Lim Kit Siang

10 Days in May (10)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

Kuantan Police cynosure. Is Lynas already exercising Xtraordinary influence over Kuantan Police? Contd subversion of national institutions?

Internet-savvy IGP, r u following this? Shd apologise n tel/stop Kuantan police from its folly b4 Police become world laughing stock.

Hisham will have 2explain Parliament wh Police have new SOP 2get urine test from all arrested, rationale – recipe 4PDRM become world-class?

Hisham – in national interest, wld Police arrest IbrahimAli n demand urine test 2stop lies n seditious race/religious baiting?

Hisham – can explain Y police so tough overbearing w loyal peaceloving defenders environment? @LeeChinChen they want us to do urine test!

If DAP/Christian rep had said 10% what Ibrahim did, ISA/worst laws wld have been thrown at him.Hisham – Y so soft now?

Must TQ police create 4heroes agnst Lynas plant. Reminds me protracted battle agnst AsianRareEarth (ARE) in Bukit Merah in 80s – lesson 4all

Wld have been at DAPPahang anti-Lynas protest in Kuantan 2day if not 4my eye condition. Police arrest completely unwarranted/abuse of power.