Horrible Disgusting: TV3 Prime News turns porn – will PM stand up for decency?


Let every BN Minister DyMin MP SA declare stand -agree w TV3’s disgusting porno? PM Najib – r u going 2draw a line on whats decent or not?

All parents lodge police rpts agnst TV3. Lets have nation-wide campaign 2protect homes/children from such disgusting TV fare/gutter politics

TV3 boss/all responsible 4terrible bad taste violating homes children w such disgusting snippets shd be sacked or InfoMinister Rais shd go

Ord decent Msians feel violated in their very homes w such disgusting TVfare – turning TV3 into pornographic channel. No child safe at home.

Horrible Disgusting Complaints from those who watched 8pm TV3 Prime News which showed latest snippet of so-called Anwar Carcosa sex video.

24 Replies to “Horrible Disgusting: TV3 Prime News turns porn – will PM stand up for decency?”

  1. WOW, these BN/UMNO suckers suck again??? They enjoy showing porn movies in TV where their kids can learn something about SEX!

    Perhaps, it is part of school curriculum, man! This is our latest education system! More rapes and sexual violence will be expected! BN/UMNO suckers boleh!!!!!!

  2. When that man bend down and wear his pants..freeze the picture.. and you can clearly see…..it is not Anwar.
    I am sure anyone can see it is not Anwar.
    Are Najib and IGP blind?
    Anyway…it is good this second part released…to completely prove Anwar is telling the truth all along.
    What kind of creatures are these worms…..keep using sex to bring down Anwar?

  3. So long as PDRM don’t act decisively on the matter, this merry go round fanfare of dirty laundry will be made more and more public. The airing of this snippet on TV3 is sheer hypocrisy in the making. I can remember the big hoo-haa last year when TV3 aired a Raya festive wishes that certain quarters found unacceptable and TV3 quickly removed it with thousand apologies whereas on the other hand for this snippet I wonder who gave TV3 the gall to air it? I doubt heads will roll for this though and for once TV3 don’t need to apologise at all.

  4. Uncle Lim, the BN is extraordinarily desperate to win the next GE.
    Perhaps, even to try to get back their two-thirds majority!
    Make absolutely, very sure that the electorate will do everything to thwart
    Also, the electorate must play their part by not believing anything negative
    that the MSM says about the opposition!!
    Give them the trouncing of their lives in the next GE.
    There must be no ifs and no buts.
    Do this for a much brighter and better future, for you and the future
    Another thing to note is that in their desperation, the BN will also go all out
    to induce frogs to leap, but this time on a much, much grander scale!!!

  5. bolehland just have its first porno tv channel. the good thing is it is free. let’s show some rosmama deephark wild escapade shall we TV3? or bohsia, bolehland free ride for a dime.

  6. I was so ghastly appalled beyond words! Worse when I had to explain to my 3 kids (15, 17 & 20) what it was all about! Bad enough of THE news splashed in the papers daily but since kids these days hardly read, it was not too bad but having it on TV primetime news was a total misuse of privileged airtime!

    Here ‘they’ are giving restrictions on dresscode, repetitive reminders on moral decency, etc…and they have the insensibility to allow such for the nation to view! How shallowly sick can TV3 be?

    No prize for guessing why it was blatantly aired but regardless of TV3’s political interest, there is no need to expose their standing and drag us ALL in such smut thinking of theirs!

  7. If TV3 Prime News showed to public snippet from the sex video (which Datuk T earlier showed full version to selected journalists in Carcosa) is the call to the Deputy IGP/police to investigate/arrest/charge Datuk T for the offence under section 292 of Penal Code and Section 5(1) of the Film Censorship Act 2002 extended to TV3 and its owner as well for committing same offence?

  8. TV3-STMB is UMNO’s own private TV station. When UMNO has its big meeting every year, TV3 gives big coverage & air time. No surprise if UMNO uses TV3 as its mass media weapon to attack its political opponents especially DSAI.

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