Lim Kit Siang

10 Days in May (14)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

The coalition of the moderates and inter-civilisational understanding – by Najib Razak ( Speech Oxford Islamic Centre)

All BN Ministers understand Najib’s Oxford speech 2excoriate extremism n be vanguard of moderation? Then Y condone Utusan rabid extremism?

Cabinet meeting tmr shld declare guided by Najib’s Oxon sp 2take stern action agnst Utusan 4its seditious/treasonous “Christian Msia” bogey

Cabinet failed n shd apologise 2nation: “we cannot allow this moment 2b overtaken by extremists w those who shout loudest gaining d most”

According 2Najib test – how many extremists/genuine moderates in Cabinet? Is every Minister prepared 2declare whether extremist or moderate?

Y Najib preach 2world 4Global Movement of Moderates when he dare not convene National Movement of Moderates in Msia? Will Muhyiddin support?