Lim Kit Siang

Puad: Pakatan psy-war puts Umno in peril

May 22, 11

Umno could be in peril if it fails to curb the psychological attacks mounted by the opposition, said party supreme council member, Dr Mohd Puad Zarkashi.

He said the opposition’s approach was dangerous as it could influence the minds of the young who did not fully understand the history of this country and who were thinking too much about material things and freedom.

“Their thinking could be affected by negative perceptions. For example, the 1Malaysia concept is a good thing and is perceived negatively by certain quarters who could influence those with little understanding of the concept in a negative way.

“The psychological attacks are also carried out in a hit-and-run manner, by not admitting to it afterwards because they (opposition) want the people to be angry with Umno so as to weaken Malay power,” he said after opening the Umno Kota Raja division delegates’ meeting, here, today.

Asked how Umno could deal with the psychological attacks, Mohd Puad who is also Deputy Education Minister, said the party would be focusing on DAP which was the mastermind in this, and would also be exposing Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s evil objectives in its struggle.

“We must also empower our party members through programmes and training. We need to overcome our weakness in using the media, especially the new media like the blogs, Facebook and Twitter which the opposition has been relying on a lot to attack (Umno and Barisan Nasional).”

On the opposition attacking Malay newspapers like Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian, Mohd Puad said it was a strategy aimed at weakening Umno and the Malays in their struggles, while the opposition newspapers always touched on sensitive issues too.

“Their dubious approach is by carrying articles on sensitive issues but stating that the articles are the personal views of the writers, and not the newspapers’ official stand or views,” he said.

– Bernama