10 Days in May (26) – Tweet exchange on Sarbani, 2nd MACC death

The “10 Days in May (23)” tweets yesterday resulted in a tweet exchange (reproduced below) with BN MP for Kota Belud Abdul Rahman Dahlan on assistant customs director Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed, the second case of MACC death:

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
What abt it? u wanna politicise it just like u did to TBH? RT @limkitsiang: MACC…What abt Sarbani’s death?
21 May

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
Y now MACC spokesman 2defame Sarbani? Met Sarbani’s family? @mpkotabelud Sarbini came on his own to MACC office that morning. Uninvited. .
23 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Who said he jumped? There is a plausible 3rd version circumstance. U don’t speculate! RT @limkitsiang: U believe Sarbani jumped?
23 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan Defame?
R u still on drips? 3rd plausible circumstance. R we to take ur words hook, line &sinker? RT@limkitsiang: 2defame Sarbani?
23 hours ago

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
@mpkotabelud YB Don’t be MACC stooge. Read – http://bit.ly/kCXkJs Sarbaini did not kill himself, says family (TMI)
23 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
@limkitsiang Sarbini came on his own to MACC office that morning. Uninvited. So he willingly came to MACC to be murdered? Thts absurd!
23 hours ago

ezzademir Ezzad Emir
@limkitsiang Uncle, all this while you politicise the death. Death turns you on? Retire and smell the roses uncle Kit. @mpkotabelud
23 hours ago

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
Still so flippant if what happened 2TBH Sarbani happened 2 yr loved ones? @ezzademir Death turns u on? Retire smell the roses @mpkotabelud
23 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
I feel sorry for Sarbaini’s family. But there is 3rd version. U stop speculate. RT@limkitsiang: ..Sarbaini didnt kill himself, says family
23 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
@limkitsiang I honestly dissapointed in you. SPRM needs your support instead u belittle them evry step of the way! Let’s fight it together.
23 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
6 independent committees. 42 members incl oppo. Eminent ppl. Wht else do u want? RT @Iskandarbak @limkitsiang SPRM mst standup 2 scrutiny.
23 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
@limkitsiang U r an impossible! Just like when u made the poor TBH death a racial issue. Yes you heard me right!
22 hours ago

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
Only racist c TBH as racial issue. Same as Sarbani. No racial issue. Human rights 4all Msians @mpkotabelud .u made TBH death racial issue..
22 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
1st version Macc killed him. 2nd suicide. 3rd version? Let police finishes its job. So difficult? U r so irresponsible. RT@limkitsiang
22 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
@limkitsiang As much as I feel sorry for Sarbaini’s family, the truth must be investigated. And u r not helping at all! Shame!
22 hours ago

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
@mpkotabelud YB y r walking example whats wrong w MACC oversight cttees. As 1 of 42 “eminent” ppl, u shld “oversee” not be MACC echo/stooge
22 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Which is? RT @Iskandarbak: @mpkotabelud @limkitsiang OMG yb kotabelud, Y r u missing d point big time?
22 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
He tweeted and insinuated murder in MACC. And getting political dividends out of it. Cheap! RT @Iskandarbak: R u r havng constipatn 2day?
22 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Yes u r! Why did u SPECIFICALLY demand Chinese Ministers in cabinet to stand up and ask RCI for TBH? Why targeted … http://tmi.me/arzR6
22 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
I didn’t speculate. He did. I just said there are 3 versions. RT@Iskandarbak: U intro a 3rd version. Isnt tat speculatn also?
22 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
I oversee but u don’t see at all! See the diff? RT @limkitsiang: u r exmpl whts wrng w MACC cttees. U shld “oversee” not be MACC echo/stooge
22 hours ago

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
Sarbani died on 6April. Is @mpkotabelud concerned police taking such long time? What happened 2full internal probe pledged by MACC chief?
22 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Cepat atau lambat u maki! Either way, u got ur political dividend. Smart! RT@limkitsiang: Sarbani died. R u concern police taking long time?
22 hours ago

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
As MACC stooge @mpkotabelud trotted out MACC version w/o question as proven by RT – not job of responsible member MACC oversight cttees.
22 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
U r a politician first, Msian second , Chinese third. That sums it up! RT @limkitsiang: As MACC stooge @mpkotabelud trotted out MACC version
22 hours ago

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang
Won’t trade epithets. When will MACC chief make public probe re Sarbani’s death? @mpkotabelud U r politician 1st, Msian 2nd, Chinese 3rd.
21 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Msia needs politics of engagement not guerilla. Let’s work together 2make SPRM more effective! RT @limkitsiang: MACC stooge @mpkotabelud
21 hours ago

(I responded to Abdul Rahmans “politics of engagement” tweet in “10 Days in May (25)”)

limkitsiang Lim Kit Siang DAP called 4RCI into Sarbani’s death http://bit.ly/k4dVrv “DAP gesa Putrajaya adakan suruhanjaya diraja kedua siasat SPRM” (TMI)
21 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Corruption must b fought wt tenacity. MACC must be given unwavering support. Sure it will be tough journey. But one day we will get there.
21 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Corruption’s not abt politics, race &religion. Mix tht, prob will never end. I blame u, u blame me syndrome. Time 4bipartisan spirit. Game?
21 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Yes I admit MACC is not perfect either. But we hv no choice. We hv to fix it. It’s work in progress!
21 hours ago

mpkotabelud Abdul Rahman Dahlan
Dtk Abu is doing his best. But his time is wasted on firefighting. Evrything is politicized disguised as human right crusade RT @ezzademir
21 hours ago

One Reply to “10 Days in May (26) – Tweet exchange on Sarbani, 2nd MACC death”

  1. For the moment, let us say that Brother Sarbani committed suicide. But WHY?. Should not he been properly escorted from the premises of MACC? Or reported to the police/hospital for suicide watch? Strauss-Kahn of IMF has been put on suicide watch!

    Bottom Line: THE MACC is responsible for our Brother’s death!

    And then, there is the plausibility, MURDER! Don’t expect us to look away, MACC!

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