Help, Umno has contracted panic disease!

By Shanker
May 10, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

They say that when the US sneezes, the world catches a cold. Well, I think in Malaysia, the equivalent comparison is when Umno goes into panic mode, the rest of the country suffers alongside their anxiety attacks.

Has Umno contracted panic syndrome? Well, the symptoms are there for us to observe; from racist and religious diatribes spewed by its mouthpiece Utusan and the various sub-contractors Umno employs, to demonising sections of society that dare vote against their wasteful rule of this country, to getting their crumb-seeking support-club members (especially the MCA) to play the fear factor card by “threatening” that Chinese representation in the government would diminish should their votes shift away from BN.

Yo MCA — dudes, I think these days your reasoning couldn’t even convince a housefly to come by and taste your pudding. Just how do you manage to put on a straight face and offer pitiful excuses to the many who pay their taxes faithfully year in, year out; but whose deserving children otherwise struggle to secure places in public universities?

What you state is nothing more than an excuse to justify your political survival rather than your sincere concern for the rakyat’s struggles.

Change is hard, ain’t it? And change does cause anxiety, especially to those so used to a certain lifestyle and its entrapments; like those who have been in power for a long, long time, and who are used to getting their way through the system.

The whole world is changing. The US has a black man as President; the Middle East is rocking with cries for democracy; and yet individuals like Mahathir deem that the BN – specifically Umno — needs to retain the two-third parliamentary majority for Malays to remain in power.

What is this obsession with a two-third majority, Mahathir?

Why, aren’t you happy with just one version of Barry Wain’s “The Malaysian Maverick”?

Or are you longing for a sequel?

Because Barry gave us an insight into how Umno had wasted US$100 billion (RM299 billion) of our money, and all that happened because the rakyat consistently gave Umno that coveted two-thirds for more than 30 years.

It’s amazing because, if the size of the crowd is any indicator of just how they resonate with their target audience, then I’d be embarrassed if I was a Pembela member. Just look at the number of attendees at their recent forum — ‘Islam Under Siege: What Can We Do?’. Hardly more than 20 per cent filled the large hall; it looked more like a gathering of syok sendiri types, trying to savour their 15 minutes in the spotlight.

But are they bothered that few showed up, whilst the rest of the country is grappling with concerns over rising costs, security, corruption, education, the effects of globalisation, or that our young adults could no longer afford a decent house?

No siree, but come what may — Umno and its support-club members have no qualms about letting their anxiety attacks get the better of them, and as far as they’re concerned, every other Malaysian — must suffer along with them.

Think it’s really time to send them for a long overdue vacation.

One Reply to “Help, Umno has contracted panic disease!”

  1. And the treatment is, give them a break. Rest and sedate them, till they come to their senses. After so many terms, give them a break. They need a rest.

    We need to change the tenant at Putrajaya

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