Christian group airs grouses over Utusan report to PM

By S Pathmawathy | May 12, 11

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today heard complaints from Christian leaders over Utusan Malaysia’s “irresponsible reporting” for claiming that there was a conspiracy to turn Malaysia into a Christian state.

“We only said we are very disturbed and unhappy… (over the) irresponsible, potential riot-type seditious words (which) shouldn’t be published in mainstream media or any media for the matter,” said Bishop Ng Moon Hing of the Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM).
Ng (right) was speaking to reporters after a 45-minute closed door meeting with the prime minister in Putrajaya.

He said it was a fruitful meeting as this was first time the group had been engaged in this way.

“The prime minister stressed moderation, and I think all of us believe in the same,” he said.

There is no room for “extremism”, added Ng.

Police investigation assured

Ng said that the allegations in the Utusan news report and the blogs were “all lies”, and Najib had given an assurance that the police were investigating the matter.

“We deny all these things.

“The Christian community and all other communities respect the position of Islam. We have never challenged the position of Islam.

“We want our own space to worship our God, that’s all. Everybody wants the freedom to worship their God,” said Ng.

“We have no reason to usurp anything or challenge anybody. I don’t think it’s a right thing to do and no Christian will do such a thing.”

Besides Ng, three other representatives from CFM, namely, Reverend Eu Hong Seng, bishop Antony Selvanayagam and Thomas Sen, were present.

‘A good sign’

Also at the meeting were Kuala Lumpur Catholic Archbishop Murphy Pakiam, Sabah Council of Churches president Albert Voon and Sarawak Churches Association president Bolly Lapok.

“We have informed the prime minister and already made our stand in the media, that any malicious and seditious thing should not be condoned. If it is condoned some action must be taken,” said Ng.

Ng said they had also discussed issues and problems pertaining to mission schools, cemeteries and churches, as well as the “umpteen” memorandums that had been submitted in the past.

“It’s a good sign, the prime minister is beginning to engage. The prime minister is the prime minister of all and the whole country – so he must engage all.

“We even offered our help and asked how Christians can contribute to develop the country together. We are interested in peace, harmony and we are non-partisan in politics,” said Ng.
The meeting, which is said have been arranged two weeks ago, was chaired by Najib, who was accompanied by ministers in the Prime Minister’s Department Idris Jala and Koh Tsu Koon.

2 Replies to “Christian group airs grouses over Utusan report to PM”

  1. Bishop Ng, with all due respects, you have just been conned. I suggest you view Najib’s TV interview on NTV 7 if you have the chance. It came across to me as if the Christians were the bad guys and that you guys have shown remorse and given undertakings that you have no intention of challenging Islam’s postion – meaning you guys did commit the acts Utusan had accused you of and now you have more or less apologised for your wrongdoings.

    And if you believe your group has been “engaged” lets wait and see.

  2. Yeah, UM n NR hv scored a huge victory bcos now d Christian grp is perceived as d villian
    PERCEPTION, my dear, matters n a NEGATIVE perception is certainly bad
    Dis whole thing was ochestrated 2 blanket d earlier yet-2-b-settled g od/a llah, church attack, n BM bibles issues, n 2 turn d tables on Christians (kena conned/trapped)

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