MCA – Heartless, Soulless, Hopeless

Tweets exchange:-

limkitsiang – 8.04am
I hope that one day I can return – John Malachi (TMI)

limkitsiang – 8.08am
Cry of a Msian – “as I write this in tears 2nite, I hope that 1 day I can return ..2do what I was doing b4 I left”

giamsk – 8.10am
Voice of a refugee? So sensational RT @limkitsiang: Cry of a Msian – “as I write this in tears 2nite, I hope that 1 day I can return…

mukhlisme911 – 8.16am
Me too YB, reading in tears “@limkitsiang: Cry of a Msian – “as I write this in tears 2nite, I hope that 1 day I can.. ”

limkitsiang – 8.18am
TQ @Mitchelltai @simonsclim @imFawziaariff @Ean_Yong @pepperlim @joekaedro @abacuscp @chiamck others 4wellwishes. Return evil thots 2senders

limkitsiang – 8.24am
Sad tragic @mukhlisme911 Me too YB, reading in tears “as I write this in tears 2nite, I hope that 1 day I can.. ”

limkitsiang – 8.32am
Most tempted 2use 4-letter words agnst MCA strategists/cybertroopers. So heartless/unrepentant @giamsk Voice of a refugee? So sensational

giamsk – 8.36am
:) janganlah YB RT @limkitsiang: Most tempted 2use 4-letter words agnst MCA strategists/cybertroopers. So heartless/unrepentant

skthew – 8.38am
RT @limkitsiang: Most tempted 2use 4-letter words agnst MCA strategists/cybertroopers. So heartless/unrepentant @giamsk Voice of a refugee? So sensational

limkitsiang – 8.42am
All MCA leaders shd publicly apologise 4grave brain drain crisis in Msia instead of shedding crocodile’s tears @giamsk :) janganlah YB

giamsk – 8.49am
@limkitsiang talent corp must succeed!

limkitsiang – 8.51am
We have Malay compatriots @mukhlisme911 who feel pain of Msians uproot themselves bcos unjust policies but heartless soulless MCA @giamsk

giamsk – 8.52am
@limkitsiang @mukhlisme911 yeah yeah yeah blame MCA again.. this is all DAP can do…

limkitsiang – 8.57am
Tkz MCA/Umno leaders Talent Corp will be Talent Corpse @giamsk @mukhlisme911 yeah yeah blame MCA again.. this is all DAP can do… .

mukhlisme911 – 9.01am
Ahaha..YB, that ‘Talent Corpse’ memang kena pada orangnya RT @limkitsiang @giamsk Tkz MCA/Umno leaders Talent Corp will be Talent Corpse..

limkitsiang – 9.18am
MCA leaders utterly hopeless post308 – imagine making snide remarks abt Msian Diaspora as “refugees” when they r responsible 2gether w UMNO?

choows – 9.29am
I really have great respect for @limkitsiang, every single issue that arises he can also link it to MCA & whack MCA, not any other party

buttercity – 9.34am
Lol RT @choows: I really have great respect for @limkitsiang, every single issue that arises he can also link it to MCA & whack MCA, not any other party

limkitsiang – 9.53am
Is @giamsk not from MCA? Want me 2whack Umno or Gkan? @choows every single issue ..he can link it to MCA & whack MCA, not any other party

giamsk – 9.58am
@limkitsiang whacks me la.. :D @choows

3 Replies to “MCA – Heartless, Soulless, Hopeless”


    9A+ dan 1A in last year’s SPM and state hoki player apart from school champ in chess and badminton.

    Applied for medicine or nanotechnology but awarded Diploma of Education course in Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI).

    Her fellow students with less A+s are now laughing all the way to the banks in the USA.

    3 cheers for jibby’s 1malaysia Race First Discriminate Now

  2. 9A + best in sport will not guarantee you a place in university at racist land.

    They will use the implemented additional “interview” session to fail you. The A+ result is objective but they are able to make it to become subjective result.

    They are good to discreminate the minority and hope you will migrate to reduce the cake sharing owned by them.

    Hope different races(chinese, indian, kadazan.iban… ) can sit in to conduct the interview to avoid discremination on best student.

  3. //additional “interview” session to fail you//

    I guess the interview questions are as follows—-

    1. Name the greatest malaysian ever in human history.

    If you answer Tunku Ab Rahman, you are out because the correct answer is jib the c4er.

    2. When will the NEP end?

    If you answer ‘2050’ you are out because the correct answer is ‘as soon as umno says so’

    3. Who caused TBH’s death?

    The correct answer is ‘DAP’ and all other answers are wrong

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