On Ubah campaign trail (3)

Tweets @limkitsiang:

Dominique Ng shld take Azizah’s advice/withdraw from Padungan so as not to spoil PR/Wong King Wei’s chances of winning http://bit.ly/epWSxU
Saturday, April 09, 2011 3:42 PM

Call for RCI to re-open riddle of seven-year mysterious death of Rumie Azzan http://bit.ly/gZca4V
Saturday, April 09, 2011 5:43 PM

DAP dares PM to hold RCI for dead Sarawakian officer (MI) http://bit.ly/gpoZmY
Saturday, April 09, 2011 7:53 PM

Unprecedented 12k crowd Miri setting new record in focal pt in Swk g/e. All await Pisau result-how can PehMoh survive if GeorgeChan perish?
Saturday, April 09, 2011 11:38 PM
Continue reading “On Ubah campaign trail (3)”

Call for RCI to re-open riddle of seven-year mysterious death of Sarawak DOE investigating officer Rumie Azzan falling from 9th floor of STA in Kuching in Sept 2004

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak seems to be amenable to the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Carcosa sex videotape scandal, not into the roles of the Attorney-General and the Police to ascertain why the threesome forming “Datuk T” had not been arrested and prosecuted for crimes after three long weeks, but to establish the identity of the “key character” in the video.

Would Najib seriously consider the possibility of a RCI if the target of the Carcosa sex video tape screening had been the Prime Minister himself, the Deputy Prime Minister or anyone of the Cabinet Ministers?

The people of Sarawak and Malaysia are entitled to ask why the Prime Minister is not prepared to establish RCI for a whole host of more important and pressing public issues.

For a start, is Najib prepared to establish a RCI to re-open the riddle of the seven-year mysterious death of Sarawak Department of Environment (DOE) investigating officer Rumie Azzan falling from 9th floor of Sarawak Timber Association (STA) in Kuching on 17th September 2004 just before 11 am? Continue reading “Call for RCI to re-open riddle of seven-year mysterious death of Sarawak DOE investigating officer Rumie Azzan falling from 9th floor of STA in Kuching in Sept 2004”

Dominique Ng should take Azizah’s advice and withdraw from April 16 state election so as not to spoil PR and Wong King Wei’s chances of winning in Padungan constituency

I endorse the advice by the PKR president Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail yesterday that the independent candidate for Padungan, Dominque Ng Kim Ho, should withdraw from contesting in the April 16 state election.

Ng Kim Ho should take Azizah’s advice and withdraw from the Sarawak state general election so as not to spoil Pakatan Rakyat and DAP candidate Wong King Wei’s chances of winning the Padungan constituency next Saturday.

Under the election law, Ng can withdraw as a candidate before midnight.

The battle in Padungan as well as in Sarawak is between Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional.

With Ng in the three-cornered contest in Padungan, there is a possibility that the SUPP/BN candidate Sim Kiang Chiok may win on split votes. Continue reading “Dominique Ng should take Azizah’s advice and withdraw from April 16 state election so as not to spoil PR and Wong King Wei’s chances of winning in Padungan constituency”

Interlok: Your God in capital letter, my god in lower case

By Iraiputtiran

Open letter to Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin

You, Sir, are becoming a complete embarrassment to this country. If Interlok has given anyone an opportunity to prove anything at all, then probably it has given you the best chance to expose your Umno NEP intellectuality.

From the very beginning, the issue with Interlok has been very clear. It was a case of an unsuitable book and wrongly chosen without a thorough analysis. Or otherwise, it was deliberately chosen with the ill-intention of poisoning innocent young minds in schools with the venomous agenda of Umno racism and Umno supremacy.

The book – which Indians were the first to object to (infuriated as they are by the vilification of their community from the demeaning portrayal of Indian characters throughout the novel) – is also being rejected by non-Indians, who have begun to see the inappropriateness of the book as a major public exam material.
Continue reading “Interlok: Your God in capital letter, my god in lower case”

On Ubah campaign trail (2)

Tweets @limkitsiang:-

Swak PR leaders launch Swak G/E Manifesto entitled “Ketuanan Rakyat” @PKR Swak hqrs. Present include Azizah Nizar ChongJR VioletYong SeeCH
Friday, April 08, 2011 2:43 PM

@Kuching airport otw 2Bintulu next stop in Ubah trail of Swak g/e 4change in Swak n Msia. Tmr night ceramah in Miri n Sunday nite in Limbang
Friday, April 08, 2011 3:36 PM

Sarawak curtain coming down? Recd sms that social activist Wong Chin Huat just barred from entering Sarawak. Checking
Friday, April 08, 2011 9:24 PM

Another abuse of power!Just spoken 2ChinHuat stranded Kuching airport 45mins as Immigration informed him he is on blacklist n denied entry.
Friday, April 08, 2011 9:37 PM
Continue reading “On Ubah campaign trail (2)”

Najib backing MACC in latest tragedy, says Kit Siang

By Clara Chooi
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 08, 2011

KUCHING, April 8 — DAP accused Datuk Seri Najib Razak today of siding with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) in the recent death of a Customs officer under its probe, casting doubt on the prime minister’s pledge of a thorough investigation into the incident.

Party advisor Lim Kit Siang said Najib should have abstained from giving his own evaluation of the circumstances surrounding Selangor Customs assistant director Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed’s death on Wednesday as it gave the impression that he was taking the side of the graftbusting agency.

“Najib claimed Sarbani’s case was different from Teoh Beng Hock’s as he was not being questioned at the time of his death.

“Najib said that Sarbani went to the MACC’s office voluntarily to change his statement and thereon, died in the blink of an eye,” he told a press conference at DAP’s city headquarters here today.

Lim was referring to Najib’s statement to reporters here yesterday, in which the prime minister explained his understanding of the circumstances prior to Sarbani’s death. Continue reading “Najib backing MACC in latest tragedy, says Kit Siang”

On Ubah campaign trail (1)

Tweets @limkitsiang:

Sabah Minister mustering courage 2hint 2UMNO 2get out of Sabah/stop marginalise Sabahans (Borneo Post)Reject peninsula-based parties- Dompok
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 4:11:43 PM

“According 2info the officer is nice friendly n helpful. His family not rich. Everyone of us don’t believe he was corrupted.”
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 5:54:41 PM

Good kickoff 4all 3 Nomination Night DAP ceramahs in Kuching Sibu Miri – breaking all past records 4first night election ceramahs in Swak.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 10:59:39 PM Continue reading “On Ubah campaign trail (1)”

How did the porn video get on YouTube?

By P Ramakrishnan Aliran’s President

Malaysians are seriously asking, “How did the pornographic video clip get uploaded to YouTube? Who was responsible for making this vile tape available?”

It would not be difficult to make a wild guess! We all have an inkling who could have done this and for what purpose.

It was meant to give far wider coverage to the clip – to denigrate and vilify Anwar Ibrahim for political mileage. It is not difficult to conclude who will gain from such political mileage.

It was not only given air time but it was also covered widely by the print media as well with images that purportedly resembled Anwar. They really went to town in their despicable attempt to destroy Anwar so that he will not be their downfall in the next general election.
Continue reading “How did the porn video get on YouTube?”

The bigotry of forbidding the use of an English word in the name of Islam

By N H Chan

In the Malaysian Insider, Tuesday, 29 March 2011, I find this article;

Mufti says Islamic law bars release of Alkitab
By Syed Mu’raz Syed Putra

Selangor Mufti Datuk Tamyes Abd Wahid said the crux of the controversy is over the use of the word “Allah” in the bible, which is forbidden to religions other than Islam, as written in 1988 state enactment on religious propagation.

I am still of the view that they [the distribution of the Bahasa Malaysia Bibles] should be blocked, as this translation that contains the translation of the word “God” to “Allah” is dangerous and confusing, especially to the young,” the senior Islamic cleric told The Malaysian Insider yesterday.

He explained that young Muslims who had shallow knowledge of religion and faith would be confused by the use of the word “Allah” by Christians, which to them meant “Allah has a son … that Allah has a wife … God is a father”. Continue reading “The bigotry of forbidding the use of an English word in the name of Islam”

Longing For A Free Mind (Part 5 of 14)

By M. Bakri Musa
Liberation Through Education

The crucial role of this second instrument – education – in liberating us from underneath our coconut shell is encapsulated in the wisdom of the Greek philosopher Epictetus (Discourses): “Only the educated are free!” Having been born a slave, Epictetus knew a thing or two about freedom besides philosophizing about it.

Teachers are liberators! Hence my high regards for them, quite apart from the fact that both my parents were teachers. Consider that as a doctor, the best that I could do is return my patients to their pre-morbid state. With a good teacher however, there is no limit to the height of achievements of her students.

As that great teacher Munshi Abdullah noted, “Antara mereka yang berguru dan mereka yang meniru, jauh beza-nya!” (Between those who are taught and those who parrot, is a vast difference!) Those who parrot would merely repeat and follow orders; those who are taught, and taught well, pave their own path. Others would then follow on that path.

The best articulation of the value of education to an individual is captured by Prameodya’s words in Bumi Manusia (This Earth of Mankind), “Seorang terpelajar harus sudah berbuat adil sejak dalam fikiran apalagi dalam perbuatan” (An educated person must be just, first in his thoughts and then in his deeds.)
Continue reading “Longing For A Free Mind (Part 5 of 14)”

Sarawak Election and 2nd MACC falling death

Tweets @limkitsiang:

Most important Swak elections in 48yrs begin tomorrow – with far-reaching implications not only 4Swak but also 4Msia w great impact on 13GE
Tuesday, April 05, 2011 11:40 PM

In Sibu 4BukitAssek Pelawan BawangAssan Dudong Nangka nomination. Spirit of PR candidates leaders election workers high hopeful 4change UBAH
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 8:25 AM

DAP Alice Lau submits nomination as candidate Bawang Assan. Can young pharmacist go down in Sibu history 2join gallery of “dragon-slayers”?
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 9:12 AM

DAP Swak Chmn Wong Ho Leng 1st 2submit nomination as BukitAssek candidate 2make another history – first 2b re-elected as BA Assemblyman
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 9:25 AM
Continue reading “Sarawak Election and 2nd MACC falling death”

Sleight of hand and twist of fate

On a bed of nails Malaysians wait
by Singa Pura Pura

The impudent, open screening of naked pornography at Carcosa Seri Negara. Think about it – as we lay and wait on our bed of nails – for the police and the public prosecutor to move.

Despite the gathering storm of public outrage and the consternation of an entire nation, the Home Minister, representing UMNO and the ruling coalition, still refuses to do the right and proper thing – which is to bring the persons who have openly, plainly and admittedly broken the laws of the land before the altar of justice. To charge them in an open court and to afford them an opportunity of answering those charges; to see if they have a lawful justification or excuse for possessing and screening pornography at a public place.

It is pertinent here to ask the question: In the Federation of Malaysia, and for all practical intents and purposes, to whom does the Attorney-General or the Inspector-General of Police answer? Is it to His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong? Is it to Parliament? To the Cabinet? Or to the Home Minister and/or the Prime Minister? The answer is common knowledge. Which is why pushing the blame – for the dogged refusal of the Home Minister to act – unto the police and the public prosecutor is akin to the liver apportioning liability upon the kidneys for not filtering out the toxins that are poisoning the body. Are we, seriously, being asked to believe that in this country, the police acts without any reference to the Attorney General who, in turn, acts autonomously from the Home Minister or the Prime Minister?
Continue reading “Sleight of hand and twist of fate”

Malays are still ruled by colonialists called “Umno”

By Martin Jalleh

Perkasa, described by DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang as an outsource of Umno’s extremist demands, recently declared that for the Malays it would be “Better ruled than walked over” (The Malaysian Insider).

Its president Ibrahim Ali said that the “Malays would be better off living under colonial rule if Article 153 of the Federal Constitution which safeguards the special position of Bumiputeras is brushed aside.

Firing a warning shot across the Najib administration’s bow on the night the PM unveiled the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) annual report, Ibrahim stressed that the national agenda must be driven by Article 153, rather than incorporate the clause in piecemeal fashion.
Continue reading “Malays are still ruled by colonialists called “Umno””

The Christians Win, But For How Long?

By Kee Thuan Chye
04 April 2011

IN their stand-off against the Government over the Bible issue, the Christians have won. Especially those in Sabah and Sarawak. Not only will the Bible in any language, including Bahasa Malaysia, be allowed to be imported; it can now be printed locally and in the indigenous languages of the Sabah and Sarawak natives. This shows that when you stick to your guns, you’ll get what is rightfully yours. In this case, the right to practise your religion freely, as is guaranteed by the Federal Constitution.

The Christians have to be admired for standing up and not giving in. But lest they think they had God, Najib Razak and Idris Jala on their side, they might do well to realize that what decided the issue in their favour and even beyond their wildest expectations was obviously the upcoming Sarawak state elections.

This is a politically expedient decision through and through. Otherwise, it would not have been made at such super speed. Prime Minister Najib desperately wants the Christian vote in order for his coalition to win big in Sarawak. The outcome of the state elections there could be a harbinger of the next general election. He needs a morale booster. He cannot afford a break in Barisan Nasional’s (BN) momentum after its recent spate of by-election victories. He wants to keep up the public perception – no doubt as advised by his well-paid public relations consultants – that Malaysian support for BN is returning. He also wants to ensure that Sarawak remains a safe deposit for BN. And Sabah, too, where the Christian populace, like that in Sarawak, is substantial. Continue reading “The Christians Win, But For How Long?”

Bible impasse: CCM youth reject 10-point proposal

by Hazlan Zakaria | Apr 4, 11

The youth wing of the Council of Churches Malaysia (CCM) today rejected outright the government’s 10-point proposal to appease Christians in Sabah and Sarawak over restrictions on the publication and import of the Bible.

The movement made this known in a tweet this morning:

“Say NO to 10-pointers. Malaysian Christians want FULL FREEDOM, FULL RIGHTS to practise their faith.”

Contacted by Malaysiakini, CCM youth secretary Daniel Chai explained: “We don’t agree with the suggestions because they represent no firm commitment from the government. We shall continue to observe and see how things develop.” Continue reading “Bible impasse: CCM youth reject 10-point proposal”

10 more deserving RCIs

The Malaysian Insider
April 04, 2011

APRIL 4 — The Barisan Nasional (BN) is apparently seeking to file a parliamentary motion seeking a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) to investigate a sex video clip allegedly featuring Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in a sexual tryst with a prostitute.

Perhaps because he is a lawmaker and also the parliamentary opposition leader. Then again, he is already facing his second sodomy charge in 12 years. So why not another trial.

However, if the ruling coalition is keen on holding RCIs to investigate a tape of a man having sex, perhaps it should consider setting up royal panels for the following issues:

1. Corruption involving ministers, senior government officials and other decision-makers

2. Leakage and other distortions in Malaysian policies and initiatives, including the New Economic Policy (NEP)

3. Racial polarisation and discrimination in Malaysia

4. Religious freedom and the rights of minorities to practise their religion Continue reading “10 more deserving RCIs”

Who speaks for the government?

The Malaysian Insider
April 04, 2011

APRIL 4 — All the Christians had asked was for Putrajaya to prove its sincerity over the Alkitab issue. And the government failed the first test.

In the space of two days, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said the 10-point solution announced by Datuk Seri Idris Jala last Saturday was not final.

“We’re still in the middle of negotiations. Nothing is finalised yet,” Hishammuddin told The Malaysian Insider. Continue reading “Who speaks for the government?”

Somewhere out there, shampoo is needed

by Zairil Khir Johari
The Malaysian Insider

These are busy and exciting times. I have less than two days to pack for a two-week adventure in a land full of charm and mystique. Besides the usual necessities — toothbrush, clothes, Blackberry (Heaven forbid I forget that) — I will also be stuffing my luggage with bottles and bottles of… shampoo.

Now, I am not particularly fastidious about hair care, but I have heard that where I’m headed, there is a great need for a very special kind of shampoo. You see, in this land not so far away, I have heard that people are suffering from a chronic attack of a noxious condition known simply as “white hair”.

As far as my research has revealed, this plague, colloquially called pek moh, began to manifest exactly 30 years ago. In the beginning it appeared harmless enough, innocently revealing only streaks of silver. Continue reading “Somewhere out there, shampoo is needed”

Monitoring the Dirtiest Elections Ever

by Dr Lim Teck Ghee
Monday, 04 April 2011

According to Bernama, the Election Commission (EC) has decided not to give accreditation to Mafrel (Malaysians for Free and Fair Elections) to be an independent observer in the Sarawak state election, polling of which is to take place on April 16.

EC secretary Datuk Kamaruddin Mohamed Baria is reported to have said that this was because Mafrel had failed to fully comply with EC’s requirements. “Among them is for Mafrel and its affiliates to be non-partisan in their work,” he said in a statement.

This statement coming from the EC makes it clear that the Government is afraid of –and will prevent – independent observers from monitoring the coming Sarawak election which, in all likelihood, will be the dirtiest one ever since the stakes are so high. Sarawak has to date been the biggest of the BN’s electoral fixed deposit. If Sarawak goes to the opposition or if the expected landslide for the BN component parties does not take place, it could be a precursor to the BN losing power at the national level in the coming general election. Continue reading “Monitoring the Dirtiest Elections Ever”

Enhancing Human Capital – Charter Schools

by M. Bakri Musa

Chapter 7: Enhancing Human Capital

Charter Schools

Another avenue for private sector participation would be a joint private and public partnership to form charter schools. Charter school is a new concept and becoming increasingly popular in America. The underlying idea is to empower the ultimate “consumers” of schools – students and their parents – by taking control away from the central bureaucracy and giving it to the schools. The ministry would be concerned only with monitoring the quality and compliance with rules and regulations, and setting the standards.

To gain charter status, such schools must meet certain conditions. Their graduates must demonstrate competency in our national language (Malay) and history. These schools must also recognize the uniqueness and special sensitivity of Malaysian society. Thus their student body must reflect the greater community.

In return, these schools would get state funding – the same amount of funds it would have cost the government to educate these pupils in the public system. Additionally, the state would guarantee loans for capital expenses. The actual lending however would be done through private sources. With the guarantee, the interest rate should be favorable. Continue reading “Enhancing Human Capital – Charter Schools”