Lim Kit Siang

Why I returned

By Walter
May 30, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

MAY 30 — I left Malaysia in 1988 not long after the upheavals in the Malaysian political scene, which included Operation Lalang and the sacking of the Lord President.

I spent a total of 16 years away — in Singapore, the Middle East, France and the US — as an expatriate, and experienced living abroad. During the period, I had many opportunities to become a permanent resident elsewhere but home is where the heart is… and my heart was not in any of those places. Once our youngest child left for university in 2004, I chose to return to Malaysia. Why?

1. This is my country; I was born/raised here and my family and friends are here, regardless of what label others may put on me.

2. I remain optimistic that better days are ahead. There are other similar minded citizens of all backgrounds in this country and if we combined our time, talent and treasure, we can change the system.

3. It may take us more than one general election but I shall remain resolute and, to borrow the words of Martin Luther King Jr, dream our dream that one day our children and our children’s children will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the strength of their character.

4. I choose not to let a small group of selfish men with puny minds continue to plunder the nation’s wealth and waste the lives of the next generations.

I want to stand and be counted. Come the next general election, the person or persons who share such hopes and aspirations will have my vote and I will persuade others to join me in this campaign to make the difference.