Top 7 Reasons NOT To Vote BN Come GE13

by Damien Murphy Denis
May 24, 2011

Reading the latest happenings about our country is a pain for many of us. Seeing the kind of filth BN politicians churning day in and day out makes you think that Malaysia is in a state of anarchy.

Would anyone disagree? Politically, economically and socially our nation is sinking lower and it seems we are reaching the point of no return.

We were considered to be a model country at one time but today we are on the way to become the “Next Sick Man of Asia” or the next Somalia.

Can we re-claim our country from these corrupt and good for nothing BN politicians? I say we have too. And we need too. Continue reading “Top 7 Reasons NOT To Vote BN Come GE13”

Change has to come from us

A True Blue Malaysian
The Malaysian Insider
May 24, 2011

MAY 24 — I am a Malaysian through and through. I am 45 years old and from a minority group. I work overseas for an MNC which has a hub in KL. I have been posted in the UK for the last three years with a year more to go.

I love Malaysia because it is my homeland no matter what the likes of Ibrahim Ali and Utusan Malaysia say. I guess I am a nostalgic person, too deeply-rooted. I have travelled a bit for my work in the last five years — Singapore, Indonesia, Italy, Dubai and the UK — but when the plane touches down at KLIA, I feel a sense of relief at being back home.

Believe me, some of my Malay colleagues even told me straight to the face that they would rather stay in the UK permanently if the opportunity arose. Most of them have families and their children go to school here.

I admit the education system and almost everything here is better but things will get better at home, I hope! One thing I have always admired about the Malays is their proverb: “Anak dirumah ditinggal, kera dihutan disusu.” For me, the “anak” is Malaysia; the “kera” is the foreign country. It’s we as citizens who have the “susu” and must nurture our country! Continue reading “Change has to come from us”

Transparency of IPP contracts ‘long overdue’

Kuek Ser Kuang Keng | May 24, 11

Calls to reveal ‘secret contracts’ with independent power producers (IPPs) have regained momentum with the announcement by Idris Jala that the government is reviewing gas subsidies provided to this sector.

Idris, a Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, told Malaysiakini last week that some of the contracts are expiring and that the subsidies offered will come up for review.

“It’s being renegotiated. The negotiations are going on and we’ve concluded some of them. In due course, we’ll be making an announcement,” Idris had said.

However, one reason for lopsided contracts signed in the early 1990s with first-generation IPPs was the lack of transparency and scrutiny.

It now appears that the mistake may be repeated, as information has not been disclosed on the review of existing contracts or the negotiation of new contracts.

“All contracts relating to subsidies and the public interest, especially in the areas of public utilities, must be made public,” said Klang MP Charles Santiago of the DAP.

He suggested that Parliament should be given a say in the negotiation process with IPPs. Continue reading “Transparency of IPP contracts ‘long overdue’”

Time to Curb Malaysia’s Racial Attack Dogs

By Salim Osman – The Jakarta Globe | May 23, 2011

As racial tensions rise in Malaysia, one organization causing ripples in the country is Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa).

The group pushed the political temperature to a new high when its president, Ibrahim Ali, on May 14 threatened to wage a crusade against Christians if they turned Malaysia into a Christian state, as claimed by Utusan Malaysia newspaper in a report on an alleged Christian conspiracy.
Continue reading “Time to Curb Malaysia’s Racial Attack Dogs”

Muhyiddin ingatkan orang Melayu jangan terpedaya helah DAP

Muhyiddin Tells Malays Not Be Hoodwinked by DAP

MUAR, 24 MAY, 2011: Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today reminded the Malays not to fall for the tricks of the DAP which is said to be planning to field Malay candidates in the next general election (GE).

Muhyiddin, who is also Umno deputy president, said it was just an attempt by the DAP to hoodwink the Malays when in reality it was a chauvinistic party which had never cared about the wellbeing of the Malays.
Continue reading “Muhyiddin ingatkan orang Melayu jangan terpedaya helah DAP”

Istimewa sangatkah Roketkini?

Oleh Aspan Alias | 24 May 2011

24 MEI – Saya mengucapkan selamat maju jaya kepada Roketkini yang sedang melangkah setapak lagi dalam usaha membetulkan persepsi yang sebenarnya tentang DAP sebuah parti halal yang dibenarkan menjalankan kegiatan mengikut undang-undang negara kita. Roketkini akan berusaha untuk memberikan gambaran sebenar tentang DAP dan tidak payah mendengar pandangan dari pihak lain.
Continue reading “Istimewa sangatkah Roketkini?”

10 days in May (30)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

TBH RCI – Is AbuKassim conscious MACC in dock/on trial n public judgment on MACC definitive final unless RCI rpt satisfactory acceptable?

Has AbuKassim conducted thorough inquiry Y MACC officers involved in elaborate conspiracy coverup lies in “blackblog” inquest RCI TBH death?

Which officers conducted such MACC inquiry? Is AbuKassim prepared 2make public the inquiry findings? If not, Y not? Will AbuK testify @RCI?
Continue reading “10 days in May (30)”

Why I chose Australia

By Alan Roy | May 24, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

MAY 24 — Twenty-two years ago, I set out for Australia with my wife and three young kids in tow, braving an unknown future but confident that life would be fine in my adopted country.

Equal opportunity and anti-discrimination laws protect every new immigrant. Social security and educational benefits help the disadvantaged. You turn on the tap, the water runs. You flip the switch, the power comes on. Above all, good governance, honesty, courtesy and civic-mindedness are striking qualities that contribute to the enviable Australian quality of life.
Continue reading “Why I chose Australia”

Across the Causeway, pump prices dip

The Malaysian Insider | May 24, 2011

SINGAPORE, May 24 — Pump prices for petrol and diesel fell for the second time in as many weeks as simmering worries about the global economy weighed on oil prices.
US oil giant Caltex made the first move when it lowered pump prices by three cents a litre across the board at 6pm yesterday, the Straits Times daily reported today.

The island republic’s Singapore Petroleum Co (SPC) matched the reduction at 7pm, followed by Anglo-Dutch giant Shell at 9pm.
Continue reading “Across the Causeway, pump prices dip”

Zunar gets ‘courage in editorial cartooning’ award

Malaysiakini | May 24, 11

Cartoonist Zulkiflee SM Anwar Ulhaque, popularly known as Zunar, will receive an international award for his work, featuring unyielding criticism of political follies in Malaysia.

The US-based Cartoonists Rights Network International (CRNI) has chosen Zunar as this year’s recipient of its Award for Courage in Editorial Cartooning at its annual gala event on July 7 in St Petersburg, Florida.
Continue reading “Zunar gets ‘courage in editorial cartooning’ award”

DAP launches Malay portal Roketkini

By S Pathmawathy | May 24, 11

In an attempt to bolster its image as an all inclusive party and shed its Chinese-centric tag, DAP launched its Malay-language web-portal, Roketkini, today.

The portal, which focuses on daily news and analysis, is particularly aimed at drawing support from the Malay electorate, often described as being antagonistic toward the DAP.
Continue reading “DAP launches Malay portal Roketkini”

DAP against following BN for snap polls this year

By Clara Chooi | May 24, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 24 — The DAP announced today that it would not agree to holding concurrent elections in Pakatan Rakyat-led (PR) states should the federal government call for snap polls this year.

Secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said the DAP’s central executive committee (CEC) agreed on the position at its meeting yesterday as the party preferred for all four PR governments to complete their full five-year term.
Continue reading “DAP against following BN for snap polls this year”

Top UN official says ‘Malaysia solution’ illegal

The Malaysian Insider | May 24, 2011

SYDNEY, May 24 — The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has slammed the Australian government’s asylum seeker deal with Malaysia as illegal, the Australian Associated Press reported today.

Navi Pillay, who is scheduled to meet Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard in Canberra today, reportedly told a forum in Sydney that asylum seekers are not adequately protected in Malaysia.
Continue reading “Top UN official says ‘Malaysia solution’ illegal”

Utusan warns of DAP entrapment

By Debra Chong | May 24, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 24 — Umno’s Utusan Malaysia warned today the Malay community against falling for the DAP’s Malay spiel, saying it was an election ruse for the party to capture Putrajaya.

In its editorial today titled “Jangan terperangkap ‘hajat besar’ DAP” (“Don’t be trapped by DAP’s ‘grand intent’”), the Malay daily said the Chinese-majority party had grand ambitions that stretched all the way to ruling Malaysia.
Continue reading “Utusan warns of DAP entrapment”

KJ, why send your boys to a Perkasa rally?

Comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers

‘Khairy is slowly being edged out of the mainstream politics in Umno by an unseen hand to be replaced by the unseen hand’s son.’

Khairy ‘whacked’ for not supporting Perkasa

Swipenter: We have heard so much about ‘Malay unity’ from Umno, Perkasa, Pekida, Pembela, etc. Khairy Jamaluddin (KJ), can you confirm to us that ‘Malay unity’ means that the Malays need to be united against the non-Malays and non-Muslims?
Continue reading “KJ, why send your boys to a Perkasa rally?”

10 days in May (29)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

Rapture Day – or End of the World- on May 21, 2011 at 6 pm NEVER came. So ridiculous/silly. Reminds me of Utusan’s “Christian Msia” bogey!

But Rapture rigmarole only affect individuals while Utusan’s “ChristianMsia” cld forment strife/bloodshed if ppl really believed it: a crime

Will Cabinet tmr end silence 2finally take stand agnst seditious/treasonous Utusan “ChrstnMsia” bogey/supprt Najib’s GMoM call/endorse MMoM?
Continue reading “10 days in May (29)”

The Malay nuisance

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani | May 24, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

MAY 24 — After 54 years of independence, the insecurities faced by the Malay community is no longer a dilemma but becoming more like a nuisance, hampering the country’s growth and well-being.

It is utterly irresponsible for middle class Malays to continue harping about self righteous Malay or “Muslim” agenda while the poor are still struggling with bread and butter issues like unemployment and proper education.
Continue reading “The Malay nuisance”

Talent Corp or Talent Corpse?

by Gemilang

Dear Fellow Malaysians:

I am compelled to write to you regarding Talent Corp. road tour in the U.S. I have just attended one of their events at Marriott, Santa Clara. Let me tell you, the turn out was good. I believe there about 200 Malaysians living in the Bay Area attended this event hoping to hear what they have to offer.

It is not surprising that the event was such a let down. Talent Corp. sent amateurs to speak on behalf of Johan Merican where no where to be found. The speaker was a young kid, Hidayat who was very proud to tell the audience that there is nothing wrong with Malaysian education, because he graduated from MIT. Let me share with you that this kid was so naive, speaks poor English, have no business acumen, lack of respects for Malaysian professionals, and lack of understanding of American business etiquette.

For someone who claimed to be MIT graduate and used to work overseas as consultants — he definitely did not have the MIT qualities. He forgot that he just spent his few years completing his undergraduate degree here in the US, but have never been living and working for many years in America. The reason I pointed out this, is that it makes huge differences in life experiences. As an alumni of MIT does not mean that he is fits to talk down on professionals like us here in the Bay Area. Continue reading “Talent Corp or Talent Corpse?”

Umno must make its mind on DAP’s ‘racism’

Comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers

‘Umno has been accusing DAP as a racist party, so now who is racist? While DAP is openly accepting all races, Umno is still practising 1Race politics.’

Umno VP spooked by DAP’s move into Malay territory

Disbeliever: DAP has always maintained itself as a multi-racial party despite there being more non-Malays. The way it is being put, “… (Umno vice-president) Ahmad Zahid Hamidi has exposed a plan by the DAP…” sounds as if the DAP has done something ‘evil’.
Continue reading “Umno must make its mind on DAP’s ‘racism’”