Taking time off


Lim Kit Siang
[Admin] LKS TQ 2wellwishers re Endophthalmitis 2antibiotic injections in2 eyeball 2fight dread infection.Vitrectomy option if no improvement
2 May (9am)

Lim Kit Siang
[Admin] LKS down with Endopthalmitis, all programmes cancelled on doctor’s advice. Regrets unable complete program in Kcg/visit Sibu-Miri
1 May


29 Replies to “Taking time off”

  1. Dear Uncle. I had reminded you to tell Anwar to take a rest, by right i should have also reminded you to take leave and rest U ppl have been working very hard lately.

    Get well soon. TQ

  2. Just in case you umno thought that without lks the dap debate would stop you are wrong. So people lets carry on.

    /// KUALA LUMPUR: Former Wanita Umno chief Rafidah Aziz today urged members of the party’s women’s wing to be wary of, and reject, narrow minded concepts such as ’1Melayu,1Bumi’.

    Officiating the Cheras Wanita Umno AGM here, the veteran leader told members that unlike the developments in the Middle East, Malaysians should be thankful for the stability in the country.

    She added that “we should be wary of extremists of any shade who try to rattle this stability”, including those who are bent on only advocating their narrow point of view.

    “I am worried now the notion of 1Melayu has emerged. Apa cerita ni? (What is this?). Tomorrow you would have Chinese asking for 1Chinese and Indians would be asking for 1Indians” she said.

    “After that what is to happen to 1Malaysia? Better just forget this 1Melayu concept,” she added.

    She said that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s 1Malaysia was not a concept but a reality and that in the global arena, Malaysians were far better recognized by their nationality than their individual race.

    “When you are overseas and you mention that you are Indian, people will then ask, (which part of India) Bombay or Chennai?

    “But if you say you are from Malaysia, people immediately know, (They will say) Oh twin towers, Dr Mahathir,” she added drawing laughter from the crowd.

    Speaking to reporters later, she said that the 1Melayu, 1Bumi concept, which was promoted by the Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia, merely reflected a parochial mindset.

    She said that unlike their counterparts in Singapore and Thailand, Malays in Malaysia are distinct as they have special rights as constituted by the Federal Constitution.

    “I am proud to be a Malay but I am more proud to be a Malaysian Malay,” she said adding that we should be championing a nationalist concept instead of parochial ones.

    Creating a political divide

    The 1Melayu, 1Bumi campaign calls for all Malay parties to form one large coalition to combat the united force of Chinese in Malaysia, and was roundly criticised by Chinese political parties, mainly the DAP and MCA.

    Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin however had said that the call to boycott Utusan was improper and that the daily merely represented the sentiments of the Malay community. Malay rights group, Perkasa offered to lead such the 1Melayu, 1Bumi movement.

    However, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has distanced himself from the proposal, saying that Utusan’s suggestion will not deter the government’s commitment to his 1 Malaysia brainchild.

    Perkasa patron, Dr Mahathir Mohamad also spoke out against the idea and said it would be “disastrous” as it would result in a two party system which would be dominated by the Malays and the Chinese on opposing sides of the divide.////

  3. Heavenly Father,

    Grant Uncle Kit a speedy recovery
    Bless him and members of his family
    Give him wisdom, strength and energy
    To fight for a better future of our country

    In Jesus name I pray,

  4. Speedy recovery, though it might cross d minds of UmnoB/BN 2 dissolve d parliament n call 4 d 13th GE now
    NR practises Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”: The enemy advances, we retreat; the enemy camps, we harass!

  5. LKS,you’ve done more than enough.We all know that.Rest and no worry.You’re the blessed one and heaps of people will take of you and everything.Recover well and quick enough to be back to share our joy and private ‘hue and cry’.It’s nice to be in this blog to see you,read you and liase with you again.Stay cool and we all love you always.Any..hint..from admin..about LKS..please

  6. I hope Lim Guan Eng can post here to give us latest news….as millions of Malaysians are sincerely concerned.
    Meanwhile…his visitors are praying for his speedy recovery.
    To me…it is a correction and harmeless but painful operation …if he has to go through it.
    I hope oral medication is enough…and he is resting well.

  7. OSAMA Bin Laden died as a coward after using one of his wives as a human shield

    Question: What were his last words?

    Answer: Quick, the 4 of you! Line up in front of me to protect me from these Americanos’ bullets! Hurry up, you sows!

  8. It is good to joke around and wild away the time…while waiting for some latest news.
    Food for thoughts….
    “Good Government is no substitute for SELF-GOVERNMENT”….Mahatma Gandhi.
    “You can catch the small fish, what about the big fish? My God!! the big fish are like Jaws 2!! Very difficult to catch”…Tun Hussein Onn.

  9. And latest news…our press is as free as Madagascar and Angola…slipping way down…lowest press freedom in SEA…reported by a Washington global watch dog ..for press freedsom.
    You can expect Najib to keep ignoring such kind p reports about Malaysia.
    His PMship is about sodomy and sex shows.
    With that…why should he care about Malaysia reputations from third party?
    All are telling lies…and he is most truthful.

  10. There is a season for everything under the sun….

    A time to roar and a time to soar…
    A time to rest and a time to heal…
    A time to mend and a time for convalescence..

    Take your time, YB LKS…

    I suspect Najib would not have the guts to call a GE anytime soon…

    My reading of najib, he is so cowardly and may be so scared of losing the next GE, he would let this term run almost its full length till at least late 2012.

    Cowards die a thousand times before their death, as Cicero or someone else said.

  11. Got this from Susan’s blog…
    “Mahathir…Queen Elizabeth …Vladimer Putin all die in hell.
    While there, they spot a red phone and ask…what the phone’s for.
    The Devil tells them… it is for calling back to Earth.
    Putin asks to call Russia.
    He talks for 5 minutes.
    The Devil informs him…that the cost is a million.
    So Putin wrote a check.
    Next….Queen Elizabeth calls England and talk for 30 minutes.
    When she finished, the Devil informs her that the cost is 6 million.
    So she wrote him a check.
    Finally….Mahathir gets his turn to talk for 4 hours.
    When he finished, the Devil informs him that the cost is $5.
    When Putin hears this, he goes ballistic and ask the Devil, why Mahathir got to call Malaysia so cheaply?
    The Devil smiles and reply …”Since Najib took over, the country has gone to hell….so it is a local call”.

  12. Ok..this is one of LKS’ favourite posting but sometimes kena hantam by few and even from me.Let’s read to laugh,scorn,joke and learn from true professor,consultant and the terror terror ones.

    P/S I haven’t read this yet cause i was a bit busy.

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