Lim Kit Siang

10 days in May (2) (Updated)

Tweets @limkitsiang :-

Najib’s response? Lunch! Not even dinner? Not serious enuf,Mr PM! PM 2meet church leaders amid Christian Msia row (TMI)

Q is not lunch/dinner but what Najib doing 2penalise/stop Utusan rampage 2undermine race/religious relations n scare off foreign investors

Will Najib come clean tmr n admit Utusan committed heinous anti-national act n explain Umno role as UMNO PolBiro sets weekly Utusan agenda?

Pleasure mine. So refreshing 2hear ppl’s voice “@debslym. thanks 4publishing my post “What this pendatang thinks” humbled honoured”

Msians shld unite 2compete rest of world. Y 2yrs Najib’s 1Msia slogan we r more divided – all bcos of rhetoric of hate/lies by Umno/Utusan?

Was lunch arranged by G’kan Minister KTK. Is that all he cld do? Will it end up in “smoke n frus” (Bishop PaulTan) as w previous dialogues?

Right. Y then did Utusan – UMNO organ – tried 2set country ablaze? Islam’s position cannot b changed, says Najib (TMI)

Najib’s lunch meet w Church leaders: not PM’s promise but proof of action agnst Utusan – stern action agnst seditious treasonous activities