Lim Kit Siang

Murder most foul: The truth still eludes us

Comments posted by Malaysiakini subscribers

‘For the two who were convicted of the crime – who has seen their faces? Are they in prison or are they relaxing outside their beach homes?’

Wikileaks releases cables on Najib and Altantuya

Ferdtan: There is nothing new in the Wikileaks cables that we do not know about – but it is nice to get it from an unbiased third party, US embassy’s political section chief Mark D Clark.

It gives credence to ‘gossip’ – and, it seems that these allegations must have some truth. Obviously the US embassy, being professional, must have done some basic investigations into the authencity of some of the allegations against PM Najib Razak before despatching their report to its head office in Washington DC.

No responsible officer, least of all an American diplomat, would want to send reports to their bosses in Washington without verifying their veracity up a certain extent. The Altantuya Shaariibuu murder is not going away, and it will keep on haunting the real perpetrators until justice is done.

Cannon: The curse of Altantuya’s murder hangs over the Najib administration and over the heads of all Malaysians. Najib is being held ransom by the hardliners in Umno and there isn’t a thing he can do to stop the troublemakers from threatening our peace and racial harmony.

Umno’s depraved ways are shoved up our face as a ‘norm’ to live with. The law is what these vile Umno gangsters say it is. The floodgates are open for mayhem and there is hell to pay. And Najib plays on with his harp.

Singa Pura Pura: “Altantuya was murdered in October 2006 by two of Najib’s bodyguards, chief inspector Azilah Hadri, 30 and corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, 35, who stood trial and were pronounced guilty in April 2009.”

Still an unanswered question: Why did Najib’s bodyguards murder Altantuya?

Anonymous_418f: Why did they kill her? No motive… Why, why, why? She is a sister, a friend, a mother and a human being – how could anyone ‘C4e’ her? She was not a terrorist.

Paul Warren: And as for the two convicted of the crime, who hasseen their faces? Who knows exactly where they are now. Are they in prison? Are they relaxing outside their beach homes? Are they walking the streets of Kuala Lumpur? Or are they permanently installed in Bali maybe? Who knows?

SusahKes: If I was attached to the US embassy, I wouldn’t worry. I mean, Najib has sworn in a mosque that he never met Altantuya. On top of that, Raja Petra Kamarudin’s ‘interview’ with TV3 had “exonerated” him; at least, that’s what Najib says.

So these cables are not going to make Najib lose sleep. If anything, we have President Barack Obama having tea in the White House with the ‘moderate’ Islamic leader. For all intents and purposes, the weight of evidence that exists should have compelled the authorities to place Najib in the docks to face a public enquiry.

Instead, we have them running around demonising the opposition leader on sodomy charges – what a joke.

Black Mamba: This is a murder that will not go away until Altantuya’s soul rests in peace.

1Malaysian: And for all of the reasons stated here, the current administration under Najib will fight ‘to their last drop of blood’ to ensure they retain control of Malaysia and all of the instruments of power.

The truth must never come out. No one has more to lose than them. No one will fight as hard. And the killers of Altantuya will be victorious because Malaysians forget easily. And because the killers are willing to sacrifice all of Malaysia to hang onto their power.

Anonymous_5fb: Bertaubatlah sebelum terlambat bagi sesiapa yang terlibat, secara langsung atau tidak langsung. Sampai bila kamu semua insaf akan dosa-dosa kamu? Kalau sampai masa jumpa Allah baru nak pohon ampun pun sudah terlambat. Gunakanlah hati dan akal yang dikurniakan Allah dengan bijaksana.

Malaysiawatch4.blogspot: I agree the truth will not be uncovered unless the BN regime is voted out at the next GE. This murder shows the extent to which the powerful can manipulate the system as they control all the government agencies and are prepared to use them to cover grave misdeeds. A murder most foul.

Chipmunk: It looks like Najib will also be ending his career as the PM. DSAI (Anwar Ibrahim), please go for ‘kill or nothing’ (a normal American statement for ‘do or die’). Wikileaks got to release more cables to implicate the criminals.

AnakBangsaMalaysia: It is good to see that as much as the Umno-BN regime has tried to cover up and suppress the murder of Altantuya Shariibuu, someone, somewhere knows the truth and that the entire government machinery – Immigration, the police, the Attorney-General’s office and the judiciary – deliberately manipulated the case to divert attention and quash all connections to Najib Razak.

No prosecution has ever been so deliberately incompetent: Key witnesses were deliberately excluded, the prosecution deliberately bungled its case and hastily railroaded the murder case to a scripted outcome designed to (temporarily) scapegoat Najib’s police bodyguards (who had no motive whatsoever to murder Altantuya) and Abdul Razak Baginda, who was not only Najib’s friend and confidante but also the beneficiary of a ‘commission’ of RM500 million for the procurement of the Scorpene submarines through his fly-by-night shell company Perimekar.

Today, no one knows what has become of Sirul and Azilah, while Razak Baginda is enjoying himself the UK.

Anonymous_5fb: “I am like a scapegoat that has to be sacrificed by them, those who are not in this court, to face the consequences of their actions and plan,” Sirul confessed.

Multi Racial: Convicting the two bodyguards does not close the episode. This is because in every murder, there has to be a motive. What is the motive for the two bodyguards, who didn’t even know Altantuya, to murder her. So they were instructed. But then, by who?

The duo have said they were directed by their superior but both the prosecution and defence did not call this person to testify in court. Why? This person would eventually be able to link the murder to the mastermind.

Another area to investigate is the immigration records of Altantuya, which were deleted. This is unusual as these records cannot be erased unless someone powerful intervened. It should not be difficult as the source has to be the director-general of immigration and he should be able to tell us who had directed him.

This is not sometime complicated and as such the police would know what to do, but why did they not do anything about it?

Jiminy Qrikert: The DNA of Umno is murder, lies, corruption, stealing from the rakyat to bail out companies from going under, cheating Malays by feeding them crumbs while cronies become billionaires and worst of all, creating racial tension and a state of siege so that the rakyat are divided by race and religion.

With such DNA, Umno will never change in 100 years. If Umno does not change, BN will not change. And with Najib helming Umno, Malaysia is doomed to be ‘C4ed’ to oblivion.

M’sia1st: Very honestly, for God sake, this case should be re-opened. In both theory and practice, logic and reason, there was absolutely no reason whatsoever for Najib’s bodyguards, Azilah and Sirul, to kill poor Altantuya, except with strict order or instruction to do so from their master, whoever he/she is.

The world, especially her Mongolian family and friends, is still waiting for justice to prevail. Whoever is behind this murder must and shall get his due, either in this world or the next, or both.

Abasir: If anyone has been wondering why Najib desperately wants to stop Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat from assuming power and revealing the truth, this is the reason. It is not ‘win the election at all costs’; it is ‘stop the truth from coming out at all costs’.

Malaysian 1st: De facto law minister Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz, can this murder be norm as well?