MCA, don’t stop believing, says Adnan

By Shazwan Mustafa KamalThe Malaysian Insider
May 29, 2011

The Pahang BN chairman says that MCA leaders must start “believing” in their strengths if they want to win more seats at the next general elections. — file picGENTING HIGHLANDS, May 29 — MCA leaders need to buck up and improve if the Barisan Nasional (BN) component party wants to win more seats at the next general elections, Datuk Seri Adnan Mansor said last night.

Adnan, who is Pahang BN chairman and Pahang Umno Liaison Committee chairman, said that the only way for MCA to accomplish this was for its leaders to start “believing” in their strengths.

“We must know our strengths before going into the GE … we need to know our position.

“MCA needs conviction … if you waver in your stand, confirm kita kalah (we will lose),” Adnan said during an MCA retreat last evening.

The veteran Umno leader said that once MCA “strengthened” itself, it could then work together with Umno as a solid coalition.

“The Chinese must be convinced that MCA can fight for the Chinese … we cannot say we are multiracial if there are no Chinese representatives in BN,” added the Pahang MB.

In Election 2008, MCA suffered its worst-ever electoral defeat when it saw its parliamentary representation cut by more than half from 31 to just 15 seats.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak is widely tipped to call an early general election this year, but did not comment on the matter today.

The Malaysian Insider understands, however, that Najib is likely to delay snap polls until the end of this year or early 2012 as his party hunts for funds to finance a campaign to court Bumiputera and Indian voters in its bid to secure a two-thirds parliamentary majority.

It is understood Umno’s coffers were depleted after BN spent some RM500 million for the April 16 Sarawak election.

Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, however, told The Malaysian Insider that he believes Umno’s increasingly ultra-Malay stance as well as the emergence of a sex video aimed at discrediting PR’s image are definite signs that general elections will be called by August.


13 Replies to “MCA, don’t stop believing, says Adnan”

  1. Chinese historiography (whether written by Chinese historians like the eminent Sima Qian or commented by Confucian literati) is replete with criticisms of the role/institution of eunuchs at the imperial court. Many voluntarily subjected to castration to join the imperial court out of economic reasons. Due to access to Emperor they had a measure of influence/privileges depending on the Emperor’s character. Being convenient scapegoats was an expected part of their imperial duties. It wasn’t an easy task. They were castrated to prevent them from becoming aroused around concubines of harem that they managed for the Emperor’s pleasure. One could not expect, after the mutilation, that they could finish of something that the Emperor didn’t, with a concubine; or, worse still, when an emperor was infertile and needed heir to throne to secure the realm, expect his enunch to surreptitiously sire an offspring that the emperor could claim his own to the world at large, an object that the humble servant obviously was diffident of achieving no matter how many times the Emperor exhorted him to believe in his capabilities.

  2. MCA marbles polisher eunuchs believe only in “Money god”…even to hold a retreat, they need to be close to
    the center of the spinning wheel of fortune.
    Obviously, this beggar party with no contribution to the coalition, UMNO do not feel sedap…

  3. Keep believing. Now that is the issue. Only a believe. Yeah. Its only a believe. I mean look. Is democracy a belief? Its a practised reality, idiots. Is power sharing within the bn thingy only a belief? No idiot. It should also be a practised reality. And and is ketuanan umno only a belief? Try telling that to umno. “Its a fact, you nitwit” they may scream.

    Oh boy. Yeah. Keep on believing. Just as well you keep on dreaming!

  4. Tunku Adnan’s message is clear – Umno wants MCA to continue to be a mitlaufer or ”fellow traveler” to lends legitimacy and respectability to Umno’s political hegemony.

    Clearly, it is beyond the ken of Tunku Adnan and those of his ilk the possible picture of the quotidian frustrations of the Chinese community.

    The Chinese community’s veneration for MCA in the past had been edacious, even idolatry. It was principles, and not power, that we venerated. We had had venerated many of them. And we had venerated most of them in shameful ways.

    We are bent upon showing MCA clownish caudillos that our opinions respecting them, on every particular, fell far below those they entertained of themselves.

    To say that MCA is still the Chinese community’s canonical representative in Malaysian politics is not only an insult to the intellectual dimensions of the community but also to put the community in perpetual servile subjection to the party, Umno, and BN.

    For decades we were implanted in our heads the demonic urge to joining the rush of the Gadarene swine in believing and supporting MCA whatever and whenever the party asked of us, mindless of the consequences. Those days are long gone and shall never return.

    It is a fact, plump and plain, that we have long left MCA to repose and rust; that the news of a requiem for its slow-death is imminent.

    We haven’t AT ALL forgotten about the RM12.5 billion PKFZ scandal, a generational theft that MCA must be held responsible for. To propitiate the trust and respect of the Chinese, MCA leadeship needs must steel its heart and will and rake into the bowels of unwelcome truth, with no tertium quid.

    As well, we have not forgotten about MCA President Dato Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek’s sex escape.

    Some people (such as DAP President Kapal Singh) stand on the feeling that if you want to think about what is apposite and inapposite behavior in a particular line of work, look at its goals and values and then reason from them to what the shape of activities on the ground should be. They say, don’t look to large moral platitudes or big philosophical concepts, for they will only get in the way of figuring out what you should or should not be doing. But in Chua Soi Lek’s case, the cardinal question is – for what possible goals and values and benefits could his copulating with a doxy bring to the Chinese community?

  5. Adnan is right. They should not stop believing. The problem is MCA started believeing less in their strengths long long time ago. If they still believed, they would go to UMNO and tell them in the face, they are a bunch of screw-ups and MCA can run the country better than UMNO with one hands tied behind their backs..

    Their problem is that PR can run the country better with two hands and feet tied and mouth stuffed and the evidence is getting clearer and clearer.

  6. Certain and sure good MCA leaders will be entrusted and elected again by his people.
    MCA said it right there will be ‘no posts’ for government as only one from UMNO will be left alone!
    After GRE who can anticipate no change except vote in the hands of people?
    I suppose MCA is hinting something going to happen never like before for BN!!!

  7. It is believing alright

    Like the master said to million believing protect them from the JUSTICE

    Protect them, help them continue their corruption acts in gov administration

    Take part of corruption, help them, protect them

    soon you will be rewarded in H*LL

    As we’re all be like the corrupted devil agents

  8. Do I take this to mean that MCA is reminded by Adnan to face reality that MCA has only 30% of the support of the community it claimed to be representing? It can’t something else! If you have only this much support, please don’t make noise! We will give you the leftovers; but remember with PR making so much publicity, the leftovers will not mean much but what can we do, your community seems to be gwtting smarter. So bear with us!

  9. Ya, MCA, don’t stop believing dat U r a sunset party, destined 2 mati n b kicked out by M’sians
    Don’t stop believing dat U r a party only good 2 b led by a no-principle porno actor, who cheated on his wife n family – what a leadership by example
    Mayb all d towkays n key holders in MCA r cheaters too n think/act like d porno leader

  10. Ya, MCA should know that their strength is to sell off the Chinese rights to UMNO by being UMNO’s pet , agreeing on all the racist term enshrined by UMNOs, say on behalf of all Chinese in Malaysia that the Chinese is giving away all their citizenship’s rights to Malays. I believe this strength from MCA will continue to bring them success.

  11. As long as racist MCA continue to exist, there will be no future for Chinese in Malaysia, after 50 long long years of fighting for Chinese, now we ended up losing EVERY CITIZEN RIGHTS in Malaysia; right to have full subsidies of Chinese primary and secondary education, rights to enroll local universities top courses and to have sholarships for oversea/local universities with excellent passing marks, rights to apply for lisences and run our business( Any chinese awarded licence to run franchises KFC, McDonald..etc???), rights to built our temples/churches, rights to be part of civil servants,rights …………etc.
    MCA serves no political purpose in this multicultural Malaysia society, MCA weaken Malaysia Chinese citizens’s rights.
    IT IS TIME for MCA to rest in peace, otherwise Chinese citizen in Malaysia have to rest in peace INSTEAD.( remember MCA stands for Mampus China Asso ).

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