by Rtd Brig-Gen Mohd Arshad Raji
mind NO EVIL
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What words can I use to describe Utusan Malaysia’s (UM) recent report that some Christian group is plotting to turn Malaysia into a Christian State? What words can I describe a UM report which says that a Christian group together with the DAP is plotting to appoint a Christian as the Prime Minister? The only words that I can used to describe all this are DISGUSTING, IRRESPONSIBLE, DANGEROUS and a pack of LIES.

How on earth could the editors of the daily approve such a report that is unsubstantiated, and knowing full well that the report can be a cause for serious racial strife between Christians and Muslims of this country. This is not the first time UM has reported on issues that can bring devastation and worse still the disintegration of a well tested multi racial and multi cultural Malaysian society. How could the Home Minister be so lame in not wanting to impose stricter rules to prohibit UM from publishing reports that can bear serious effect on racial harmony? Continue reading “ACT MEAN AND FAST AGAINST UTUSAN MALAYSIA”

10 days in May (2) (Updated)

Tweets @limkitsiang :-

Najib’s response? Lunch! Not even dinner? Not serious enuf,Mr PM! PM 2meet church leaders amid Christian Msia row (TMI)

Q is not lunch/dinner but what Najib doing 2penalise/stop Utusan rampage 2undermine race/religious relations n scare off foreign investors

Will Najib come clean tmr n admit Utusan committed heinous anti-national act n explain Umno role as UMNO PolBiro sets weekly Utusan agenda?

Pleasure mine. So refreshing 2hear ppl’s voice “@debslym. thanks 4publishing my post “What this pendatang thinks” humbled honoured”
Continue reading “10 days in May (2) (Updated)”

What this ‘pendatang’ thinks

By Debbie Loh
May 11, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

MAY 11 — Several weeks ago, I had the opportunity to meet briefly with a Singaporean actively involved in the property and construction sector of his country and beyond. After a short discourse of the weather and the odd traffic jams in Singapore, I managed to pose a question, point blank:

“Sir, what do you think of the Iskandar Development Region? Do you think it will turn out to what it is touted to be? A smaller version of Shenzhen?”

To which he answered: “No I don’t think so. We’re not very interested.”

I wasn’t surprised by that statement. The heralding of Iskandar Development Region as a strong and formidable economic region began about four years ago — with the Iskandar Regional Development Authority formalised as a statutory body in 2007.
Continue reading “What this ‘pendatang’ thinks”

Bidayuh villagers burn timber camp

By Keruah Usit
May 11, 2011

ANTIDOTE Natives from 10 villages in Tebedu, Sarawak, are said to have torched dormitories, bulldozers, tractors and other machinery at a timber camp on May 9.

The Bidayuh villagers had been blockading the timber access road of logging contractor Alliance Bahagia to defend their Native Customary Rights (NCR) land.

According to witnesses, nobody was injured in the arson attack. Police arrived at the scene in Tebedu, about 90 minutes’ drive from Kuching, in time to see the equipment and buildings aflame.

Police were far outnumbered by “emotional” villagers and did not make any arrest.
Continue reading “Bidayuh villagers burn timber camp”

Mat Zain: ‘Datuk T’ defiled mosque with bulletproof vests

By Shannon Teoh | May 11, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

The trio had donned bulletproof vests under their shirts. — file pic

KUALA LUMPUR, May 11 — The “Datuk T” trio who attended a sumpah laknat ceremony by one their own had defiled the mosque where it was held by entering in bulletproof vests, claims retired senior cop Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim.
The former city criminal investigation chief said today that “Datuk T” created the perception that the situation in the Masjid Amru Al-As, Sentul was unsafe.
Continue reading “Mat Zain: ‘Datuk T’ defiled mosque with bulletproof vests”

Penang seeks Home Ministry sanction on Utusan

By Clara Chooi | May 11, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

GEORGE TOWN, May 11 — The Penang government has filed a formal complaint to the Home Ministry demanding stern action against Utusan Malaysia for its report last week alleging a DAP Christian conspiracy.
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said this afternoon that the state executive council had unanimously endorsed the complaint following yesterday’s admissions from two Umno state assemblymen that they, too, did not believe the report.

The admissions, said Lim, were made by Teluk Bahang assemblyman Datuk Hilmi Yahya and Pulau Betong assemblyman Muhammad Faris Saad during the state assembly sitting.
Continue reading “Penang seeks Home Ministry sanction on Utusan”

Utusan Malaysia: Behind the print

By Stephanie Sta Maria | May 11, 2011
Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: Many uncomplimentary descriptions have been accorded to Utusan Malaysia. The more common of those include “irresponsible”, “mischievous ” and “dangerous”. Of that trio, Utusan Malaysia’s former senior journalist, Hata Wahari, says that the third is dead-on.

The mainstream media, for as long as they pander to the government, enjoy immunity from public prosecution. But Utusan Malaysia has earned a special place within this untouchable clique simply by the virtue of being owned by Umno.

This privilege has spawned relentless attacks on the opposition and increasingly frequent inflammatory reports on race and religion. But while most urbanites can see right through Utusan Malaysia’s thinly-veiled propaganda, its rural readership remains staunch believers. For this reason alone, Hata warned that giving Utusan Malaysia the brush-off would be a very bad idea.
Continue reading “Utusan Malaysia: Behind the print”

10 days in May (updated)

Tweets @limkitsiang :-

10 days in May – 5 days when my dominant left eye went blind/5 days initial recovery after vitrectomy ops. But also 10 “black” days 4Msia

10 days when reputation of leaders crashed/causes destroyed. Eg: Fullpage advert 65th UMNO ann but 1 logo no more 1Msia but 1Melayu. Y?

Is Najib PM of 1Msia or 1Melayu? Is Hisham Home Minister 4Msia or UMNO? 1Msia N H never suffered greater damage 2credibility these 10 days

Christian Msia conspiracy? How ludicrous! Height of irresponsibility not just Utusan but Utusan’s boss- UMNO ie Najib/Hisham who must answer
Continue reading “10 days in May (updated)”

MP writes an obituary for NEM

By Liew Chin Tong

I would like to pay tribute to members of the National Economic Advisory Council for producing arguably the most candid official report on the problems of the Malaysian political economic structure known as the New Economic Model.

The NEM is indeed stillborn as the old rent-seeking model continues to thrive under its current ill-disguised incarnation.

In what amounts to a farewell luncheon for members of the National Economic Advisory Council, which was tasked to draft the New Economic Model, Prime Minister Najib Razak thanked NEAC members for their work and contribution in preparing the NEM report.

“And, although your work is over, you are most welcome to be part of this journey and be part of future contributions to Malaysia,” he said.
Continue reading “MP writes an obituary for NEM”

‘Who is running the country?’

FMT Staff
May 10, 2011

A retired colonel from Malaysian Armed Forces is upset that a government policy regarding children of mixed mariages in Sarawak has not been implemented.

KUCHING: A storm is brewing over the non-implementation of a government directive regarding the “Bumiputera” status of children from mixed marriages in Sarawak.

An irate father, Suhirtharatnam Kularatnam, a former retired colonel in the Malaysian Armed Forces, is demanding to know “who is running the country” when government policies are not carried out.

“Why is the government directive acknowledging the children of mixed marriages in Sarawak as Bumiputeras not being implemented? Who is running this country? Is it the prime minister or is there someone else?” he asked.

Suhirtharatnam’s daughter, Teresa Clare, who scored 10As in last year’s Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia, was not given a seat in the matriculation programme because she was not considered a “Bumiputera”.

Teresa’s mother Pauline is an Iban and the daughter of former Land and Mineral Resources Minister Francis Umpau. Continue reading “‘Who is running the country?’”

Islam as the religion of the Federation: A historical context

by Art Harun
The Malaysian Insider
May 10, 2011

MAY 10 — Much has been said lately about Islam being under siege and an alleged plot to turn Malaysia into a “Christian state.”

This of course led to the inevitable lodging of multiple police reports in various states by the usual suspects and various other parties. Soon I suppose we will have a demonstration by some people with suitable props, like a severed cow head or most likely a burning large crucifix, this time around.

Welcome to Malaysia, ladies and gentlemen. It is nice and hot, and not to mention hazy nowadays. And when it is hazy, we, Malaysians go a bit bonkers.

There are some on Twitter who actually defend Utusan Malaysia and its ilk. There are also many who condemn them, including Malays and Muslims. I have nothing to say to them.

All I want to add is this. If we think of ourselves as leaders, we’d better lead. Not follow. As leaders, we have to come down hard on wrongdoings — on both sides of the fence — and we also have to show the way. It is not enough going around town meeting flag-waving school children amidst huge posters and banners bearing nice catchy slogans while closing our eyes to bigotry: the irresponsible acts of goons and political thugs as well as disgruntled Mafiosi chiefs spewing messages of hate.

As leaders, we should at, all times, lead. And lead not only by words and catchy and sexy slogans, but also by deeds. Otherwise, we would have failed as leaders. Otherwise, we would have breached our oath of office. Otherwise, we would have breached our fiduciary duties. Otherwise, we would have breached the trust given to us by the people. Continue reading “Islam as the religion of the Federation: A historical context”

Do opposition ties run only as deep as Utusan’s lies?

Breaking Views
The Malaysian Insider
by Lim Yin Kuin
May 10, 2011

MAY 10 — Utusan Malaysia never ceases to confound us with the most flagrant reporting, reinforced by the most inciteful editorials.

However, their fear-invoking propaganda designed to stoke racial sentiments among the less informed seemed to have grown stale over the last few months. Awang Selamat’s consistent output of outlandishness somehow plateaued, and even “his” detractors were beginning to yawn.

Then came last week.

An alleged conspiracy by Christian leaders to replace Islam as Malaysia’s official religion was exclusively leaked by Utusan’s fearless investigative journalists (exclusive in the conventional media, at least). Just as we were digesting the treacherous plans by non-Malays to subordinate Malay rights, Utusan (or should I say Umno) stepped up their fact-finding adventures a notch: flat out accusing Christians of attempting to subvert Islam. Continue reading “Do opposition ties run only as deep as Utusan’s lies?”

Sound the siren, beat the war drum, Najib tells Umno

Free Malaysia Today
May 10, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR: Umno president Najib Tun Razak has called on all Umno members to intensify efforts in preparing the party for the 13th general election.

“Sound the siren, beat the war drums and heat up the engines. Do not ever allow lies, falsehood and any attempt at fooling the people, to succeed.

“Remember that past deeds will just remain in the annals of history if we fail in this big test. Umno must continue to be strong and relevant in order to chart new achievements for the sake of religion, society and nation,” he said in his message in conjunction with Umno’s 65th anniversary celebration tomorrow. Continue reading “Sound the siren, beat the war drum, Najib tells Umno”

Report reveals BN exco’s errors in land deal

Susan Loone | May 10, 11

The Penang government’s probe into a controversial land deal has revealed irregularities committed by the previous state government executive council, which cost Penangites RM40 million in legal suits and compensation payment.

In a White Paper tabled in the state legislative assembly today, the select committee behind the probe, headed by Deputy Chief Minister II P Ramasamy, revealed that the previous state exco did not obtain the necessary land approvals from five related government departments.

Despite not obtaining the approvals, the BN exco allowed the application for a 4.2-hectare plot of land by businessman Tan Hak Ju.

“(Approval by the state exco) without proper documentation is a very irresponsible act,” Ramasamy said when tabling the White Paper. Continue reading “Report reveals BN exco’s errors in land deal”

Media must act responsibly

SPEAK UP! :: theSun Says
Updated: 10:08PM Tue, 10 May 2011

ON MONDAY, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein stated that “it is important for all media practitioners to understand the sensitivity of issues concerning religion and race” and that “this should be taken into account before reports are published”.

A very commendable statement indeed by someone in charge of national security and public order especially when some alarm bells rang over a newspaper’s front-page report that alleged a group of Christian pastors pledged at a meeting last week to elect a Christian prime minister and to make Christianity the religion of the Federation of Malaysia.

It was an irresponsible piece of writing anywhere in the world but especially more so in multi-religious, multi-cultural and multi-racial Malaysia. It could have sparked some ugly incidents to happen like what happened in the days following the decision by the High Court to allow the word “Allah” to be used in the Malay version of a church newsletter. Continue reading “Media must act responsibly”