Good evening Uncle Lim,

As a dawn of a new century will begin for Sarawak tomorrow and hopefully on Sunday, I would like to wish you Pakatan Rakyat members – DAP, PKR and PAS all the best and good luck to achieve another politcal tsunami. Although I’m in Australia studying, I’m still keeping track of news back home.

It’s good that all of you are being optimistic of the situation; again a word of caution – beware of the dirty tricks which are about to be played or are already in play. But by the end of the day, the kuasa rakyat or tsunami Part 2 will help to carry you to victory. I can see either the two happening; denying BN 2/3 majority in the assembly or taking over the Sarawak administration. Deep inside, I hope that PR will take both.

416 will indeed be a good day and I pray that whatever it maybe all of you are true champions of the rakyat. I know you have put in your effort to campaign and so do the rest. Don’t worry Uncle Lim, all of us Malaysians have got your backs. So don’t ever give up hope and continue to dream the impossible which will be made possible. I have used this phrase for my students, “Wherever you go there will always be mountains to climb and rivers to cross. But if you can use the disadvantages of the mountains and rivers to your gain; then all is well for you.”

I’m sending Pakatan Rakyat positive waves so that the positive waves will be transformed into a huge tsunami! Wishing you all the best and hope that you’ll be able to get Sarawak!

Aaron Oo

7 Replies to “UBAH SARAWAK – Good Luck!”

  1. PR has ruled its states better for last 3 years
    Despite wasting time cleaning up BN’s mess
    PR’s success is what Umno/BN fears
    PR must maximise its potentials more no less

    Finally 416 is here, the polling day
    Sarawakians, it’s now or never
    Wise up to PR’s more successful way
    Kick out BN into political wilderness forever

  2. God help Sarawak. God help Malaysia
    Let us all hope and pray that when the sun rises tomorrow, we have a better tomorrow.

    It is out of your hands, Kit. It is in God’s hands.

    We need to change the tenant in Putrajaya

  3. //..denying BN 2/3 majority in the assembly or taking over the Sarawak administration. Deep inside, I hope that PR will take both.//

    Cannot one lah, with so many multi-cornered fights with snap and independents paid by bn to split the opposition votes. Possible only with one-to-one contests.

  4. Sarawakians will wake up to a better tomorrow.
    People said BN 2/3 majority is untouchable, look at March 2008. People also said Mubarak is too strong to be toppled,, look at Egypt now.. Same goes to Ben Ali. History is on our side.. Dictators.. go to hell!! March on..you PR warriors, the whole country is with you!!!

  5. All right thinking people want the rotten to the core Pek Moh and his cronies to get lost asap.The election campaign led by LKS should see very positive and encouraging results tonight.Their untiring hardwork during the past ten days has helped to awaken the Sarawakians and victory will be on their side.Bravo,Dap and PR.

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