Lim Kit Siang

MCA – Heartless, Soulless, Hopeless

Tweets exchange:-

limkitsiang – 8.04am
I hope that one day I can return – John Malachi (TMI)

limkitsiang – 8.08am
Cry of a Msian – “as I write this in tears 2nite, I hope that 1 day I can return ..2do what I was doing b4 I left”

giamsk – 8.10am
Voice of a refugee? So sensational RT @limkitsiang: Cry of a Msian – “as I write this in tears 2nite, I hope that 1 day I can return…

mukhlisme911 – 8.16am
Me too YB, reading in tears “@limkitsiang: Cry of a Msian – “as I write this in tears 2nite, I hope that 1 day I can.. ”

limkitsiang – 8.18am
TQ @Mitchelltai @simonsclim @imFawziaariff @Ean_Yong @pepperlim @joekaedro @abacuscp @chiamck others 4wellwishes. Return evil thots 2senders

limkitsiang – 8.24am
Sad tragic @mukhlisme911 Me too YB, reading in tears “as I write this in tears 2nite, I hope that 1 day I can.. ”

limkitsiang – 8.32am
Most tempted 2use 4-letter words agnst MCA strategists/cybertroopers. So heartless/unrepentant @giamsk Voice of a refugee? So sensational

giamsk – 8.36am
:) janganlah YB RT @limkitsiang: Most tempted 2use 4-letter words agnst MCA strategists/cybertroopers. So heartless/unrepentant

skthew – 8.38am
RT @limkitsiang: Most tempted 2use 4-letter words agnst MCA strategists/cybertroopers. So heartless/unrepentant @giamsk Voice of a refugee? So sensational

limkitsiang – 8.42am
All MCA leaders shd publicly apologise 4grave brain drain crisis in Msia instead of shedding crocodile’s tears @giamsk :) janganlah YB

giamsk – 8.49am
@limkitsiang talent corp must succeed!

limkitsiang – 8.51am
We have Malay compatriots @mukhlisme911 who feel pain of Msians uproot themselves bcos unjust policies but heartless soulless MCA @giamsk

giamsk – 8.52am
@limkitsiang @mukhlisme911 yeah yeah yeah blame MCA again.. this is all DAP can do…

limkitsiang – 8.57am
Tkz MCA/Umno leaders Talent Corp will be Talent Corpse @giamsk @mukhlisme911 yeah yeah blame MCA again.. this is all DAP can do… .

mukhlisme911 – 9.01am
Ahaha..YB, that ‘Talent Corpse’ memang kena pada orangnya RT @limkitsiang @giamsk Tkz MCA/Umno leaders Talent Corp will be Talent Corpse..

limkitsiang – 9.18am
MCA leaders utterly hopeless post308 – imagine making snide remarks abt Msian Diaspora as “refugees” when they r responsible 2gether w UMNO?

choows – 9.29am
I really have great respect for @limkitsiang, every single issue that arises he can also link it to MCA & whack MCA, not any other party

buttercity – 9.34am
Lol RT @choows: I really have great respect for @limkitsiang, every single issue that arises he can also link it to MCA & whack MCA, not any other party

limkitsiang – 9.53am
Is @giamsk not from MCA? Want me 2whack Umno or Gkan? @choows every single issue ..he can link it to MCA & whack MCA, not any other party

giamsk – 9.58am
@limkitsiang whacks me la.. :D @choows