10 Days in May (34)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

TBH RCI – What game MACC up2 demanding special treatment in not meeting yesterday’s RCI deadline 4submissions – while complied by others?

Bar Council justified complaint working “round the clock” 2comply with RCI deadline 4submissions – Y MACC exception w Friday extension?

Question Grave Public Importance:Y MACC need more time than others 2submit what happened 2TeohBengHock dat fateful day @MACC Shah Alam hqrs?

Fully endorse PAS ShahAlam MP KhalidSamad query whether there is any MACC cover-up http://bit.ly/kloK8j MP questions silence on Sarbani case

One Reply to “10 Days in May (34)”

  1. I have a sneaky suspicion the MACC submission was deliberately delayed so that they can study what the other parties, especially the Bar Council, has already submitted and then frame their (MACC) submissions accordingly to specifically counter the submissions that has been put in by the other parties.

    I do hope this is not the case.

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