kampong? (2)”

  1. This dam is for the politicians local and others to make a quick gain for the contract of the project.

    Apart for the environmental damage should a natural disaster occur with the dam, I think the water can flood a great land mass possible up to Kota Kinabalu.

    Now we don’t need to flood the fields to grow padi.
    We only need minimum water to grow the SRI padi and the productivity is much more compared with flooded field padi.

    SRI is also organic and the price is very good and can be three times the present rice.

    The politicians and the agriculturists want to ignore SRI because SRI cultivation does not need the intensive drainage hence no more projects of the politicians and the cronies

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