10 Days in May (32)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

TBH RCI – Does MACC accept this fact instead of wanting 2do a OJSimpson criminal trial http://bit.ly/komu4m Teoh’s death IS abt MACC (TMI)

If TBH RCI cannot restore public confidence in MACC, w Sarbani MACC-fall-from-height death, radical measures needed in anti-corruption fight

Two options – 1 major shakeup of MACC n appoint new leadership 2 dissolve MACC 2set up new institution/mechanism as MACC is worse than ACA

Will MACC support reinstatement original term of reference TBH RCI 2enable inquiry into Sarbani’s death? Or will MACC support separate RCI?

Australian forensic psychiatrist 30-yr DrPaulMullen opined TBH not suicidal. MACC toyed even w “honour suicide”. Y MACC excluded homicide?

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