Lim Kit Siang

Talent Corp or Talent Corpse?

by Gemilang

Dear Fellow Malaysians:

I am compelled to write to you regarding Talent Corp. road tour in the U.S. I have just attended one of their events at Marriott, Santa Clara. Let me tell you, the turn out was good. I believe there about 200 Malaysians living in the Bay Area attended this event hoping to hear what they have to offer.

It is not surprising that the event was such a let down. Talent Corp. sent amateurs to speak on behalf of Johan Merican where no where to be found. The speaker was a young kid, Hidayat who was very proud to tell the audience that there is nothing wrong with Malaysian education, because he graduated from MIT. Let me share with you that this kid was so naive, speaks poor English, have no business acumen, lack of respects for Malaysian professionals, and lack of understanding of American business etiquette.

For someone who claimed to be MIT graduate and used to work overseas as consultants — he definitely did not have the MIT qualities. He forgot that he just spent his few years completing his undergraduate degree here in the US, but have never been living and working for many years in America. The reason I pointed out this, is that it makes huge differences in life experiences. As an alumni of MIT does not mean that he is fits to talk down on professionals like us here in the Bay Area.

When it comes to questions and answers sessions. He does not have any substances to support his slides presentation. For instance, on the slides it features one of the benefits for luring back Malaysian abroad is by extending 15% income tax reduction, and two cars, furniture, and so on. When asked about whether he really thinks that it is competitive package as opposed to other countries. He honestly believed it was competitive. This kid is so gullible and blindly followed what the government said was good. Yes I understand that I should take his words at the grain of salts. But, it is so intimidating to listen to bunch of amateurs representing Malaysia — what a shame!

Another thing, when some fellow Malaysian asked about what the government will do about immigration-laws, such as dual-citizenship, spouses able to find a job in Malaysia, education for the children, insurance, diversity and inclusiveness, and so on — none of these issues Hidayat able to address at intellectual levels.

Okay, the delegation was consist of representation from Northern Corridor (Dato’ Reza) and his team, MSC (Dato’ Sham) and his team, two young ladies from Khazanah Group, and Mr. Pang from MIDA Malaysia. Imagine you are sitting and listening to bunch of preachers telling us we should consider to come back to Malaysia. Well for haven-sake, for who’s benefits? The government or the people? When are they going to realize that they are wasting so much Malaysian tax payers money by traveling to the US in the name of business conference.

They ought to be ashamed of themselves. They come here in the name of conference, but in reality they took their children for shopping abroad, sight-seeing. Why they have to bring their wife and children during official trips with Malaysian tax payers money? Let me tell you, Dato’ Sham from MSC even came late to the event, showing no apology or remorse. It is another sign of lack of respects for others. Excuse me sir, though you are attending Malaysian event where most Malaysian will be there — that does not give a good reason for you to be late. He simply have this don’t care attitude!

I personally says to them that this is just another campaign for Talent Corp. from the government. Nothing more, nothing less. They are not really serious about it “hangat-hangat tahi ayam aje”.

That’s all for now.