Comment on the 2011 Sarawak election: We need fair election rules

By Lim Yin Kuin


I am a Malaysian student in a U.S. university and would like to comment on something I found outrageous about the Sarawak state election.

How is it that Chinese people make up the majority in Sarawak (something the mainstream media is not keen on mentioning often), yet Chinese candidates were left to fight for around 20 or so seats out of 71 in the state assembly? While I’m not a fan of political parties chasing votes from specific communities (PBB vs. PKR for Malays/Melanaus, SUPP vs. DAP for Chinese), how is it that the battle between DAP and SUPP to win the Chinese vote became a sideshow while PBB and Taib retained their political dominance while representing a minority of Sarawak’s population?

Of course, those questions are rhetorical. We all know the reasons behind them and no one dares ask why. For a Chinese person to question his or her lack of political representation is the worst form of political incorrectness in Malaysia.

Yet, this isn’t an issue about one race versus another (like a zero sum game). It’s a question of fairness, and whether or not to allow those in power (with questionable legitimacy) to do whatever they wish, to subordinate whomever they want in their quest for more power and wealth at the expense of those who are subordinated.

This issue paints a relevant picture of the unfair rules that opposition parties have to play by during elections. Again, I would like to emphasize how it sickens me that racial politics dominate our elections, but it does and here’s my take on it: Chinese people are the majority of Sarawak’s population. They are more likely to not vote in favor of Barisan Nasional, hence the electoral boundaries are gerrymandered in a way that:

(1) in most of the constituencies, their power as a voting bloc becomes irrelevant (especially in rural seats, where the racial breakdowns are a far cry from mirroring the state’s demographics as a whole) – the DAP did not even bother contesting these seats; and

(2) even in urban seats where they are undeniably the majority, the constituency boundaries keep their proportion as low as possible, forcing opposition Chinese politicians to appeal more to other races (which is a great thing, except that BN creates double standards by exempting themselves from this requirement).

For rural seats with non-Chinese majorities, BN knows that they can bribe constituents who have had their livelihoods squeezed so badly by the state government’s policies that they would do anything (like vote BN) just to receive a one-off cash payment to make ends meet.

With these rules in place, even if the DAP won every Chinese vote, other opposition parties will gain nothing and Sarawak would still be in the hands of Taib and PBB. This begs the question for the opposition parties: How can you win if even the rules you agree to abide by to are designed to keep you from winning?

Forget about ballot stuffing, ballot dumping, phantom voters, postal votes and other documented dirty tricks in the bag. The opposition parties are screwed by the system long before the game has even began. And there’s nothing they can do about it unless ordinary voters become cognizant of this fact. They can’t push for an independent Election Commission (to ask for independent institutions in Malaysia is like wishing to see donkeys fly), but greater awareness among ordinary folk can lead to solid action, such as popular support for election monitoring by respected international observers.

While there are lots of undesirable aspects of Malaysian politics – personality attacks, race, pandering to religious ignorance, sex – let’s at least establish some fair ground rules when it comes to elections. And while personality attacks, race, pandering to religious ignorance and sex in public debate are the darker sides of democracy that we have to accept, unfree and unfair elections are not.

If elections are set up in a way that the outcome that matters most – the ruling party retaining power – will occur however the electorate votes, then why even bother voting anyway. If Malaysians think that BN’s majority in parliament will be chipped away election by election, and that somewhere down the line, the opposition will actually stand a chance of winning power, they are gravely mistaken. But they are not powerless to prevent it.

If people in the Middle East can bring down oppressive dictators through intelligent use of social media in a globally connected world, surely Malaysians can demand free and fair elections. (This is NOT a revolutionary message. It simply seeks fair rules under the system, not to overthrow the system.)

In the Ivory Coast, election monitors certified Alassane Ouattara as the winner of the 2010 presidential election, and the international community backed him persistently even as the incumbent Laurent Gbagbo rigged the official results and refused to leave office. Their patience paid off as Gbagbo was finally deposed in 2011. This demonstrates how if you put yourself in the court of the respected international election observers, you will never be able to run from the truth. This is why I believe free and fair elections should be a cause that every Malaysian citizen should take up and every opposition party should champion.

Thank you for your time.

80 Replies to “Comment on the 2011 Sarawak election: We need fair election rules”

  1. Uncle Lim, allow me to digress.
    I don’t seem to be able to find PR’s 10 point Sarawak Manifesto on your website.
    Why not have it posted on your blog as well as that of all PR’s MPs.
    Also, when a new manifesto for the GE is ready, have it posted as well.
    Please make sure as many voters as possible are aware of them, especially those in all the
    rural areas.
    Let the rural folks know that what they are getting from BN every election time is nothing compared
    with what they would be getting yearly or so if PR is in power.
    I think that it would be a good idea to imbue local cadres, especially in East Malaysia, who
    are well versed in PR’s Manifesto to requently inculcate PR’s values in these areas.

  2. Even more outrageous was in 2000, when Al Gore won more popular votes than Bush Junior, yet the latter was proclaimed the winner. The crucial votes for Bush came from Florida, where his brother was the governor.

  3. Yes Sdr Lim, All fair-minded Malaysians know, and your observation is correct. We do pay a very heavy price for peace and harmony. We have yet to have a set of leaders who are fair and capable, to correct the “unfairness” in the election laws. Don’t hold your breathe, there are non in the horizon too. So, we remain bullied and abused.
    But my congratulations to Sdr Kit and team, for working so hard, against the virtually impossible, and achieving so much.
    Thanks, Kit, for doing these for us, but remember, this is a battle, the war is yet to come. Stay fit. The GE is yet to come.
    We need to change the tenant in Putrajaya.

  4. Young man/woman, welcome 2 d real world where d incumbent (under d name of pseudo democracy) use d resources of d gomen 2 cheat n suppress, by hook or by crook, any challengers n opposition 2 stay in power
    In 1M’sia, if U don’t like what U saw n read, UmnoB/BN will tell U: No like ah (just bcos U study in the US), go back 2 where your ancestors come fr lah! Vamoose
    Welcome 2 1M’sia, truly semua boleh!

  5. Chinese are substantial but I am not aware they “make up the majority in Sarawak”. Chinese are maybe (+ and -) whilst Dayaks the largest percentage (almost 34%).

    The so called gerrymandering (like Malay Privileges, Article 153) is constitutionally sanctioned – right from day 1 of independence.

    Since ethnic Malays predominated in the rural areas and non-ethnic Malays resided primarily in the urban centers, the Constitution ensured right from Day 1 this “rural weightage” to ensure Malay dominance of the political system to rest of eternity. This principle was a product of negotiations held between the British colonial authorities and the two main Malay independence movements during the 1950s. Though Mount Batten objected a lot of these, British Colonial relented. I beleive MCA had no role/bargaining chip/or a voice in constitutional negotiations as regards entrenching (constitutionally) Ketuanan.

  6. Long story you wrote. But to put it succinctly, it is called power takes all. Chinese are idiots when come politics. The British gave us the Malay Union, but we slept. Then Malaysia gave us Lee K Y, but we chose to support the invertebrate MCA and Tun Tan. When Singapore left Malaysia, they gave us DAP, but we slept again for 50 years before we woke up daydreaming. During this period of course we supported MCA, Gerakan, UMNO, MIC, SUPP and whatever. I think it is too late now. We can’t go along with the BN system because it is a one way street to marginalisation. We can’t go alone either because we don’t have the number anymore or our number does not count very much anymore. If you want inclusive policies, the Chinese have to solicit and work with right minded Malay/bumi leaders. A vibrant and vigorous two-party system is our only beg we have now. So Hindraf, please wake up from your slumber.

  7. Oops – Chinese are maybe (+ and – 28%)
    The original constitution contained a provision allowing no more than 15 percent deviation between constituency populations. Just like article 153 – Malay privileges reviewable every 15 years.

    The Constitution has been amended umpteenth time since then. Constitutional amendments have removed the 15% limit and increased rural weightage and gave Election Commission a wide latitude for gross discrepancies in constituency populations. The Election Commission (as constitutionally regulated) is not autonomous of ruling coalition: all recommendations for changes to constituency boundaries proposed by the Commission must procure PM’s approval subject to his alterations as he sees fit. (Likewise 15 year review of Special Privileges was removed by Constitutional amendments and is now perpetual (in practical effect).

  8. As any PM is president of UMNO & head of coalition the Constitution itself (as amended) gives the ruling party & its head a free hand to draw the electoral boundary lines as it deems fit to ensure perpetual political dominance/interest of ethnic Malays and political party representing them.

    That is what Perkasa meant by “Social Contract” being upheld by Federal Constitution from beginning. One may not think it fair but that’s a brutal truth because on question of ‘fairness’, citizenship was given to immigrant forefathers / descendants in constitutional exchange for Malay political hegemony until Malays themselves want to give it up – not till otherwise. Gerrymandering is therefore legal/constitutional from these perspectives no matter it is undemocratic and tends to perpetuate ruling party/coalition & negates/retards nation building and lead us to present state of unhappy affairs.

    Why do you think MCA/Gerakan/SUPP are today rejected and will never be accepted? Its because descendants will never agree to what their forefathers accepted with 1 eye closed!

  9. ///Long story you wrote. But to put it succinctly, it is called power takes all. Chinese are idiots when come politics…/// – Lim Kam Put.

    What that statement means and is intended to mean is that most unfortunately Chinese are nincompoops and there is a dearth of LimKam Puts.

  10. I love MayaRae wrote in another thread. May be we have to look beyond the moronic constitution and the so-called social contract. By the way is there a social contract? Where is it, show me, sage. May be we also have to look beyond the present voting system for reforms and change if the system has blatantly and persistently violate fairness and fair play.

  11. For the first prerequisite not to be a political nincompoop is to be a daring ‘political Lim Kam Put’ (in Cantonese pronunced ‘lynn kum put’ ) ie (in English) to have dare/courage to simply put….(and say things)…Keeping quiet is idolence (not vigilant of rights!) Saying loud and abrasive, even if content zero, is better than silence (with content plenty!~).

  12. To win in general election, dap should identify very safe areas and does not waste too much energy and time to organise mammoth rallies in big cities.

    Just go to the villages, where the bullies are preventing the weak from exercising their rights, the corrupt headmen are the ones you should break their holds, which many times, opposition campaigners were intimidated.

    Need to change strategies!!!!

  13. seeing the votes shows how democracy went down.
    seats were being created more in minority area as a safe deposit for “bn” to win.
    if it were to lump into one, they will be in trouble.

  14. sage, you should know by now Limkamput is the “Chinese” version of nincompoop. Sure there are lots of nincompoops but there is a dearth of Limkamputs. Oh, you should also know by now it is by choice certain things are said in certain ways.

  15. Even if the Chinese make up the majority in Sarawak, their distribution is heavily in the bigger cities thereby resulting in the lopsided seating allocations. What’s more important for PR now is to ensure that all the elected reps work hard for the rakyat, and for PR to work harder in the rural areas where money politics and short-term perks from UMNO need to be challenged. Congratulations to DAP for a superb performance!

  16. By the way is there a social contract? Where is it, show me – political Lim Kam Put

    There is no mention of social contract anywhere. But Ketuanan & Malay political dominance is (rightly or wrongly) justified by UMNO on basis of historical quid pro quo of our constitutional framers/British colonial office acceding to setting up Constitution favouring Native Malays (since expanded to Bumi by wider definition) over other original immigrant groups. So if one agrees that the Constitution favours the original group – and the development of their political hegemony – then one implies the existence of the unmentioned Social Contract that explains the constitutional racial bias, which otherwise has no other basis to be justified or explained, given the equality provisions in the Constitution for all (ie save as provided by th Constitution).

  17. Don’t go and simply ‘lyn kum put’ your words that the constitution is “moronic” and we look beyond that because here they catch you by the b*lls by defining one against the constitution as a subversive who don’t play by rules of the Constitution, the most basic foundation of all laws in the country!

  18. There have been many changes since God created this world. Some of these changes were more significant for example President Obama of the United States. It took a paradigm shift for the people in United States to be outrageous enough to elect a different race to be their leader, given their period of history. I am expecting an Asian to be the next President of USA. I looked up the internet and what I gathered was this. If Sarawak’s population is 2.4 million, this means that Ibans make up 33 %, Chinese 26 %, Malay 21 %, Orang Ulu 8 %, Melanau 7 % and Bidayuh 5 %. But a Melanau can helm the leadership post for years and years and years. What does that tell you ? A young person of 21 years having lived 21 years of life has yet to know more about politics. We are all learning. Fair versus unfair. In life, there is no fairness. Clean versus dirty. In life, we always get our clothes dirty. We can discuss so that our minds will be more enlightened and next time we go voting, we really know who we are voting for and why. Not because the village headman says so. Not because grandpa says so. Not because our favourite person says so. But because we have our own convictions and beliefs.

  19. Who is not playing by the rules of the constitution when that very constitution was amended and interpreted anyway they like? Are amendments to constitution therefore a form of subversion?

  20. i think the opposition have to go tough…. by garnering some tough guys to OPEN ROADS for opposition candidates, the coming general elections, we will see more fierce dogs being released, so be prepared!!!!

  21. The only way to overcome gerrymandering is by making DAP acceptable to all the races of Malaysia. This is a daunting challenge to DAP but not impossible.

    Lim Guan Eng is doing a good job in Penang by assigning important posts to capable DAP members of other race. So that when these capable members speak to the public, it gives people the impression that DAP is not a “Chinese only” party. It is relevant to other races in Malaysia.

  22. ///Are amendments to constitution therefore a form of subversion?///

    Minor amendments – simple majority, important amendments (like re-delineating electoral boundaris) requires 2/3 majority – hence Opposition fight to deny 2/3.

    With legislative majority any group can make the most unair & oppressive laws and justify it as based on consent/will of majority, one of the (but not only) cornerstone of democracy. So democracy can degenerate to rule of majority mob. It is like a meeting where decision has to be based on majority decision. If minority that holds what is right & true cannot convince majority or if majority were all nincompoops, too bad, nothing can be done per the system. Thats why Plato talked of rule by the smartest elites – not representatives of majority because he thought that in any given group there were more stupid than a handful of smart ones. Plato is called an enemy of open society & democracy. At least Karl Popper (the Guru of our Dr George Soros) think so. But LKY in Red dot thought otherwise and subscribes to Plato’s elitism as basis of legitimising governance of masses.

  23. They call constitutional amendments (even those making unfair & unjust laws) democratic expression (not subversion) because amendments are enabled & pushed through by parliamentary majority. 1 man 1 vote where majority re a mob means democracy is system of rule by mob.

  24. Do you think that a PKR-DAP merger will help? For all its weaknesses, PKR is the only genuinely multi-ethnic party in Malaysia. The new party should be led by the younger generation in the original PKR and DAP such as Khalid, LGE, Nurul, Tony Pua etc. Anwar, LKS, Wan Azzizah, Karpal can perhaps serve as advisors.

    By the way, while I obviously have no say on where I should be given birth, I can certainly decide to leave a country where I was condemned by the earlier generation of my ethnic community (who were not even my own ancestors) to live as a dhimmi with little recourse to turn things around.

  25. Actually even DAP a multi-ethnic party (in ideology) but considered more Chinese based in terms of office bearers, members, voter supporters. PKR is multi-ethnic but more Malay based (compared to say DAP) upon same terms. Guess there are some obvious advantages in a merger but its more the practical problems standing in the way – like individual ambitions (In PKR it resulted in some leaving). The other point (ideologically) speaking is where Anwar’s PKR stand on race & religion (going beyond normal selective rhetorics depending on audiences). Depending on on’s perception there may be ambivalence here (ie variance from (say) the more certain position of DAP).

  26. The answer my friend is simple.
    The Malay/Muslim want to control the reins of power. Stephen Kalong Ningkan, Pairin Kitingan were booted out because of religion and race.
    Even with 40% of popular votes the Malays/Muslims will rule this country. This is a reality which the Election Commission to duty bound to hold.
    Remember, the EC is there to see that UMNO/Malay rules forever.
    The Chinese and non-Malays are supposed to live here and shut up.
    The Malays must be Tuans, even by cheating or “whatever means”, ala Ghaddafi if need be.

  27. Give out some proof of photo or video.

    Gather hundreds of people to voice out the corrupted of EC

    The EC must be independent agency by the request of MALAYSIANS

    Go to appeal to AGONG

    This can be work

  28. ///Utusan Malaysia has told Barisan Nasional (BN) to ignore the Chinese community for not supporting the ruling coalition during yesterday’s Sarawak elections.///

    Najib’s 1Malaysia is a complete flop! How can his own publisher go against his 1Malaysia??

  29. (Utusan say) Bark…bark…bark…

    Oh Master they (chinese) can’t be bought

    They are intelligence human being, not like an animal or a dog


    Ok…..GOOD DOGs


    Go try again

  30. BN should deal with the DAP challenge, says Koh — Malaysiakini


    After the 2008 general election, Anwar Ibrahim was considered as the most dangerous man by the BN. So there were the attempts to bring him down by the enactment of Sodomy II saga and the sexual video tape.

    Now DAP is targetted to be the most dangerous party to the BN. Will we see a version of Sodomy III or a sexual tryst tape on the sexual exploits of Lim Kit Siang or Lim Guan Eng?

  31. ///The original constitution contained a provision allowing no more than 15 percent deviation between constituency populations. Just like article 153 – Malay privileges reviewable every 15 years.///– Jeffrey

    I have been trying to get the original version of article 153. Could you please reproduce it here.

  32. ///Increasing support for the DAP and the opposition party’s ability to add more seats in yesterday’s Sarawak state election constitute a big challenge for the BN, said Gerakan president Koh Tsu Koon.He…///–Malaysiakini

    KSK gets it wrong again. It is not that DAP is strong. It is because of BN or rather UMNO racist policies that push non-Malays to vote against BN, and Malays to vote against UMNOputras’ unusually huge wealth.

    ///Meanwhile MCA has congratulated BN for its two-thirds majority victory in Sarawak yesterday but said that the party viewed seriously the defeat suffered by Sarawak United People’s Party. MCA deputy…///–Malaysiakini

    Does it mean that MCA does not realize why it has lost Chinese support and MCA needs to hear from Dr George Chan to understand why MCA would be totally wiped out in the coming 13th GE?

  33. ///”As an MCA leader, I would have to work hard to win the Chinese votes and I’m committed to transforming and changing the party and resolving the problems among the Chinese community,” he said. ///–LTL

    Talk is cheap. Chinese have no problems other than those imposed by UMNO. LTL thinks that by getting a few scholarships for Chinese pupils MCA can continue to say that it represents Chinese. Keep dreaming, Mr Brutus.

  34. (MCA) Bark…bark…bark…

    Oh Master why they got 2 legs can go inside


    Because they are GOOD DOGS like you only bark when I order

    Come here …..DOG bark now


  35. I think the large majority people who voted for BN should really go for mental-psycho treament or re-conditioning.Are they blind to the extent to their ears that they can’t see and hear the ruling government is so corrupted?Are they also conceivable ignorant and having low IQ to understand things were not going well in our past,are not also in recent and will not be better in future With BN regime.Vision 2020?Suck my big toe la!Tak tahan dan tak liaukai la!Typical canland people!

  36. We do not have 1 person 1 vote in reality, someone get 0.6 others get 1.4 in weightage, even you get a popular votes of 51% you still be the opposition, that is our system. We compete 100m race with some runners are planted 20m in-front of other, that is how we evaluate competitiveness, nothing new! Just something that explains why all the fuss in Chinese community? Then they throw in the racist into picture, that Chinese is racist, DAP is racist, but in reality, how could Chinese as minority choosing a racial path?

  37. Sim Kui Hian was very poor in his speech. I was surprised. But, being a good surgeon does not mean that he has to be good in many other things. I always believe it is most logical to do something one is best in.

  38. As a medical doctor…Sim realy did not appear to have any conscience at all when hechose to ride with such a corrupt regime such as Taib….

    The results show it all….this doctor did not have a good heart…..

  39. MCA (Kong Cho Ha) blamed the DAP for the swing of Chinese vote to the opposition. He further claimed that DAP is not able to help the Chinese.

    I think MCA should look itself in the mirror before making such a comment. It is precisely because MCA is not able to help the Chinese that the Chinese at large have turned to DAP and for that matter, Pakatan.

    And to MCA, PLEASE don’t claim that you represent the Chinese in Malaysia; we don’t need you!!!

  40. Why? It was carefully planned by Dr. Mahathir himself. He bend around the rules of fair election.

    “Only 8 out of 55 seats won by BN had voters ranging from 10,000 to 13,000. The others were at least 3 or 4 times less than those captured by Pakatan Rakyat, with the majority of them ranging from 5,000 to 7,000 voters. These stellar figures go against the fundamental theory of ‘one vote-one count’ adopted all over the world.
    Most countries have a rule that the number of voters in the least-dense constituency must have at least 80% of the number of voters densest constituency.”

  41. “Do you guys know why Dr. Mahathir was so confident in BN winning Sarawak? It is because it was him who engineered the constituency’s over there. If you check each constituency you will notice Chinese majority areas are clumped together and considered as a constituency but rural areas having a local/malay majority are put into smaller constituency’s spread around. If you check during voting the smaller constituency’s number 600+ and the slightly bigger ones number around 2k-4k.

    How can you lose if you already know that the 2/3’s are the places where there’s no chance you can lose 19k postal votes spread into any area will cause a sure win for BN.

    That old man sure is clever…”

  42. DAP won city seat, if PKR send cadidate in the city, it does not necessary win against BN. Just like how DAP only win 6 seats in 2006. Chinese are merely 26% of the Sarawak polution. It means non-chinese supported PR as well and together with 1 independent candidate they won 45% of the voters. Iban leaders needed to be given attention especially when their population is reach 20% of the seats.Together with chinese and minor races, these can make up to 51%. PAS should not contest in East Malaysia. Melanau & Bidayuh leaders shouldnt be given any seat even if majority of the seats are Malanau and Bidayuh.

    Hopefully there are more Malay leaders, iban leaders, kadazan/dusun leaders and indian leaders joining DAP. With no other races joining DAP, i doubt PKR will allow DAP to contest in mixed seats too. PKR stuggle from the start rely too on anwar ibrahim. some leaders are just anwar fans. They should focus on change, just like how dap promoted their “ubah”, and bn promoting their ‘1msia’ logo with gift and dinner. Be more creative and assemble a group of soldiers and leaders who wanted to change. If PKR wanted to contest in urban areas, they should consider opening and allocate more suburban seats to DAP in the the future. Otherwise like this election, DAP allocated seats were sqeezed to 15. When they asked for 18. If PKR agree to allocate some seats in suburban in the future, i am sure they can work things out and bring more seats to DAP in suburban areas. The wind is already blowing in Sarawak, here 45% of the voters vote for NON-BN. Those DAP, PKR won are highly populated seats!!! It only needs some rural areas leaders especially from the rumah panjang iban to make the change. After so many times of tests, PKR and PR should give up on Melalau seats, dont choose any leaders from Melanau. Because Melalau Malay are different mentality than west malaysia malay. (They never change). Iban, kadazan,dusun, and murut pen minded. Just focus on leaders and people whose mind are ready for change. It is a good lesson for PR, because they still have time to make the necessary “change” the leaders in the coming 13GE. DAP and PKR should really concentrate working on campaigning, and meetings together in Sabah and Sarawak. May be you can see DAP leaders visiting rural areas, etc.

    But think again, it is the rural areas whose mentality that needed to change. They are afraid to make the change. DAP’s win in urban areas can play a good part in bringing the “good news” of change to the rural areas.Change of mentality takes time. The election areas were CREATED BY BN to confuse the people of who is winning in the election, so all the seats in opposition areas were more voters than non-BN areas. In this election, BN only got 55%, 45% voted for PR and indepandant candidate. Hopefully DAP and PKR can recruits more iban, bidayuh, kadazan/dusun. PAS should be always be reminded of where it should and should not contest. If you really wanted to know. The number of West Malaysia voters who voted for PR is in fact more than BN on 12GE. But due to Sabah and Sarawak voters that the numbers added up so that BN won by 52.2% only!!!!

    Just tell this to the people in rural areas that if BN continue to rule. Then Malaysia economy will be doom. “City people” to come to rural areas to fight with their land. Just like the way IOI, Felda Plantations Sdn Bhd, Sime Darby robing their NCR land. And if they want their children come back and continue to be farmers, “pungut hasil hutan” and fishermen due to economy in city is bad. Then go ahead, and continue to vote BN forever!!! Malaysia population is getting larger. There are not enough free land giving away to people unlike Tun Razak days where he used to bribe voters with free land. Luckily land in rural areas are cheap, BN are able to give away land, especially in Sarawak and Sabah. But in West Malaysia, many of the state land are already given away. NO more free lands in West Malaysia. You can think of politics in Sabah and Sarawak still like the 1960s days where free lands were given away by Tun Abdul Razak. Hopefully PKR and DAP are prepared for a strong election team for a change in federal government in the coming 13GE.And bring a change in economic, legistrative and governance reform.

  43. this is seriously stupid; chinese are NOT the main group in sarawak; the ibans and bidayuhs form the largest group in the state! chinese are a large group, but they are not the largest as you say.
    get your facts right before you post something like this and embarrass yourself!

  44. may be one of the reason why rural people scare to vote pakatan is because they sale all their products through FAMA, be it fishery or agriculture products.

    FAMA setup outlets and booth in turn to help to sale farmers product.

    Well, the URBAN voters can AVOID buying from FAMA outlet, they can buy from hypermarket, pasar malam etc. instead. This will ensure the rural voters less hesitate to vote for opposition.

    buy more imported vegetables and fishery.

  45. Listening to speeches is just a show of support. People already know who they want to vote. For both the ruling party of Barisan Nasional and the fragmented opposition of Parti Keadilan Rakyat, Parti Islam SeMalaysia, Democratic Action Party, others and the Independents, the supporters are from all over. You have Muslims in both UMNO and PAS. You have Christians born again or not in both MCA and DAP. You have professionals and doctors in both MCA and DAP and UMNO and PAS. You vote for a certain party because you have a thought in your brain or a dream and you want this party to make it a reality. You can be very emotional and angry because your opposition did not win the 2/3 majority. But you cannot take over if you are not ready. Look at what happen in West Malaysia. The foundation is not solid enough. Face the fact. Both sides have all sorts of people. Those believe in God or Tuhan or Allah. Those who are professionals. Those who are just ordinary people. Those who wish to face the facts without emotions. Those who are led by emotions and gossips and SMS. If there is anyone who can judge who is the better person, it has to be God. Next question. Why God do you allow this corrupt person to be in control again ?

  46. MCA and Gerakan should quit BN because Utusan said BN still can win the general election without the support of the Chinese community. Indirectly Utusan was saying that MCA and Gerakan were redundant useless parties in BN. The two parties should not wait for UNMO to force them out (of the coalition) but quit on their own, or else they will lose their self esteem.

  47. I don’t get it. Is there anyone in the non-Malay community that don’t know that the election rules are UNFAIR? When LKY in Singapore is a pioneer in unfair election, the ability of Chinese to argue against it here is much compromised. Like it or not, argue all the difference you want, that is the system that will never change under BN. The fact is, if it does not get worst, we would already be lucky.

    The fact is the only way to argue about the danger of misrepresentation is to argue that the Chinese votes are NOT about Chinese issues. The truth is the big elephant in the room is that the Chinese votes are largely about issues important to EVERYONE. That is the real reason why BN cannot ignore the Chinese votes. Ignoring the Chinese votes is equivalent to ignoring national issues. Its not a boast or extrapolation. The Chinese are superiorly and morally right about the issues. Period.

    That is why BN cannot use traditional means to get back the Chinese votes, because its about basic right and wrong and the Chinese knows it because it cuts across ALL ages from the grandparents all the way down to the young. So broad a spectrum of people can’t be parochial and narrow-minded.

    Until MCA, Gerakan, MIC, SUPP come together and face UMNO and tell it to their face that its about EVERYONE’s concern, then they have nothing, they can’t recover. Anything else they do is fleeting. There is no long term strategy for the parties and its a waste of EVERYONE time they are in BN.

  48. BN represents the supposedly elected malaysian government. And BN stands for a multi-racial front of which chinsese is also one, in fact I would say, a very important one. Yes. BN was banged together 50yrs ago on that basis. It was and still is to be seen as a people’s representatives political body. So during election, chinese voters are constantly being reminded by BN of the need to vote chinese based BN component parties in order to retain chinese representation in BN. This is the concept that underpins the BN body. And in the minds of the people this forms the foundation of BN’s legitimacy (in the lay sense) and acceptability.

    As it happens, it is now clear beyond doubt that chinese electorates are moving away from BN. They do not want any representation in BN. That means they no longer value the argument or the idea that chinese must be represented in the government of the country. They are not bothered by the lack of representation. In fact they see the pointlessness of such representations – de jure representatives who are de facto useless. Useless because they allowed umno to lord over them in BN in all matters and since the 90’s (or late 80’s?) to marginalise them. The famous Annual Begging Festival (for scholarship) is one ridiculous and absolutely nonsensical consequence of the marginalisation program by umno.

    Given this development, again in the lay sense, is BN still legitimate? No! The BN concept is begining to sound hollow on the inside, just like the 1malaysia slogan is hollow.

    Apa BN? Pegilah lu. Pooorah.

  49. Dis is d start of d Holy Week leading 2 Easter Sunday
    All Christians plz take some time 2 reflect on d future of dis corrupt n racially polarised nation with restricted religious freedom n on d road 2 bankruptcy
    Christians who r BN supporters must seriously ask themselves if they r doing d right thing, cos they r condemning themselves n their progeny 2 b ruled by evil UmnoB/BN
    Pray hard, fellow citizens, n hv d courage 2 contribute 2 d resurrection of a just nation where all citizens r proud 2 declare dat they r committed +vely 2 a Malaysian Malaysia
    It’s not too late 2 switch your support 2 PR n CHANGE by kicking out d evil UmnoB/BN

    Great news Georgie is quitting active politics 2 enjoy his young wife n ill-gotten wealth
    He must b jealous of Tahi whose young wife gave him a delighted hug on polling night

  50. The election comments on the chinese by that garbage and racialistic media UM had finally proved that they are UMNO mouthpiece. What a sore loser. Just ignore these racialistic media reporting goons and move on. Make sure PKR/DAP/PAS kick all these goons assess out when GE13 comes.
    As for MCA led by a pornstar and that includes Gerakan/MIC/PPP, they are all irrelevant to their respective community since 0308.
    They are now acting like what the chinese said “dead chicken kicking the rice bowl cover

  51. Sarawakians especially those in urban areas, have done well to reject corruption. I believed their contributions in cash and in kind are very strong support to DAP to make things easy to mobilize with their limited machineries. Sarawakians’ generosity is very much commendable.

  52. Liow says that the government must treat the Chinese better. George Chan says that the policies towards the Chinese could have been better.

    These are typical Chinese hypocrites. They take the scraps that drop from UMNO’s main table, and they keep quiet – until they get booted out by the rakyat. Then they start taking the righteous positions.

    MCA, Gerakan, SUPP, MIC – if you honestly believe that the minority races have been hard done by, then just quit BN. Don’t take the scraps. You quit BN and start the revolution, and then we can perhaps treat you with a little more respect.

  53. For a race that provides over 90 pct of tax revenues – that allows UMNO to keep a bloated civil service comprising over 90 pct of their own people, most of whom are not gainfully employed anyway – why are the Chinese being treated like they are not wanted in this country ?

    The answer lies in the deceit and greed of the Chinese politicians who have for the past 30 years accepted scraps from UMNO to keep quiet, and not to raise sensitive issues. In the next GE, we should all attend the MCA, MIC and Gerakan ceramahs – just to thrown rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes at these traitors.

  54. somehow this article look racist especially comments from your supporters…good job for dividing Malaysian, may your dream comes true. by acez

    By right it should’ve been …somehow this article look counter-racist especially comments from your supporters..good job for enlightening Malaysian,may your dream comes true. by non pro-racist Utusan Malaysia

  55. Lets reiterates >>>SUPP MCA GERAKAN Politics will be NO MATCH FOR DAP even with Ringgits billions of Empty Promises….BN Peronnel Wealth Corruptions,Cheating and Power abuses…becos these moron politicaians dont act Just Talk only <>> Not Given free or parachuted drop from sky…..cannot sustained forever… Angpow RM $50 with few cheap biscuits ,milo and gimmicks sorts of kindness sympathy>>>NO WAY .
    However DAP must maintain their STand and promises and do whatever hv to do and continue to do for the good of the Sarawak People and stay away from Corruptions Practises not even 1 cents pocketed.
    Public Image is Important anf PR must work on their Manifesto based on Rukun Negara.

  56. The Chinese in Malaysia have to face the stark reality that to get a Fair deal in our country we have to throw away MCA,Gerakan,SUPP for these leaders are only serving their self-interest.I challenge all the bogus leaders of chinese based parties in the BN to QUIT BN and join other Indigeous party to fight for the Right of all Malaysians irrespective of race colour or religion and I am sure any Malaysians will give their wholehearted support.Accepting scraps from UMNO is a total betrayal of the the Trust of the people you claim to represent. Enough is enough the results of the elections CLEARLY demonstrate the frustrations of the chinese communities in East and West Malaysia of the Unfair practice existing in our country and the nons will unite with any party which. will genuinely and sincerely fight for the rights of all Malaysians.

  57. ///I have been trying to get the original version of article 153. Could you please reproduce it here./// – Loh

    I suspect there’s likely none we could find. I am beginning to think that it was probably at early drafting stage (of constitution), when Reid Commission was deliberating, that the 15 yrs review of article 153 was proposed but it was dropped because of opposition from the Malay independence groups during the 1950s )(which also opposed Malayan Union). This being the case the first Constitution, when it appeared, entrenched 153 in perpetuity (indirectly) by requiring (not only 2/3 majority) but also rulers-in-council approval for its amendment. By constitutional definition of rulers’ constitutional role, they will not and unlikely to ever agree. I think the above outlined is the likely position. However I am not 100% sure on this and could be wrong.

  58. In response to Mr. Lim Yin Kuin letter,
    According to wikipedia, The Ibans comprise the largest percentage (almost 34%) of Sarawak’s population, while The Chinese make another 26%. I assumed that you are not from Sarawak based on your initial paragraph stating that Chinese are the majority group in Sarawak and was not fairly given opportunity to contest more seats during the recently concluded Sarawak Election. Nevertheless, I am also more incline to agree with your opinion, but with cautious still. To allow more seats for DAP might not be that relevant, as Chinese population mostly concentrated in urban & suburban areas. DAP main attention is to go to the Chinese and say ‘look, you have an option, SUPP or DAP’. They are fighting for the unheard Chinese voices. Will you find thousands of Chinese voters in most part of Sarawak’s rural area? Very very unlikely. If you have Chinese population in this rural areas who want to vote for change, by all mean you can put DAP candidates to contest in it.
    I am, like your good self very well aware that our community is under represented in the system. Even worse, with so many assemblymen, they have become yes men to one person. While your community representation (MCA, GERAKAN, SUPP –Sarawak), are merely there to mingles only with the elites, you have DAP on the other hand, never stop their cause to fight the imbalance system. My community political party is here merely to fulfill the requirement of the system because we comprise the biggest populations in Sarawak, nothing more than that. Worse still, amongst ourselves, we fight for no particular reasons, easily influence by promise of wealth and always self proclaimed fighter of the cause. FYI, by default, one of the terms accepted by peninsular when we formed Federation of Malaysia is that our Chief Minister should be an Iban. Unfortunately this is not the case. Despite having vast land of ourselves, we gave the responsibility to other to manage the state. Who would have thought the trust turned to GREED? It began when Datuk Kalong Ningkan were ousted by Abdul Rahman Yaakub, who then succeeded by his nephew, Our much beloved Pehin Seri. Even those two were involved in the Ming Court Affair, which lead to the overstaying on the position until now. The deputy? The deputy is as old as the Chief Minister. As soon as the CM steps down, so will his deputy. So you see, your concern regarding the DAP should have more seats during the election is still ok compare to my community bleak future. That is why at the end of the upper paragraph I mentioned “with cautious still”. We have been CONNED, and then deprived from our own right. You can blame it on us though, largely.
    My communities are mainly still, formed the lower group of the economy (older generation after approximately during/after the Japanese occupation), only lately the younger generation (I could say 2nd generation) start to move to the middle working class (mostly in Government sectors) whose, their children (my generation) received better education level and perhaps move to professional level. Looking at the trend nowadays, it’s getting more and more difficult to join public work forces, there are very distinctive preferences are being given to particular ethnic group. Independently, your community long has contributed to the economy of this country. And which is why your struggles are different from us. While yours are mainly fight for fair share of wealth, we are struggling to determine our sources of incomes. Our grandparents were farmers/fishermen/nomads, our parent mostly civil servants, my generation? We are confused. A good result in public examination does not guarantee entrance to public university. Even if we could get an outstanding CGPA, does not guarantee our admission to government sectors. It’s now even harder to get scholarship based on bumiputera’s privilege. Somebody used to mention to me that we are second class bumis. Fortunately, our community has started to notice that now.
    Independently, due to your community nature as very good traders, you can go and decide what you want, particularly in education. For us, one of the main obstacles is how to pay for a worthy tertiary level of education that will give us a leap in understanding the whole system. We know now that KNOWLEDGE is POWER. Without knowledge we are being deprived from everything which is supposed to be owned by us. And the most basic element – FREEDOM.
    And I agreed with you that we are bound to the racial political parties. Previously our community has the strong PBDS, only to be divided to SNAP, PRS & SPDP at the end. I envy your communities awareness and the will to change things. Nevertheless, As voters, we are now more acceptable to the fact that domestically formed party do not necessarily relevant to address all issues. You can see that although PR did not manage to gain 1/3 of the seats, the overall votes are more now to them.
    Changes are inevitable, but it will take times. Perhaps more than you would expect. Again, I am very lucky to witness this historic election, which gives me hope that we can move forward. DAP initial move to contest only in Chinese majority seats are mainly based on their previous campaigns in Sarawak. But now we know that we can accept other political parties to fight for our rights. People know that. I know that now.
    If DAP continue to fight without fears and favours, I can guarantee you no matter where they contest and, they will win. This goes to other PR component as well. Rest assured, it will not be easy.
    My opinion only,
    Trang Trang bula.

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