Skepticism abounds over PM-Christian group meeting

Terence Netto | May 12, 11 7:35am

Today’s meeting between representatives of the Council of Churches of Malaysia and Prime Minister Najib Razak that was requested by the PM’s office to lower tensions arising from inflammatory reports in Utusan Malaysia is not likely to resolve anything.

This is the opinion of a frequent past attendee at meetings of Christian groups with Malaysian PMs who asked to remain anonymous.

“We have met him (Najib) and his predecessor and his predecessor’s predecessor often enough,” said the now retired past participant.

“There’s plenty of froth but little of substance achieved at these meetings. It’s good at promoting a ‘feel good’ atmosphere but after you have come away, the same difficulties recur,” he added.

According to him, there was little reason to doubt the sincerity of the PMs the Christian groups interfaced with at the meetings, but he doubted their resolve to tackle the core issues.

He said that for this reason he expected Christian representatives to approach today’s meeting with Najib with feelings nearer to resignation than to hope.

“This is because there have been too many meetings in the past when much good feeling was generated that a fresh start could be made only for that expectation to collide with forbidding realities later,” he opined.

No real resolve from PM

“This has saddled us with the feeling that there is no real resolve to tackle the core issues,” he said.

“After a while, you feel silly to be imbued with the ‘feel good’ sensation that inevitably arises from meeting with someone who is intent on being amenable.

“But when that feeling collides with the facts on the ground, you feel silly for having allowed yourself to be deluded and then you have a hard time avoiding the resulting cynicism,” said the veteran of several such meetings.

He said unless Najib is intent on tackling the core problems, meetings such as the one he has requested today would be an exercise in self-delusion.

“If differences are fundamental between Islam and the other religions, then I think it’s better to face that reality squarely rather than go round the bush once too often,” he opined.

Last Saturday, Umno-owned Utusan published a front-page report alleging that a group Christians sought to create a Christian state in collusion with opposition party DAP.

This came in the wake of a litany of problems faced by the minority Christians in Malaysia, including the ban on the use of the term ‘Allah’ in their Malay Bible.

18 Replies to “Skepticism abounds over PM-Christian group meeting”

  1. meeting them is like having a diarrhea. your stomach turn and churn. you rush to the toilet. discharge. You have that feel good factor. you flush. Get on with your things. in a while you repeat the cycle again.

    that’s them. diarrhea.

  2. Jib is fond of making a show and paying lip service. And he would bring along the media to ensure that publicity is wide. This is to add apparent seriousness to the effort. Nothing concrete or real will ever come out of the present show. I can guarentee that. Look. His first response was to calm the muslims when the people who were at the receiving end of the false and totally irresponsible umno blogger’s comment are the christians. Can he be expected to flip over now and be seen to side the christians? And risk rebuke by those umno people? Jib is one big mess. Umno is one bigger mess. And the country is heading towards total chaos.

    And a little diversion. The police gave themselves a report not too long ago on improved crime condition. Two nights ago a young chinese woman from hsbc suffered acid attack to her face and body near the indian temple located in the vicinity of maybank hq. Two indian boys on bike were seen doing it. The pillion rider did the splashing.

    So be careful people. And vote umno out in GE13.

  3. What kind of nosensical political correctness is this: “little reason to doubt sincerity of the PM.. but no feeling of real resolve”. Honestly its double talk. Nonsensical talk of a cheap car salesman.

    Najib is in direct control of Utusan output. He can deal with this simple but he is not doing it for his own political reason. He IS insincere. Worst he feels he is entitled to hypocrisy not just that he can’t do anything about it which he can’t.

    Do people know why US won’t meet with North Korea directly?


  5. He should punish the Utusan rather than trying to become the moderator.

    Any sincerity from him? well, no punishment mean that the person give instruction to prepare the write-up should be same head.

  6. UMNO thinks they can always bluff the people. They have successfully blocked the mindset of the rural folks and now they think that they can also bluff the urban folks.
    PLease Najib, the difference between rural and urban folks are like heaven and hell. Umno had done a great job by stagnating the mental growth of the rural folks just to win their votes, and that is why they always win in the rural areas, especially the Malay kampung and interior of Sarawak and Sabah. They are dead ducks when the face the intellectuals.

  7. I wonder what will result if the “Christian Crusaders” were to demonstrate in front of Utusan Melayu Head Office!?….even they have a very valid and legitimate reason to do so. I hate to think of the consequences.

    Living in Malaysia one must be tremendously tolerant to survive in this racist country!

  8. Beware: Najib is going to use these Christian Leaders for his own sinister motives – to project himself as a caring PM. He is a bull shit.
    And he will be given front page treatment in all the major dailies and TV.

    I plead with all Christian leaders to just attend the meeting and shut up. No use talking to that impotent PM. Put on glum faces during the photo shoot.
    Just listen to Najib rumble, eat whatever is laid on the table and get lost.
    AND DON’T EXPECT ANYTHING TO HAPPEN AFTER THAT!!!! DON’T MAKE STUPID PRESS STATEMENT LIKE , “We are glad with the outcome of the meeting the PM as he listened to our grouses and promised to look into them”.
    Pastors, don’t act stupid.
    Have some self respect and pride.

  9. So long as the real perpetrators are free to incite racial unrest and no concrete action taken by the AG to book them under the ISA Jib can bluff his way to gain cheap publicity from the rakyat but in the end rakyat will be able to see through his insincerity to safeguard his position as leader of Malays instead of Malaysians.All the talk and grand show is just full of holes and devoid of substance.

  10. Beware: Najib is going to use these Christian Leaders for his own sinister motives – to project himself as a caring PM. He is a bull shit.
    And he will be given front page treatment in all the major dailies and TV.

    I plead with all Christian leaders to just attend the meeting and shut up. No use talking to that impotent PM. Put on glum faces during the photo shoot.
    Just listen to Najib rumble, eat whatever is laid on the table and get lost.
    AND DON’T EXPECT ANYTHING TO HAPPEN AFTER THAT!!!! DON’T MAKE STUPID PRESS STATEMENT LIKE , “We are glad with the outcome of the meeting the PM as he listened to our grouses and promised to look into them”.
    Pastors, don’t act stupid.
    Have some self respect and pride.

  11. By attending the meeting, the Christian Group has played right into Najib’s hands.

    Because, why is Najib meeting with the Christian group? The Christian group did not start this controversy. Utusan did with their front page lies based on the lies of two cowardly pro UMNO bloggers who has now crawled into their sewers. And this was followed by the UMNO dogs, Perkasa and Pembela who fanned the sensitivity further with their racist rhetoric.

    In fact, this meeting is a sly and devious attempt to cast blame on the Christians. Note this statement from Najib:

    “Firstly, whatever ‘they’ want to do, it will not change the fact (that Islam is the country’s official religion). Reality cannot be altered.”

    slyly suggesting that the “they” could be interpreted as the Christian group and they did meet and did make the resolution to change the official religion.

    With this PR meeting with the Christian group Najib is also very slyly diverting attention away from the shenanigans of Utusan. Instead of walking the talk (to quote him) that :

    “the authorities also could certainly take action against those who tried to exploit the issue coming down hard of the perpetrators ”

    and take action against Utusan for their lies and instigation, he is avoiding the issue and instead casting sly aspersions on the Christian group.

  12. He has to have Ibrahim Ali with him for this meeting. Else he cannot settled. For whatever pm said has not authority, Ibrahim Ali blatantly goes against his policy and confront him but he says nothing!! Hishammudin equips perkasa with trained rela members………….wow, this pm is toothless!

  13. Christians throughout the whole country should hold peaceful demonstrations against UMNO and its tabloid UTUSAN MALAYSIA (“SUARA UMNO”) for continually insulting, casting false accusations, and hurting their feelings.

  14. That sucker doesn’t know what to do about it! He just delay and delay until vanishing in thin air as he always expected! He wants his chair to be secured and his pockets always fill up, man! What can you expect those suckers currently leading the nation? They are bunch of suckers sucking off rakyat sweats and bloods…

  15. After the meeting Najib will probably say:
    “I have impressed upon the Christians pastors that this is an Islamic country and there is no way Christianity can be the official religion or a Christian as PM.
    “The Malays wont accept that. So dont dream about forming a Christian nation. Don’t arouse Muslim, Perkasa and Utusan’s anger.
    “They have agreed to what I said and left the meeting happily.”

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