Clean sweep for PBB, but Taib still on rocky ground

By Shannon Teoh
April 16, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, April 16 — Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) won all 35 seats it contested in today’s polls but its president Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud will still take the fall for Sarawak Barisan Nasional’s (BN) loss of 16 seats.

Coalition chief Datuk Seri Najib Razak said in a press conference tonight that BN will stick to the pledge that the Sarawak chief minister would step down after the state election.

“When the time is right, we will fulfil the promise,” the prime minister said when asked about whether Abdul Taib would be ending his 30-year term. He did not specify the timing for Taib’s resignation.

Opposition parties improved on their 2006 tally of eight by winning 15 seats this time around.

It was also reported that BN saw its comfortable popular majority of 62.93 per cent slashed to just 55.24 per cent, a clear warning that the state could no longer be considered a fixed deposit in future elections.

Najib also said that he would use the results of the Sarawak election as a guide for when to call federal polls which are expected to be held within a year.

Analysts have said that the results would translate into further losses for BN in Parliament if Abdul Taib is not forced to quit before a general election.

During the 10-day campaign, the Umno president had pledged that Abdul Taib would step down after the polls.

However, the 74-year-old Abdul Taib immediately responded by insisting that he would only resign “after a few years.”

11 Replies to “Clean sweep for PBB, but Taib still on rocky ground”

  1. ‘During the 10-day campaign, the Umno president had pledged that Abdul Taib would step down after the polls.

    However, the 74-year-old Abdul Taib immediately responded by insisting that he would only resign “after a few years.”’

    If this is true, it is amounting to telling the PM “Go, fly kites”

    What a comedy!

  2. Bark…bark…bark…

    Oh Master they can’t be bought

    They are human being, not like an animal or a dog


    Ok…..GOOD DOGs


    Go try again


    Oh Master they are so many RUNNING DOGS chasing after RM50


    Ok….GOOD DOGs


  3. ///“When the time is right, we will fulfil the promise,” the prime minister said when asked about whether Abdul Taib would be ending his 30-year term. He did not specify the timing for Taib’s resignation.///

    Taib Mahmud was sworn in at 10.40 pm on 16 April 2011, within an hour of the official results being made known. Did the governor receive official notification from Najib, the head of BN to appoint Taib? Najib could not have prepared a signed letter appointing Taib, and so Taib Mahmud must have submitted a paper nominating himself as head of a political entity in Sarawak. Thus BN chief Najib has not nominated Taib and so his position is not recognized by the Governor of Sarawak as having the authority to appoint, and thus un-appoint the CM of Sarawak.

    Taib can stay on as CM until the next Sarawak election. It would be better for Taib if the federal government is not headed by BN, and thus the Pakatan Rakyat government in Putrajaya cannot request for a change of CM in Sarawak. It appears to be in Taib Mahmud’s interest to have a regime change in Putrajaya. Taib Mahmud can be helpful to himself to ensure that happen in the coming GE 13.

  4. The first question that PR got to ask Pek Moh is given that he was dependent on UMNO/BN to rescue him this election, how is he going to guarantee that Sarawak NEVER see UMNO setup in Sarawak to safeguard the state and Dayaks from their evil..

    This is the question that got to be kept in the minds of Dayaks day in day out until GE

  5. #4 Bigjoe:

    I don’t think Pek Moh is really going to care if UMNO steps into Sarawak so long as he can have the next few years to accumulate enough for his extended family. If you look at Sabah, the story is the same – UMNO corrupts the few indigenous leaders, and then steps in with their Project IC to ensure that UMNO has the support of new voters. Where are those indigenous leaders now ? Living a life of luxury without a care in the world…

    Look for the new contracts to be awarded on a “business as usual” basis to Pek Moh’s companies and companies controlled by his relatives and henchmen.

  6. Pekmo where got wants 2 step down 1? Loss face mah, some more ordered by foreign devils fr overseas Putrajaya, how can 1
    He rather commits seppuku (asks his darling young wife 2 do it on him) than 2 boh bin
    Meanwhile, he will spend as much time as possible 2 enjoy his darling young wife
    Who knows he may kick d bucket while hving a seks tryst with his SYT, at least stiff with a smile on his face on d road 2 hades/inferno

  7. What’s more important for PR now is to ensure that all the elected reps work hard for the rakyat, and for PR to work harder in the rural areas where money politics and short-term perks from UMNO need to be challenged. Congratulations to DAP for a superb performance!

  8. Najib should promote Taib to become his deputy (Deputy Prime Minister) because Taib is so good in getting victory for his own party. If without Taib, Najib will be in serious trouble in coming general election.

  9. //However, the 74-year-old Abdul Taib immediately responded by insisting that he would only resign “after a few years.”//

    By then he will refuse to resign and resort to violent suppression of people cause the doses of viagras that help him to stand now as chief candidate and bridegroom candidate will not work for him anymore.Hence more mengamuk he becomes to terrorize the nature and his ‘see but cannot stand to touch’ new bride.The nature resources will become botak and the new bride and her new state’s fellowmen will become gila.

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