Lim Kit Siang

10 Days in May (3) (Updated)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

10DaysinMay(3):Najib irredeemably losing Msian centre/bury signature 1Msia concept if he mishandles Utusan “ChristianMsia” issue @lunch 2day

All patriotic Msians want an end 2irresponsible/treacherous rhetoric hate/lies ala Utusan – can PM promise/deliver @lunch w Church leaders?

Is Najib checkmated in looming Umno power struggle Umno? KhirToyo spokesman of powerful UMNO forces 2defend Utusan w “So What?” stance!

Endless Umno gutter politics.1st blame DAP/JeffOoi 4DAP/Christian conspiracy. Now blame Jeff/Bigdog conspiracy 2trap Utusan/Umno

Damian’s blog hit nail on head: “UMNO fiddles while Malaysia Burns!” Y PM cannot see whats obvious 2Msians: Utusan has crossed the line?

Most deplorable proUmno blogs still dripping w poison hatred lies abt DAP/Christianity conspiracy.Action agnst these Umno cyber ringleaders?

Who is KhirToyo fronting? 3M? Mahathir-Muhyiddin-Mukriz? No wonder Najib lamented lastnite what 65th anniv 2celebrate when UMNO so divided

PM shd explain Hisham’s order 2police 2probe Jeff/Christian pastors when Utusan “Christian Msia” fp downright lie/no action agnst Utusan!

Will Najib take on KhirToyo open defiance or will he back off?Will PM direct UMNO cyber ringleaders 2clean up incitement poison lies on net?

Teresa Hannah demonised on net. But instead of “Christian Msia” lie its “Christian Sarawak” lie. What is Najib Hishammuddin doing about it?

Ngeh Nga demonised on net – furthering 100-yr plan 2Christianise Msia – going back 2China’s Boxer revolution! Can Najib stop this madness?

In national interest DAP/PR fully prepared 2work with Najib/BN 2restore religious goodwill harmony 2protect competitiveness. Over 2Najib.