Nazri: No action against Ibrahim Ali

By S Pathmawathy | May 17, 11

No action can be taken against Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali over his warnings of violence against the Christian community as such remarks are now a Malaysian norm, said de facto law minister Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz.

No matter how unsettling such remarks are, Malaysians therefore “need to live” and “be mature” in dealing with such characters as Ibrahim and his ilk since social platforms and media such as Twitter and blogs have allowed statements such as Ibrahim’s to proliferate beyond the government’s ability to proscribe – or punish – them, he added

“It’s difficult to take action against Ibrahim now with the existence of Twitter and blogs … because we cannot be selective in our prosecution,” he told Malaysiakini when contacted today.

Ibrahim had caused public outrage after issued an ultimatum of sorts against ‘ungrateful Christians’ if they went on with a purported plot to subvert the position of Islam as the official religion of the federation.

Ibrahim had based his remarks on an Utusan Malaysia report earlier this month that alleged Christian leaders were conspiring to change the federal constitution in order to install a Christian as a prime minister and turn the Muslim-majority country into a Christian state.

Nazri (left) said users of on micro-blogging site Twitter and bloggers have been guilty of making statements deemed sensitive to one or other group.

“If I take action now (against Ibrahim), I have to move on all (of such) blogs and those (issuing similar remarks) on Twitter,” said Nazri.

That, he added, will be a difficult task as the government would then be accused of stifling freedom of speech.

“The courts will be full of prosecutions against (persons accused of making) seditious statements,” he reasoned.

He stressed the mammoth prospect of such a task presently compared to a few years ago when those propagating extremism and those uttering racial insinuations were hauled to court and punished.

Nazri: Live with it

Mohd Nazri had previously said that the government should “get rid” of the right-wing group, as it had acted in an extreme manner.

His comments came at a time when Perkasa had acted as a major stumbling block to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s economic reform efforts, as the group had decisively opposed the PM’s proposal to gradually lift affirmative action policies to encourage open competition.

Mohd Nazri had then stressed that action can be taken if leaders of such groups uttered seditious remark.

In contrast, Nazri now says, “The state of the country is now beyond this… we have to live with it now.”.

Religious leaders, critics and politicians from both sides of the fence have been mounting pressure on the government to act against Umno-linked Utusan Malaysia for its reckless reports on the alleged ‘Christian conspiracy’.

Utusan front-paged an article titled ‘Kristian Agama Rasmi?’ (Christianity the official religion?) that cited unsubstantiated allegations on two pro-Umno blogs that Christian pastors were supposedly hatching a conspiracy to take over the country, abolish Islam as the religion of the federation and install a Christian prime minister.

The parties alleged to be involved have vehemently denied the reports and had lodged police reports against the Malay daily, and Utusan as well as the bloggers are presently under police investigation.

47 Replies to “Nazri: No action against Ibrahim Ali”

  1. ““If I take action now (against Ibrahim), I have to move on all (of such) blogs and those (issuing similar remarks) on Twitter,””

    If it were happened to opposition; a few minutes a warrant would be issued, or even without it, and arrested under Seditious Act, ISA, whatever Acts/codes and etc etc…

    Just talk kock! What a hypocrisy comment? Foreign investors have eyes and ears to judge for themselves! Hoping for 2020, a developed nation! Yeah, we can make it there without Foreign investors as what this bunch suckers hint us… Get ready for bankruptcy…

  2. Let’s all for a moment support the premise of selective prosecution. Because we can punish all the criminals, we should not punish any criminals. Punish all or punish none.

    Does that make sense?

  3. ///“If I take action now (against Ibrahim), I have to move on all (of such) blogs and those (issuing similar remarks) on Twitter,” said Nazri.///

    Quite a convenient excuse. But why only such excuse apply only to UMNO members. Sodomy happens everywhere and why only Anwar Ibrahim has been charged, twice, in 13 years, and we hear not of any other cases? Would Nazri confirm that sodomy is not a crime except the framed up cases?

  4. Great timing, NR visiting d US
    NR 2 inform Obama d pending violence n religious persecution against Christians here
    So dat Christians fr M’sia, when seeking asylum in d US, will b granted asylum

    “Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

  5. Great timing, NR visiting d US
    NR 2 inform pres O d pending violence n religious per secution against Christians here
    So dat Christians fr M’sia, when seeking asy lum in d US, will b granted asy lum

    “Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

  6. I have adopted what Patrick Teoh does these days after finished reading hilarious statement made by Malaysia Ministers with comparable quality… NIAMAH!!!

    You just can’t help laughing out real loud reading what they say.

    It is as if they are not breathing in what we are breathing in; as if not stepping on the same piece of earth as we are stepping on; as if they are living in a different dimension as we do…

    I can’t wait for the next GE, really can’t wait…

  7. It the government does not want to take action against Ibrahim Ali because of the emergence of Twitter and blogs, it also should not take action against opposition blogs which criticize the government.

  8. There are more than 150 comments at Malaysiakini exposing the stupidity of Nazri’s double headed snake logic.
    He asked Malaysians to live with it…no action against Ibrahim Ali.
    I say yes….live with it..till 13th GE and let all Malaysians shut his mouth for good.
    What a jerk. What a hypocrite.
    Corrupted UMNO B politicians have to be like that…hoping ad praying Malaysians fight each other.
    That’s one of their hope to rule forever at present situations..where the going is pointing change of government is the vast majority voters wishes.
    They need people like Ibrahim Ali.

  9. We’ve been living with is Nazi asking the non-parasites to live longer over it?What the f**k he wants the better from us-the ilk of ibrahim or the ever f** free ‘sai fool hole ‘?

  10. Nazri said ‘such remarks are now a Malaysia norm’, how irresponsible can one get? Does he know he is giving free licence for such insensitive and reckless statements, encouraging more mad statements from Ibrahim Ali and others like him who are out to seek ‘fame for themselves.

    This from the ‘law minister’? Najinb has really surrounds himself with people of ‘great calibre.!

  11. Incredible, this Nazri fella.

    1. Doe he mean that raising tensions by Muslims against other religions are permissible and no actions will be taken, or raising against any religions, including Islam, are permissible?

    2. Does he mean that when many do it, although it is wrong and against the law, and against Malaysia’s interest, it is OK? That no action will be taken.

    Crazy. It also means that Katak IA is very well supported and protected by the government.

    We need to change the tenant at Putrajaya.

  12. Nazri now says, “The state of the country is now beyond this… we have to live with it now.”.

    I was struck speechless when I read this dumb comment that defies logic by no less than our de Facto Law Minister.

    Going by his logic, so now that purse snatching is rampant there is no point in fighting it or catching them since the odd criminal or so they managed to catch might be interpreted as “selective” prosecution?

    Maybe that also explains why we have a paucity of snaring the corruption sharks because institutional corruption is so widespread that if MACC were to nail anyone of them, it could be construed as selective prosecution.

    Or maybe deaths of police/MACC witnesses and detainees are so common while in the authorities’ custody that if the Govt were to nail any uniform officers for homicide, the Govt could be accused of selective prosecution?

    God! What has this country sank to? What kind of ministers that we have that can spew such twisted logic to justify their actions (or inactions)?

  13. My goodness what is the country sliding to : even as the PM called in Oxord for galvanisation of moderates to have a united stand against extremism, we have his Home Minister being quite unsure where the line between extremism and moderation was (depending as he said on “different levels of understanding and who the public (ie majority) wanted to represent them) and the Minister of Law saying that time was past taking action against extremism, as it had become a “Malaysian Norm”!

  14. No 1 takes a stand against extremism and his ministers apologise for it and neutralize the effect of what he said? Apology for and moderation (as in official kid’s glove treatment) in viewing and handling extremism – even elevating it to status of a national norm- is no less a vice than the very extremism itself in its attack of others’ right to religious affiliation within a multiracial/cultural & religious milieu and society.

  15. “If I take action now (against Ibrahim), I have to move on all (of such) blogs and those (issuing similar remarks) on Twitter,” said Nazri.

    Does this means blogs & twitter can make provocative and confrontational statements like Ibrahim in first instance? There’s a difference between (1) saying things like him and (2) attacking him for saying those things! No action for (2) is no license/excuse to overlook (1) ie saying extremist things or is it now a new position that all sides can talk like him without repercussions or only he has the selective privilege?

  16. “such remarks are now a Malaysian norm” is exactly the kind of remark that undercuts and mocks at the entire platform of what the PM said in Oxford in calling moderates to counter extremists.

  17. The world recalls that a Malaysian law enforcement agency might have thrown TBH out of their window whilst under their custody over an investigation into some penny fraud.

    The world recalls that UMNO possibly incited May 13 over GE losses.

    Should the Malaysian government allow history to repeat itself because one disgraceful UMNO ex-minister seeks to stir up race and religious riots?

    Now Najib talks about attracting Malaysians abroad back to Malaysia! Is he missing something? Just watch the efflux in the coming months and years.

  18. “wanderer”…sorry for delay replying.
    The fact that I get so many messages moderated..I put one out and pray to all the is approved and run away.
    I am so frustrated with so many of my messages thrown out or moderated.
    The only reason I can think LKS playing safe…to be free and stand for 13th GE.
    But I do not understand at all too.
    He roused up commentators angers with all his posts showing what sheeeet giovernment we have…and when we let go our angers…all moderated!!
    I have written many comments like this..and Moderator just keep quiet.
    I guess we are supposed to understand him and do as we are told.
    Actions…writtings speak volumns of a person’s character.
    I hope voting out a tyrant…we don’t ge another.
    But PR tyrants maybe 101% uncorruptable….and so back to school…to be taught how to behave.
    Anyway….after 13th GE…I will look for blogs that talk about the birds and bees.
    Right is “Dr.Shu’s Forum” I feel realy free..besides “NIAMAH” .

  19. Actually, one could actually feel Najib’s speech is so lukewarm and lacks both originality, commitment and fervour, you would want to spit out his pudding like you would the dirty bathwater.

  20. Nazi, as usual, always confirms his stupidity n racist DNA
    All of us should ask our frens who r MCA, Gerakan, MIC, SUPP die hard supporters: Is dis d fool/boss dat U support 2 get dis nation down d slipperly slope of racism n religious persecution

  21. Danger! Danger! These events appear to be the beginnings of a practical exercise of the Milgram study.

    The double standards employed and inaction by authorities suggests a tacit acceptance and possibly official malicious intent. The potentially far reaching social implications are horrifying beyond words. Malaysia is in dire need of sanity to short circuit this phenomenon fast.

  22. It is so obvious that UMNO is playing up the fear factor on the peace loving Malaysian public that in order to avoid social unrest, they will continue to support BN in the coming GE. Utusan & Ibrahim Ali & Nazi are mere UMNO mouthpieces to propagate FEAR!
    How disgusting???
    The only people they will frighten away are the foreign investors & Malaysian professionals who will move to stable foreign countries.

  23. Facebook, Twitter, Blog, all social media websites; as long as they are associated with the internet and computer world means that if you cakap tak rupa bikin, everybody in the world knows. Malaysians are not stupid. They keep quiet because they want peace. But keeping quiet does not mean living with it if the it means you politicians are up to hanky panky businesses like all the hanky panky businesses you are doing now. And how shall we say it loud and clear ? Everyone please go to your voting station and say your mind out loud in a very peaceful, very democratic way. And the righteous God will be with you.

  24. in short nazri wants us to get used to his stupidity. He wants us to get used to umnos corruption, bigotry and arrogance. And we must not take action against their corruptions. If we do, we need to take actions against all Malaysian civil servants.

    In short, he wants us to accept his stupidity everytime he opened his mouth. Just like lumbudin.

  25. short nazri wants us to get used to his stupidity. He wants us to get used to umnos corruption, bigotry and arrogance. And we must not take action against their corruptions. If we do, we need to take actions against all Malaysian civil servants.

    In short, he wants us to accept his stupidity everytime he opened his mouth. Just like lumbudin.

  26. Nazri Nazri Kamu ingat raayat Malaysia ni semua bodoh ka? Sudah2 lah putar belit .”You can fool some people some time,but not all the people all the time” You think only the Umnonok Malays are intelligent people the rest of the Malays will swallow hook line and singker whatever you Umnonok tells us Malays?Stop trying to take us Malaysian Raayat for a ride, I suggest we start building more prisons now,because after the PRU 13 what you have now will not be able to accomadate new inmates,you know from where.

  27. In other words he is telling all pendatangs in the country that this is Tanah Melayu and Melayu can say what they want against the pendatangs and they are above the law.
    Remember the white VS blacks in South Africa. The whites were also above the law.

  28. Monsterball, we are supposed to be foot soldiers not permitted to exercise our rights but, just follow the leaders!…even, we may land in timbaktu!
    In UMNO those blind followers may get some “cherries” but as Opposition supporters, we may land in the cage!

  29. When I was a young man, Tuanku Abdul Rahman (ex-PM deceased) fought the white South Africa
    apartheid govt of their policies in the Commonwealth…calling for them to be suspended.
    How proud we were. That was UMNO A, see the difference with a mamak ex-PM, for 22 years he singularly dismantled the harmonious Malaysian society out of his greed and his racial evil mentality . the damage he did this beloved country of ours will almost be unsolvable. That racist scumbag should bury his bloody face in shame!!

  30. ‘wanderer”…Some many UMNO B foot soldiers follow the so call leaders…becoming suicide bombers….ready to die for the party.
    No no no..I will not be a foot soldier for any politcal party. They are elected to serve us…not the other way round.
    But I will be a foot soldier for Malaysians and country…totaly different from choosing a political party as my master of my destiny.
    Keep well and fight on.

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