Lim Kit Siang


by Mohd Arshad Raji
Blog mind NO EVIL
Saturday, April 23, 2011

1 Bumiputra…………..that’s something new to my ears. Is it similar or different from 1 Malaysia?

From what I gather, the two are vastly at divergence in purpose and contradictory at best. The former being a Perkasa creation talks about uniting all Malay parties (an impossible proposition as at now), while the latter being PM Najib’s aspiration of wanting to create a one Malaysian society that is comprised of the various ethic Malaysian races. It is the divergence that compelled PM Naijb to distance himself from 1 Bumiputra, although Utusan Malaysia, an UMNO controlled print media is supportive of the 1 Bumiputra idea. Tun Dr. Mahathir despite being closely associated with Perkasa, has himself declared that 1 Bumiputra has disastrous consequences.

Perkasa seems to have a penchant for sloganeering, and each time a slogan is drummed up, it catches the very heart of the Malays. One does not need further exposition. Just swallow and nod to all the howling of the Perkasa leaders of which they are extremely proficient. No reasoning or rational thinking is required. They just want others to know that the Malays must be superior because they are the majority. And Ibrahim Ali is just ever willing to draw out his kris, and for what?

I am curious as to why the idea of 1 Bumiputra has cropped up now i.e. after 50 odd years of independence? Why hasn’t years of political dominance of the Malays translate into economic power over the other Malaysian races? Do the Malays need another 50 odd years to be awakened to the realities that have them much poorer than their forefathers? I think it is already too late because 2020 is just around the corner. And even if the nation can achieve a develop nation status by that time; it has little meaning for the Malays. It is going to be the very few elite Malays that will be made rich, and I am not quite sure of the others.

My simple answer to the woes that is troubling the Malays today is in the weakness of the Malays themselves. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask this simple and direct question…………what’s wrong with me? The answer that you will get is also fairly simple and direct i.e. you have been spoon fed and relied on quick success without wanting to think of helping others of your kind. Malays are easily corrupt and there is too much of back stabbing. You may want to curse me for saying this, and I have been saying this many times before.

Just look at the many famous Malay corporate names of the 80’s and 90’s. Despite making their millions from government contracts, where are they today? Have they been able to develop other Malays to become entrepreneurs as well; I mean the honest and God fearing ones? The answer is a big NO, and who ought to be blame for this? Want to blame the other races for their misfortune? Again, I say…………take a good look at the mirror and ask the same question………..what’s wrong with me?

I can only say this of the Malay corporate leaders that depends their livelihood on government contracts i.e. stop being corrupt and do not corrupt others.


(Mohd Arshad Raji – A retired army officer who believes in justice for all and hates liars and apple polisher.Believes that all members of AF must be free of corrupt practices.)