Tweetup at Kota Kinabalu and Kuching

@limkitsiang tweetup details:-

  • Saturday, 28 May 2011, 10am; Kota Kinabalu
    Shangri La Hotel (conference room), Bandaran Jaya

  • Monday, 30 May 2011, 7pm; Kuching
    Lot 97, 1st & 2nd Floors,
    Lorong 5a, Jalan Datuk Abang Abdul Rahim,
    93450 Kuching, Sarawak.

All are welcome.


5 Replies to “Tweetup at Kota Kinabalu and Kuching”

  1. I also don’t know what is tweetup.
    Tweetitydo tweetitydum I know.
    I guess computer words and english to learn is the best.
    I guess speaking like an Americans is better than British.
    Politicians sets the rules…we must all follow..or get MODERATED!!

  2. Regardless FOR or AGAINST….the characters are the same… to win votes.
    For present Oppositions…do and becareful not to get arrested.
    Son is braver than old man…but old man runs the show…..son manage a city.
    The Chairman of the Board…busy busy elected to do very little work. Kept busy in court.
    Poor Karpal…whole life defending.
    Mahathir once said…it takes the whole country to trap Anwar.
    Ibrahim Ali said….Anwar is the one that is unchargeable and unarrestable.. talking nonsense.
    Notice the similarity in thinking?
    Ibrahim Ali keep copying and memorizing how to talk. Wait for original idea…same same as Najib.

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