Why I work and stay overseas

By A Bumi | May 19, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

MAY 19 — I am a Malay working overseas. I find working in Malaysia unattractive due to the following reasons. I don’t want to belabour the points, so I list them down in point form:

Chinese chauvinism/racism

• Most private organisations including TMI are dominated by the Chinese and/or their political agenda.

• Chinese people have a tendency to assign negative stereotypes on other races (especially the Bumiputera races).

• They exhibit cliquish, insular, secretive and calculating behaviour.

• Chinese people favour fair-skinned people even though fair skin is disadvantageous in Malaysia’s sunny climate.

• They admire China’s achievements, despite China’s oppressive regime.

• Malaysian Chinese use the Chinese languages (Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien etc.) to isolate their discussion from others while in their presence.

• The Chinese are not honest about failures of ethnic Chinese leaderships in Philippines and Thailand.

• Tokenism is rife in Chinese companies.

• Chinese will use changing criteria to judge people of other ethnicities; one day it is academic merit, another day it may be “character.”

• The Chinese favour their own kind over others, even when other kinds are of equal stature.

• Malays fear to voice out against Chinese for fear of repercussions especially with respect to their employment prospects in the private sector.

• The Chinese still hold strongly to their ethnic heritage.

• They diminish the achievement of other races, especially the Malays.

• Harp on Bumiputera affirmative action even though Chinese people still continue to succeed at all levels of Malaysian life (even government).

• Any Malay who has strong academic background is denounced as attaining it due to “Bumiputera privilege”, even though he graduated overseas with his own money.

• Use their overseas Chinese connection to gain unfair advantage, but pretend the advantage is minimal.

• The Chinese always make unfair comparisons of Malaysia with other non-Muslim, post-industrial countries.

• Chinese people don’t recognise the special position Islam has in Malaysia.

• Enjoy talking bad about Malaysia (even when working/living overseas) as if Malaysia is on the same level as Zimbabwe even though Malaysia is far from it.

• Highly critical of institutions that are Bumiputera-dominated (ie. government), but non-critical of institutions that are Chinese dominant (like gambling).

• Show no desire to partake in patriotic activities (e.g. serve in army), but cry foul when other people point out their lack of patriotism.

• Show lack of understanding about Islamic religion, but enjoy taking Quranic verses out of context to further their argument.

• If pushed to think “outside the box”, the Chinese would favour Western ideals above Islamic ideals.

• The Chinese show lack of respect toward Malay leaders, but accord unnecessary respect to their Chinese community leaders, even though they hold no significant position in government.

• Always speak about “brain drain” but still keep Malaysian passports.

• Willing to spread disingenuous claim that Bumis have already achieved economic parity with the Chinese.

• Use Indians who have achieved to further their claim that Indian community is ahead of the Malay community.

• Comments in support of Chinese chauvinistic agenda are allowed to be posted in TMI, while others are censored.

• I can go on and on with more example, but I grow tired and annoyed.

PAS religionism

• Holds only their interpretation of Islam to be the truth.

• Willing to associate themselves with and be used by non-Muslims while creating enmity toward other Muslims.

• Use religion as a political tool to win arguments and foment discord.

• Ritualistic mentality.

• Have a simplistic idea/concept of the world and its affairs.

Umno nationalism

• Partake in bully politics.

• Enjoy seeing minor issues such as sexual improprieties take over the national discourse.

• Willing to give in to fervent Malay nationalism.

• Must “ampu” within Umno hierarchical structure to get to higher positions.

• Anti-intellectualism.

• Unwillingness to adapt and change to satisfy changing political climate.

Indian shiftiness

• Willing to change their allegiance due to changing political tide.

• Belief that Indian subcontinent will help them, like mainland China helps Malaysian Chinese.

• Dishonest about their caste and other internal problems.

Malaysian culture as a whole

• No proper understanding of logic and reason.

• Has not understood to segregate religious thinking from secular reasoning.

• Lost sensitivities towards other religions/races.

• Still admire Western culture, without studying their obvious weaknesses.

• Always sidetracked by minor issues rather than seeing bigger picture.

• Media not mature to show all sides of the story, media is all very partisan.

• Partisanship is being promoted at all levels from the family microcosm to the national level.

* A Bumi who chooses not to provide his identity, and who has worked in a China-man company as a token executive.

* We asked readers who have migrated to tell us in their own words why they left. This is one of the stories.

24 Replies to “Why I work and stay overseas”

  1. People of different cultural background do behave differently, and nobody should force others to love them. There is no need to hate people who are different. What we should be against is institutionalized racism, rather than racism in the mind of individuals who do not have the right to utilize public resources against people who are different ethnically, culturally or of different religious belief.

    It is strange that people belong to the majority group cannot stand the behaviour of the minority group who have no administrative power to influence their life. Stranger still they choose to leave because of the presence of the minority group.

  2. This … must be well paid to write all these craps chauvinistically…! In fact, there are limited Malaysia Malays working in overseas! Ha ha ha … Yes, there are plenty in Malaysia Consulates worldwide!

    This is another perfect show from BN/UMNO. They could fake out TBH ‘s handwriting; there isn’t reason why they can’t stage out this crappy article…

  3. While complaining about the alleged Chinese tendency to indulge in racial stereotyping, he is doing exactly that – (unfairly) stereotyping Chinese Malaysians. Does he or she has any empirical evidence to back the claim that most (or at least a significant porportion) of Chinese Malaysians exemplify the traits in his/her long list? I’ve met mean, rude, calculative, and bad Chinese. But I have also met bad Malays, Indians, Britons, Americans, etc. I have also met very kind, polite, religious, and good Chinese, Malays, Indians, Britons, Americans, Japanese, Koreans…But my experience has not given me adequate grounds for racial steoretyping, as I have no idea how representative of their own races these people (whom I have met) are.
    Whereas there are bad Chinese as well as bad Malays and Indians in this country who treat people of other races badly on individual levels, this writer has conveniently ignored the fact that non-Malays have ALSO suffered years of institutionalised, state sanctioned discrimination. Whereas some Chinese may not respect Islam, and some Malays may not respect Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism etc, the fact is that believers of non-Muslim religions have suffered institutionalised, state-sanctioned discrimination. Whilst some Malays may suffer individual discrimination, most non-Malays suffer both individual and state-sanctioned, institutionalised discrimination. That’s the crucial difference.

  4. The ketuanan concept has given an unjustified sense of entitlement. People with such a sense of entitlement tend to think that they should be hired even if there are other guys who are better equipped to do the job.

  5. Let me ask this…for saying “China’s oppressive regime.” Why our Bolehland awarded and signed many projects with China! Why FDI in China increases, in fact, the world top 3???

    Absolutely, this is one of sour-grapes either from Perkasa or UMNO or whatever… Good choice, please come home to tap your discount on House Schemes and other benefits… Stay there and stand up with your guts, man!!!!

  6. The writer complains that the
    Chinese speak their own language/dialects while leaving out the Malays in their midst. But he/she has ignored the fact that most Chinese speak Malay when they talk to Malays. Do the Malays speak our language/dialects when they talk to us?

  7. We at least take the trouble to learn their language, a language with little role in the global stage. Do they even bother to learn our language, the most widely spoken language in the world, one that is playing increasing role in the global stage?

  8. Hahaha! …sorry old chap, it took you a long time to come to term that the Chinese come from a superior race. Unlike the self-claimed ketuanan UMNO melayu, dying for recognition. Is there a malay race? Where are your roots?

  9. A Bumi can be from Bumi of Sabah or Bumi of Sarawak or from Bumi Semenanjung itself. My bosses even though one has a full chinese name and the other with english name; whiich both are classified as Bumi in their IC. :)

  10. Then there are Malay Muslims working in China and come home once in a while only to go back to China again to work. While Malaysia is their kampung, somehow China attracts them more. Malaysian Chineses are loud but not as loud as the China nationals. Malaysian Chineses are fast as compared to the snail paced Malays which they regard as sopan. When it comes to money, Malaysian Chineses do not have that much problem counting as compared to the Malaysian Malays. When it comes to money, a Malaysian Chinese will say that is his money and not their money whereas for a Malay, his money can be shared to help out, so to speak. China nationals have this imitation spirit and they are even able to make a fake egg out of chemicals. Indians make a lot of money but they keep it to themselves and would not show it. That is why many people are making business with Indians these days. Look at the merger between Bollywood and Hollywood. Big money making companies. Yes, nobody is spared from negative judgements. And everybody has the chance to excel no matter what people may say. China can send a rocket to space. But Japaneses have not even though we think Japaneses are much advanced. At the end of the day, think. Why do people move out from Malaysia ? What is a better future if it does not mean making more money ? We cannot escape from money. Love it or hate it. It is next to God. Humans can be impossible but why bother if you can make a buck or two out of them.

  11. All his views sum up the sum total of his education and his mind-set. He should be working in Gomen department where he certainly would not feel lost! Well, the WHOLE world seems to be against him!

  12. He said that he is working overseas. Any proof? With that mentality, his only place is in Malaysia. If he can’t compete with Chinese in Malaysia, reading from his complaints, he wouldn’t be able to survive anywhere outside.

  13. I wonder how many Chinese owned company he has worked in Malayisa. He must have imagined much about all Chinese owned companies.

    Many Chinese bosses started business since they were young without going to university and many do not know how to speak English and Malay well.

    Before China opens its door decades ago, Chinese owned companies in Malaysia already work well. This point he is not correct by saying Chinese owned companies in Malaysia rely on China.

    Many Chinese still keep their passports and work oversease because we still like to see Malaysia one day like Singapore and return to our homeland. When will this happen?

    UMNO has caused the culture of corruption among themselves. Corruption of a country is the ROOT cause of poverty in Malaysia. Look at Taib, he owns billion Ringgit of perperty overseaes and Sarawakians in rural areas are sufferring and many of them do not have computer and Internet to see how wealthy is Taib.

    Many Malays and Indians still do not own a computer to see RM900 billion have been taken out from Malaysia illicitly: http://iff-update.gfip.org/

    There is no merit scholarship for merit students. Who want to stay in Malaysia?

    So, we left for other country like Singapore, Australia, etc.

    By the way, how this writer gained his degree? By getting government bumi scholarship or merit scholarship or entered local Malaysia university at lower grade of STPM or matriculation thru Mara via SPM?

  14. “A Bumi” simply tembak lah, with no clue abt what s/he wrote, mostly craps s/he wrote
    “The Chinese accord unnecessary respect to their Chinese community leaders, even though they hold no significant position in government”
    Tell dis 2 Georgie, CSL, KTK, Hee hee hor hor

    Obviously “A Bumi” did not know dat Chinese voters had NO RESPECT 4 Chinese leaders even though they HOLD significant positions in UmnoB/BN gomen
    Utter rubbish article – write macam ini, how 2 survive overseas 1

  15. Good Griefs>>What more to say ,Malusia >>>Even your own majority orang Melayu were terribly MARGINALISED >> about 50 thousands of them ridding motorcycles dialy crossing into Republic Singapura for their desperate needed most ..””Sing Dollars””(2.4 times values of ringgits>>livelihood survivals
    earnings an income which Umno cannot afford to pay them in Umno civil service orang wasting resources malas teatimes jobs…senang 2 working as despatch riders/painters can draw about RM4000 per month in Singapura Lion City.
    No wonders these poor marginalised meleyu orang working overseas…

    Now its Time to think wisely and choose the partOnly PR can helpy that look after your future with long term benifits thus creating jobs opportunity , provide good education system and also ensure equality and fair judicial democratic for the people of Malaysia.

  16. How can one foreign-based Bumi who spews half-baked ideas has more credibility than thousands upon thousands of Chinese and Indians (and still counting) who are working overseas and have emigrated?

    After reading the first 3 lines about Chinese chauvinism/racism, I agree and admit, being an ethnic Chinese myself, to some extent that Chinese are in some ways prejudiced towards other races. Well, we also don’t like to see so many Africans whose skin color is 10 times as dark as yours hanging around here doing illegal stuff. Some of us are also racist towards some lower caste Indians. So why single out Bumiputera?

    Speaking of having the cliquish, insular, secretive and calculative mentality, I don’t really see much of a problem with the first 3 traits. It is as if Malays do not hang out among themselves for lunch or dinner since they cannot consume a certain kind of meat? It is only natural for every race to have the tendency to hang out among their own kinds and you have to learn to accept that. For being insular, I can also point out numerous Malays who are also “katak di bawah tempurung”. Meaning to say they do not take the effort to study about other people’s religion and culture since they are too self-absorbed. That explains their narrow-mindedness. For being calculative, yes I agree but if Chinese do not possess this mentality, today we would not be having Public Bank, Hong Leong Bank, Genting Group, Sunway Group, YTL Corp, IOI Corp. It is the calculative mentality that forced us to save up for rainy day and delay indulgement in future gratifications. However, being calculative toward friends and family is not a positive trait.

    I would also like to add a few noteworthy items to your long list. They are kiasu, kiasi and kiabo (fear of letting people know you have nothing to show). This are negative traits that every Chinese have to learn how to overcome and you should be pointing that out instead of focusing on trivial items.

    As I scrolled down from the 4th item onwards, I started to realise that this author was firing blanks. What has the advantage of having a fair skin got to with the climate? And why make it the only factor? There are plenty of advantages of having fair skin. For example, I believe you would covet marrying a fair skinned man or woman so that you would produce children who are more intelligent. I could go on until the last line but the rest of the list is just pure generalising and stereotyping.

  17. Comments on “A Bumi”’s Chinese bashing

    ///Most private organisations including TMI are dominated by the Chinese and/or their political agenda.///–A Bumi

    Why does it matter who dominate an organization if that organisation serves the society, or at least is not detrimental to society? Only people who factor everything into race, like UMNO’s agenda of defending the right of an ethnic group even though the religion which UMNO members follow does not encourage that thought. Yet they claim to be religious while utilizing religion for political purposes. Other than MCA which is in league with UMNO, no other organizations headed by Chinese are tasked with political agenda.

    ///• Chinese people have a tendency to assign negative stereotypes on other races (especially the Bumiputera races).///–A Bumi

    That applies to all humans including A Bumi who has just demonstrated in his writing here itself. Chinese certainly talk about the ill intentions of UMNO which is dominated by Malays who call themselves bumiputras, when the bumi of some of them are certainly not in Malaysia.

    ///• They exhibit cliquish, insular, secretive and calculating behaviour.///-A Bumi

    It is a virtue to be calculating so that they know how to take calculated risks. Only fools do not have those characteristics. It would be stupid to lay bare one’s thought for adversaries to attack. It is always wise to protect oneself. One wonders how it was possible to assign the term insular to an entire race when the race is not known to ran amok. Chinese believe that they have the right to choose their friends but not their relatives. The wise selection could be termed cliquish. Casting pearls before swine produce the same results.

    ///• Chinese people favour fair-skinned people even though fair skin is disadvantageous in Malaysia’s sunny climate.///–A Bumi

    People tend to like the colour of their own skin. What can be wrong with that?

    ///• They admire China’s achievements, despite China’s oppressive regime.///–A Bumi

    Chinese believes in meritocracy, and whether or not China’s regime is oppressive has not diminished their achievements. But China cannot be said to practise racial discriminating policies like what is institutionalized in Malaysia. But Chinese are not jealous of others for their achievements attained through honest means. That is why Chinese never believe in the so-called affirmative actions, and take pity of those whose allow the dignity of their race be traded for a few of them to become fabulously rich, so as to make the community proud.

    ///• Malaysian Chinese use the Chinese languages (Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien etc.) to isolate their discussion from others while in their presence.///–A Bumi

    That amounts to whispering aloud. Either the noise was annoying to A Bumi or he was nosy wanting to know every secret people held.

    ///• The Chinese are not honest about failures of ethnic Chinese leaderships in Philippines and Thailand.///–A Bumi

    That is the most ridiculous statement. Do Chinese Malaysians care about whether the success or failure of Philippines and Thailand has to do with the ethnicity of political leaders in these countries? Racism against Chinese has gone beyond the shore of Malaysia.

    ///• Tokenism is rife in Chinese companies.///–A Bumi

    Chinese companies do not get free handouts from government and they are forced to take in employees at their cost. Nobody owes another person a living. Forced with the racist regulations, smart companies choose the route of minimal loss. Tokenism in terms of employing certain group of citizens is forced on the company. Why on earth should a company employ persons who contribute to less than his cost?

    ///• Chinese will use changing criteria to judge people of other ethnicities; one day it is academic merit, another day it may be “character.”///–A Bumi

    The person who pays has the last say.

    ///• The Chinese favour their own kind over others, even when other kinds are of equal stature.///– A Bumi

    He has stretched the words equality a bit too far when no two persons can contribute the same results. If Chinese is said to be racist, that is individual action. It is only bad when racism is institutionalised. Indeed individual racism could be the response to institutionalized racism, which does more harm to the society.

    ///• Malays fear to voice out against Chinese for fear of repercussions especially with respect to their employment prospects in the private sector.///–A Bumi

    Chinese stand much less chance to be employed in the public sector, using tax payers’ money. In the private sector, the owners have to look after their own interest. Some appreciate adverse opinion, and others welcome yes-men. That happens in every organization whether in public sector or private business.

    /// The Chinese still hold strongly to their ethnic heritage.///–A Bumi

    It is a virtue to know the root of the person. There is no need to give up Indian root like Mamakthir just to be Malay. Chinese Malaysians are no less a citizen to Malaysians of other races. Why should that bother others, unless one has been poisoned by Mamakthir’s thought?

    ///• They diminish the achievement of other races, especially the Malays.///–A Bumi

    Individually Chinese do complain that they do not get fair treatment such as scholarship awards. They have no way as a society to diminish the achievements of Malays. Only UMNO leaders through distorting history succeeded in belittling the contribution of other races. The victims have now become the aggressors.

    ///• Harp on Bumiputera affirmative action even though Chinese people still continue to succeed at all levels of Malaysian life (even government).///–A Bumi

    It is the most ridiculous policy for the government to have affirmative action for three generations. Chinese succeed on their own efforts. Malays too would succeed too if UMNO leaders do not pretend that Malays are still weak so that they could take advantage to become fabulously rich. Tell us one UMNO minister who is not richer than his official income from salary and wages as public employee.

    ///• Any Malay who has strong academic background is denounced as attaining it due to “Bumiputera privilege”, even though he graduated overseas with his own money.///–A Bumi

    On average more Malays get what they are on the unfair quota. So the statement is more often right than wrong. Exception cannot begeneralized.

    ///• Use their overseas Chinese connection to gain unfair advantage, but pretend the advantage is minimal.///– A Bumi

    Chinese do not pretend whether or not they get any assistance anywhere because it is not advantages to pretend to be weak.

    ///• The Chinese always make unfair comparisons of Malaysia with other non-Muslim, post-industrial countries.///–A Bumi

    That statement is most prejudiced. Either he was not able to understand the context people make comparisons or he is too ‘biased’ to believe that UMNO government is Malay, and any criticism against the government is against Malays.

    ///• Chinese people don’t recognise the special position Islam has in Malaysia.///–A Bumi

    Chinese see mosques everywhere built on government funds. They know that because of the one article ‘the’ before the word ‘religion of Malaysia’ proposed by Justice Hamid of Pakistan in the constitution, religious right in the country is not equal. What more does A Bumi expect Chinese to recognize about the special position of Islam in Malaysia?

    ///• Enjoy talking bad about Malaysia (even when working/living overseas) as if Malaysia is on the same level as Zimbabwe even though Malaysia is far from it.///– A Bumi

    Yeah Malaysia is either 50 steps or 100 steps behind Zimbabwe. People talk bad about the situation Malaysia is in because they think that Malaysia should never be in this state of ‘destruction’ Do they enjoy the situation Malaysia is in?

    ///• Highly critical of institutions that are Bumiputera-dominated (ie. government), but non-critical of institutions that are Chinese dominant (like gambling).///– A Bumi

    It is corruption and waste of public funds that people are talking with regard to government and GLCs. Gambling corporations are licensed by the government. Chinese feel that people should be responsible for their own life that includes gambling.

    ///• Show no desire to partake in patriotic activities (e.g. serve in army), but cry foul when other people point out their lack of patriotism.///–A Bumi

    He still has the nerve to talk about employment in government when government has made its institutions including those in the army or police an extension of UMNO.
    Blame all you like that Chinese are not patriotic, because the term patriotisms to Malays refer to loyalty to UMNO. If they are patriotic to the country they should not have devised policies that might promote their stay in government but endangering the interest of the nation. Do UMNO members understand the meaning of patriotism?

    ///• Show lack of understanding about Islamic religion, but enjoy taking Quranic verses out of context to further their argument.///–A Bumi

    Even Muslims defer to the opinions of Ulamaks and it is to be expected that people do not generally know a lot about other religion they do not profess. Would A Bumi say that he knows Buddhism? How many Chinese has he known quoted Quran, and how has it been wrong?

    ///• If pushed to think “outside the box”, the Chinese would favour Western ideals above Islamic ideals.///–A Bumi

    That is again a sweeping statement. Even if true, why should it be wrong? Is it because Islam is the religion of Malaysia, and western ideals cease to have merits?

    ///• The Chinese show lack of respect toward Malay leaders, but accord unnecessary respect to their Chinese community leaders, even though they hold no significant position in government.///–A Bumi

    That shows superstition and subservient mentality when position should command respect. One earns his respect. If he is useless, he is just useless and despicable whatever position he holds.

    ///• Always speak about “brain drain” but still keep Malaysian passports.///– A Bumi

    One keeps his Malaysian passport to remain Malaysian. Brain drain is a fact when trained Malaysians leave the country. They are not contradictory. One wonder with such muddled logic would A Bumi get a job outside Malaysian government service.

    ///• Willing to spread disingenuous claim that Bumis have already achieved economic parity with the Chinese.///– A Bumi

    There is no need for such argument. NEP should cease when Malays have 30% of the equity share capital. Many studies including those done by Malays have concluded that the target had indeed been exceeded.

    ///• Use Indians who have achieved to further their claim that Indian community is ahead of the Malay community.///– A Bumi

    It is the poisonous thought Mamakthir has spread when comparison of achievements, however they are measure are relevant, to government policies. Article 153 merely says that Malays and Bumis of Sabah and Sarawak are placed in the special position which needed assistance. NEP is not a provision in the constitution.

  18. This is no “Malay working overseas”.
    I suggest he take a hard look of himself in the mirror,
    substitute the word “Chinese” with the word “Malay” under what he had written in “Chinese chauvinism/racism” and see how many of those points are applicable to Malays.

    Don’t blame others for your own failure.

  19. >>reply to22 Roockiebau..pls witness with own open eyes and ask them WHY theyinsist to work oversea>>>>
    its a facts>>>Majority of the Malaysians crossing to Singapura daily were indeed MELAYU (marginalised by UmNo moron Lawmakers)….some commited crimes (smuggling of Illegals immigrants,unpaid duty cigarrettes ,stealing,vendoring illicit msia products) and get arrested by smart SPF.

  20. I agree with A Bumi…chinese in Malaysia (or chinese in general) are quite phoney…they really do think they are more superior…belittling others…they really think they are smarter or whatso-ever….

    i find it hard to accept most still keeping their Malaysian passport even though already obtained another country’s PR and possible to change their passport…just to take advantage of it when needed…using excuses like retiring? in fact most wants to profit from it like buying properties, etc…most even have their wife maintain malaysian passport and husband changed. isn’t this like telling the ex-lover we are still friends, just not to burn bridges but in fact only use this “friend” when needed? sorta of friends with benefit relationship!!! why not make a clean CUT if you are leaving Malaysia for good?
    i’m also sick and tired of the chinese, never really want to step up…always takut takut, very selfish, and don’t want to get into trouble…learn from history, most chinese are pembelot negara (talking about chinese history here), for what? power and money…they are willing to do things against their principles…in fact chinese only have one principle…ME, myself, self-center…it’s in the genes, what can we do. reformation is never in a chinese blood (unless it was triggered for a certain individual advantages)…ask 1 billions chinese in mainland china, majority don’t want any changes from communism to democracy because they hate changes, they love the current stability now despite heavy corruptions, unequal human rights and freedom of speech, etc, etc….i say the same for chinese here in malaysia…majority prefer to stay at home, rather than participating in any grand scale demonstration…they usually protest only when harga naik…gaji tak naik…but if it’s about environment or protection of penan rights, they will just say, it’s none of my business, penans are just plain lazy, why should i help them?

    common guys…own up…and wake up!!!!

    A bumi is not totally wrong…let’s just say10% right…=)

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