10 Days in May (8)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

Utusan Malaysia headlines: Hishammuddin “Isu Kristian: Ada kebenaran”.”Saya tahu apa yg sebenar berlaku” – Ahli DAP Mohd Razali Abdul Rahman

Hisham (nose-drag CSL) is single-handedly re-igniting Utusan Christian Msia bogey which Najib tried 2put 2rest though most one-sidedly.

What remedy when it is Home Minister who play politics n pose greatest threat 2national harmony security w irresponsible stmts actions?

4 Replies to “10 Days in May (8)”

  1. Yonder is a small man with a small mind. Just dust him off with a bit of wry humour.

    Malaysia has no time for men of small minds and small integrty. Such men should be wiped off in the next GE.

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